Minnis Reckless and Irresponsible Again on Baha Mar


PLPs at Mass Rally in Eight Mile Rock last night.

By Keith Bell

On April 21st, Baha Mar opened its doors – an opening that generated positive news coverage for The Bahamas around the world, and marked the beginning of a new era for our tourism product.

Incredibly, Hubert Minnis is desperately unhappy that something this big and this good is happening for our country.

He is talking fool: This is massive ignorance and malice playing out in real time.
Hubert Minnis was invited by the President of Baha Mar to attend the opening – he refused to go.

He didn’t go because he would have had to acknowledge that the 1600 Bahamians working at Baha Mar right now are real – their jobs are real, their excitement is real, and what this means for our country is real.

The young people I know who are working there are furious that Hubert Minnis is playing politics with their jobs.

His reckless promise to sell Baha Mar – which would mean court cases, stalled progress, and thousands of Bahamian jobs at risk – has infuriated Bahamians.

The opening of Baha Mar is real. What is fake is the FNM’s slogan – It’s the People’s Time? Please – no one who cared about Bahamians or the reputation of The Bahamas would behave this way.