More Road Closures Announced in the Capital


Chaos and long delays on the New Providence Road Project forcasted ahead.
Nassau, Bahamas – The Ministry of Public Works and Transport wishes to advise the public of the following road closures as the New Providence Road Improvement and Infrastructure Project continues.

East Street South

On Saturday, July 9, 2011 there will be a temporary diversion of traffic to allow the installation of a drainage well at the intersection of East Street South/Bamboo Boulevard and Zion Boulevard. The diversion will allow for one day. Motorists are asked to follow the posted diversion signs.

Baillou Hill Road South

Road works continue on the verge between Soldier Road and the Town Centre Mall Roundabout. Traffic has been maintained as utility service ducts and drainage pipes have been installed.

Beginning Wednesday, July 13 motorists are advised to expect a road closure for the southbound lane on Baillou Hill Road near to Family Guardian.

Two lanes of traffic will be implemented in the northbound lane while the area directly behind Family Guardian will be closed to vehicular traffic. Southbound traffic will cross over to the northbound lane and there will be one lane of traffic in each direction. Local access will be granted to nearby residents and businesses.

Geno D – Dig Up 2011 by 242party


  1. And the sad thing is there are idiots out there who actually believe this government is doing all these road improvements for the benefit of the Bahamian people.

  2. I think they are testing us to see how much s#!t we could take. Traffic was already bad before they started s#!tting with the roads and now its just a nightmare! Clearly, they do not know what they are doing!!

  3. Smt!!! Man they digging up everywhere without completing the places they were digging first. By the time their done every road would be blocked off & we would have anymore cars!

  4. Is this what the Bahamian music come down too ! I thought ‘Stinkin’ goatskin’ was the worst Bahamian music of all times .. but Geno D you take the cake with this one. The roadworks are enough hell to look at, now this piece of crap you call music, go back in the studio and try again. It STINKS !! 2 thumbs down.

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