Minnis is just another failed promise for the Bahamian people!

Prime Minister THE MOST HON. Hubert Minnis

NASSAU| The Prime Minister told the nation he will deal with the beachgoers on the islands who are breaking the law!

Let me add this promise to my list:
1) Minnis promised to Investigate BPL
2) Minnis promised to investigate the missing OBAN files
3 Minnis promised to repeal any taxes which are hurting Bahamians
4) Minnis promised to turn Ragged Island into a GREEN CITY (bush)
5) Minnis promised term limits for Prime Ministers
6) Minnis promised to develop one housing subdivision each year for the next ten years.7) Minnis promised to institute a recall system for non-performing members of Parliament. (this would be very helpful right now)
8) Minnis promised an independent Constituencies Commission and Electoral Commission.
9) Minnis promised an over-the-hill reform programme which has now stalled and the PRISON OFFICER in charge sacked after dangerous allegations of theft surfaced inside the OPM.
10) Minnis promised to “overhaul the economy of the Bahamas and put society back on the right path.” HIS WORDS NOT OURS. You be the judge of that!

ALL WE SAY IS THIS: IF you believe Minnis really gat something for you – I ga tell you now – it’s just another promise!

We report yinner decide!