Minnis DOPE SMOKERS come for Pintard using BP brand HANDLE! IT IS NOT FROM OUR PAGES OR NETWORK!!!


Minister Jobeth Coleby Davis political name is becoming popular like Hubert Ingraham as she is attacked by Minnis and the FNM women haters daily!

The political war between Hubert Minnis and Michael Pintard heats up as Minnis launched as nasty online attack against the Opposition Leader. File Photo

NASSAU| So the DOPE Smokers supporting former Prime Minister Hubert Minnis went out in full frontal attack against Opposition Leader Michael Pintard on Sunday.

Now we don’t want to get into the deep war and division inside the FNM between the leadership, but we saw it necessary to respond because the Minnis DOPE SMOKERS decided to use the Bahamas Press (BP) WhatsApp brand handle to carry out their massacre on Pintard. 

Bahamas Press wants to firstly inform the public that Pintard is not being tagged along with PM Davis, but as Leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, he is a subject of King Charles and has been “commanded” to appear for his coronation. These are the rules. 

We also take exception to the Dope Smoker’s constant attack of PLP Member of Parliament Hon. Jobeth Coleby Davis who is a decent exceptional OUTSTANDING woman with a future deep inside the Davis Government!  Why Team Minnis constantly comes for this political GIANT is indeed shocking to us! She reminds BP of the days in the 1980s when Hubert Ingraham was made a household name because of daily attacks by this upcoming, FAST RISING political star!

We warn Bahamas Press readers to be aware of bad actors who attempt to use our BRAND/Handle BP to spew their LIES! Of course, you know Minnis is a LIAR – and some say THIEF – when it comes to trying to distort and confuse voters. These days, we refer to him as THE LYING KING!

BP material on WhatsApp is always linked to our newspapers and so, whenever you see any of the DOPE SMOKERS or his few followers sharing material not linked to www.bahamaspress.com or any of our social media pages, you should know by now it is NOT FROM US!

Remember Now: WE REPORT, YINNER DECIDE! And Minnis does LIE!