MORE workers fired at Baha Mar! Who LIED to THEM?



Two sick men, LONGTIME LAW PARTNERS, PRIME MINSTERS AND YES, GOOD FRIENDS. Workers at Bah Mar are fired everyday, and both Ingraham and Christie – who agreed and SOLD THE BAHAMIAN LAND TO THE COMPANY – say not a word about the workers losing their jobs. But rather often they sit around a table with wine glasses in front of them, stoking their bad heart and stoke conditions. Bahamas Press wonders when will PLPs and FNMs realize how much better off they would be, when these two JOKERS ARE OUT OF OFFICE FOR GOOD?

Nassau, Bahamas: When Perry G. Christie sat on live ZNS TV for the second signing of the Baha Mar deal, the single most important point was, “NO BAHAMIAN WILL LOSE THEIR JOB IN THIS DEVELOPMENT UNDERTAKING.” However, even after Ingraham argued that the Sir Cecil Wallace Whitefield Build (THE PM OFFICE) and the road (THE MEDIAN) should NOT BE SOLD to Bah Mar, Ingraham proceeded with the deal he detested during the 2007 general elections.

Interestingly, everything was agreed at a cost for $40 million. The idea being that the Bahamian people were partners in the project. It was concluded to being a WIN-WIN situation.


However, when the Ingraham government won the elections, he STOPPED AND REVIEWED the Christie deal with Bah Mar. Interestingly, Ingraham never once mentioned whether the workers at Bah Mar would have secure jobs at the HOTEL. Not a word on the safety of JOBS held by Bahamians was mentioned by INGRAHAM. And NOT A WORD FOLLOWED AS TO WHETHER OR NOT THE ROAD and the ONLY public beach in the area was also sold in the deal to Baha MAR.

And now since Prime Minister’s communication to Parliament (SEE BELOW), questions continue to go unanswered. Was the ROAD SOLD? WAS THE BEACH SOLD? WAS THE DEAL FOR JOB SECURITY STILL A PIVOTAL PART OF THAT BAH MAR DEAL?

As we know for sure, the last part of our questions were broken already, Bah Mar dismissed an additional 28 workers this past Friday, according to our sources at the WYNDHAM Property. The company has beheaded Twenty-Eight additional persons since the LAND WAS SOLD and the inked dried. NOW we ask, WHO HAS BEEN HOODWINKED HERE, the Workers or The Bahamian PEOPLE or BOTH?

MORE LIES however are still being spun by BAH MAR and assisted by ZNS. An ad is still running on ZNS TV 13 saying Bah Mar is “GOOD FOR THE BAHAMAS, and BETTER FOR BAHAMIANS!”




Mr. Speaker,

The Government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas (the Government) entered into a Heads of Agreement dated 6th April, 2005 with Baha Mar Development Company Limited (Baha Mar) to redevelop the Cable Beach area into a world-class resort. On the same day, 6 April, 2005 the Government and or its agencies issued a number of related Side Letters to Baha Mar. Copies of the Agreement and the Side Letters were previously tabled in Parliament by the Honourable Member for St. Anne’s.

Ministry of Finance Side Letter confirms a deferred payment schedule for Baha Mar of
$10.1 million in stamp tax due and payable on various land transfers, and deferred payment of annual casino taxes of $2.1 million until the Crystal Palace casino moved to smaller premises (projected by April, 2007) or the opening of the new casino (projected at 1st April, 2009). After completion of the new casino, these deferred casino taxes were to be made by installments over a period of four years.

Side Letter from the Ministry of Tourism agreeing to a cooperative marketing campaign including Baha Mar and resort owners in Cable Beach on a matching fund basis to which the Ministry and Baha Mar would each contribute $20 million. The campaign for the re-launch of the resorts in Cable Beach was to take place over a two year period.
Side Letter from the Ministry of Transport and Aviation confirming the Government’s commitment to make improvements at the Nassau International Airport (now the Lynden Pindling International Airport).
Side Letter from the Ministry of Works & Utilities relating to the construction of temporary housing for non-Bahamian construction workers at the Project site, if Baha Mar was unable to locate appropriate housing elsewhere in New Providence.

Side Letter from the Hotel Corporation of The Bahamas relating to the Corporation’s undertaking to Baha Mar to complete an assessment and remediation of the discharge of diesel fuel at the Radisson (now the Sheraton) Laundry Facility.

Contemporaneously with the execution of the Heads of Agreement and the issuance of these Side Letters Baha Mar also entered into Agreements to purchase certain Cable Beach properties:

Agreement with the Hotel Corporation of The Bahamas (HCB Agreement);
Agreement with the Crown (Crown Agreement); and
Agreement with the Treasurer of The Bahamas (Treasurer’s Agreement).

Summary of Land Transfers

1. HCB Agreement

Under the HCB Agreement, the Hotel Corporation of The Bahamas (HCB) agreed to sell, and Baha Mar Development Company Ltd. (Baha Mar) agreed to purchase, the following properties for the aggregate purchase price of $39 million:

Real property, comprising (i) the Radisson Cable Beach Hotel with ancillary facilities and (ii) the Cable Beach Golf Course together with:
(a) HCB’s right, title and interest in licences, permits and Government approvals and authorizations used in connection with the ownership, use, or operation of the properties;
(b) HCB’s Personal Property used in connection with the ownership, use or operation of the hotel property, namely, furniture, fixtures and equipment;
(c) HCB’s right, title and interest in Assumed Contracts, Assumed Leases and Advanced Bookings;
(d) Intellectual Property being HCB’s right, title and interest in any trademarks, trade names, logos, copyrights or other intangible property used in connection with the ownership, use or operation of the real property;
(e) HCB’s goodwill with respect to the Radisson hotel business;
(f) HCB’s Consumables on hotel property being (i) operating, maintenance, cleaning and household supplies, (ii) retail merchandise located on the Property for sale to hotel guests and to the public, and (iii) food and beverage items.
(g) The Radisson Hotel, Tennis Courts, Sports Centre, Laundry Facility and Sewerage Plant on an aggregate of 5.698 acres of the original Hobby Horse Hall land.

HCB’s real property, comprising the remaining portion of Hobby Horse Hall (70.964 acres) subject to certain Conditions Precedent to which reference will be made later in this communication.
HCB’s Remainder interest in the Wyndham Parcel. This is also subject to certain Conditions Precedent to which I have referred. In the interim, a 99 year Ground Lease (Wyndham) has been executed by HCB in favour of BMP Three Ltd. (a Baha Mar affiliated company) to replace the Ruffin Leasehold Interest.
HCB’s Remainder interest in the British American Bank Parcel. This aspect of the Agreement was also subject to certain Conditions Precedent to which I have referred.

The purchase price of $39 million for the HCB properties was allocated to the various properties as follows:

Properties Purchase Price Allocations

Radisson Hotel $30 million
Golf Course &
contiguous Properties $ 3.175 million
Hobby Horse Hall Parcel $ 3.425 million
Properties Purchase Price Allocations

Wyndham Fee Simple $ 2.250 million
British American Bank $ .150
Total $39 million

Also, the Gaming Board and Development Bank properties were to be transferred to Baha Mar subject to Baha Mar constructing, at its own costs, a new Gaming Board Building and a new Bahamas Development Bank Building on land to be provided in the project area (or to be paid for) by Baha Mar. Upon completion of these buildings, there was to be an exchange of land by HCB and Baha Mar of the existing Gaming Board/Development Bank Parcels with the new replacement buildings.

2. Treasurer’s Agreement

Under the Treasurer’s Agreement, the Government agreed to sell, for an expressed consideration of $5.962 million and the satisfaction of the conditions precedent under the HOA:

a portion of the JFK Connector Road;
Old West Bay Street; and
The median between the Gaming Board Building and the eastern most property line of the Hubbard Cottages property;
The Cecil Wallace-Whitfield Centre and the Cable Beach Police and Fire Station;
Property currently utilized by the Bahamas Electricity Corporation as a Substation and Wayleave and any other parcels owned by the Government or by any other Public Corporation (including the Water and Sewerage Corporation) within the Project area.

Under the Treasurer’s Agreement, Baha Mar agreed to construct, at its own costs, a replacement Cable Beach Police and Fire Station and a replacement new Cecil Wallace-Whitfield Centre on land to be provided (or paid for) by Baha Mar.

3. Crown Agreement

Under the Crown Agreement, the Crown agreed to transfer the Remainder Interest in Nassau Beach Hotel for an expressed consideration of thirty seven thousand five hundred and fifty dollars ($37,550.00) and the satisfaction of certain conditions precedent under the HOA. In the interim, a 99 year Ground Lease (Nassau Beach property) was executed by the Crown in favour of the N.B.H. Holding Ltd. (a Baha Mar affiliated company) in replacement of Ruffin Leasehold Interest.

New World Class Cable Beach Golf Course Joint Venture

The Government also agreed to enter into a Golf Joint Venture with Baha Mar by contributing to the venture 103 acres of land presently owned by the Water and Sewerage Corporation. Baha Mar had the option of including such portion of the 103 acre parcel (by means of a 99 year lease) into the joint venture as would be required for a World Class signature golf course. Baha Mar also had an option to purchase the unused balance of the 103 acre parcel for residential and resort development.

Project Scope & Construction Schedule

Baha Mar undertook to spend a minimum of $1 billion on the first phase of a world class resort project; to commence the project within 18 months and complete it by December, 2009.

Conditions Precedent

The Conditions Precedent which were to be met by Baha Mar prior to the Government’s and the Hotel Corporation’s meeting obligations with respect to certain remaining property transfers, concessions and infrastructure expenditures are set out in the Heads of Agreement.

The Conditions Precedent obligated Baha Mar to provide the Government within 18 months from the date of the Heads of Agreement that is, by October 2006, reasonably satisfactory evidence of the following:

commitment by Baha Mar of the required equity in the Project of $400 million including equity participation by world class international hotel and casino partners;
adequate funding for the $1 billion project;
the commitment of world class hotel and casino partners to the Project; and
preparation and delivery to the Government of detailed plans and specifications to meet projected start dates.

Baha Mar did not satisfy the terms of the conditions precedent.

Expansion of Project & Identification of Joint Venture Partners

Instead, after some delay, Baha Mar made a number of changes to their Project plans and submitted to the Government a Revised Project Plan for an expanded project dated February 17, 2007.

The Developer identified Harrahs Entertainment (Harrahs) and Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide, Inc. (Starwood) as their world class hotel and casino joint venture partners.

On 12th January 2007 Baha Mar JV Holding Ltd. entered into a Joint Venture Investors Agreement with Caesars Bahamas Investment Corporation and formed the company pursuant thereto. The company will be owned 57% by Baha Mar JV Holdings Ltd. and 43% by Caesars Bahamas. Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide, Inc. has arranged to have certain of its affiliates operate hotels at the Project.

Baha Mar and the joint venture partners proposed to the Government an expansion of the Project and an increase in the expenditure from $1 billion to $2.6 billion.

The proposed expanded project includes:

a Westin Hotel with a minimum of 700 rooms including a minimum of 80 and a maximum of 150 condominium units
a St. Regis Hotel with a minimum of 200 rooms including a minimum of 90 and a maximum of 150 condominium units
a W Hotel Baha Mar with a minimum of 300 rooms including a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 150 condominium units. (These hotels are to be operated by Starwood.)
a Caesars hotel with a minimum of 1,000 rooms
a Caesars casino with a minimum of 95,000 square feet of gaming floor area. (The Caesars hotel and casino are to be operated by Caesars.)
a commercial village of approximately 60,000 square feet to be operated by Baha Mar
aggregate meeting space of 200,000 square feet
18 hole Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course to be owned by a joint venture with an agency of the Government
a refurbished western portion of the Wyndham Nassau Resort with a minimum of 550 rooms
Radisson Hotel refurbished as a Sheraton Hotel with a minimum of 700 rooms to be operated by Starwood

When compared to the 2005 proposed project the expanded Project will result in:

An increase in the number of hotel rooms at the Project from a minimum of 2,700 to a minimum of 3,450;
An increase in the size of the Village from a minimum of 30,000 square feet to a minimum of 60,000 square feet (excluding the straw markets);
An increase in the size of the Convention Facilities from a minimum of 100,000 square feet to a minimum of 200,000 square feet;
An increase in the size of the new casino operations from a minimum of 75,000 square feet to a minimum of 95,000 square feet of gaming floor area; and
An increase in the number of permanent jobs for Bahamians by approximately 5,000.

Additional Concessions and Changes to Heads of Agreement Requested by Baha Mar

In consideration of its proposed expanded project Baha Mar requested:

An extension from 21 years to 35 years for permitted deduction from the Annual Casino Licence Fee as contained in the Heads of Agreement.
An additional special concession on casino taxes during the first three years of the new casino operation of 66 2/3 in years one and two and 50% in year three.
An increase in the agreed Government contribution to cooperative marketing activities of $4 million per annum from 8 years to 16 years at double the previously agreed sum, i.e., an increase from $4 million to $8 million.
An increase in the cooperative marketing re-launch of the Cable Beach resort area from $20 million to $40 million
The government’s contribution of 50% of public infrastructure costs relating to the Project up to a minimum of $45.3 million be increased to $50 million
The Government agreeing to refund to Baha Mar the cost of building a tunnel or bridge, if the Government did not agree to the closure of a portion of Skyline Drive to facilitate the expanded new cable Beach Golf Course.
The sale to Baha Mar of 70 acres of Crown Land on Gladstone Road at $100,000 per acre with an option to purchase an additional 60 acres to accommodate back-of-house operations.

Supplemental Heads of Agreement

After an intense period of negotiations, the previous administration left office without reaching agreement with Baha Mar on the terms of a Supplemental Agreement.

In continuing negotiation with Baha Mar, my Government took the decision that it would not agree any additional concessions for Baha Mar. We held, and still hold the view, that the concessions granted Baha Mar in the 2005 Heads of Agreement represented the limit and the extent of concessions which ought to be extended for the development.

We made it abundantly clear that, subject to Baha Mar’s meeting the Conditions Precedent and other pertinent obligations contained in the 2005 Heads of Agreement executed by the previous Government, my Government was prepared to honour the Agreement.

Notwithstanding, Baha Mar proposed the negotiation of a Supplemental Heads of Agreement.

We therefore set about to negotiate in good faith a final Supplemental Heads of Agreement which would be acceptable to Baha Mar, its strategic partners and the Government of The Bahamas.

We welcomed the opportunity to improve certain terms for the Government, especially as they related to the reduction of the quantum of Government land being disposed of; leasing as an alternative to fee simple transfer wherever possible; preservation of wet lands for public use in perpetuity; triggering of certain Government financial and other obligations conditioned on the developers vertical construction performance; enhanced financial benefits for the Government; and a reduction in some concessions granted by the 2005 Heads of Agreement and the side letters.

With these principles and goals in mind, my Government concluded the Supplement to the Heads of Agreement with Baha Mar.

I now lay on the table of this House the following documents:

· Supplemental Heads of Agreement dated 31st January 2008 between the Government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, Baha Mar Development Company Limited and Baha Mar Joint Venture Holdings Limited. Caesars Bahamas Investment Corporation, as a shareholder of Baha Mar Joint Venture Holdings Limited has acknowledged in the Supplemental Heads of Agreement that it has reviewed and approved the terms and conditions of the Heads of Agreement as modified by the Supplemental Heads of Agreement.

· Letter from Harrahs Entertainment Inc. dated 31st January 2008 confirming:

(a) the execution of the Joint Venture Agreement dated January 12, 2007 between Harrahs and Baha Mar to be known as Baha Mar Joint Venture Holdings Limited;

(b) that its subsidiary, Caesars Bahamas, will be sufficiently capitalized by its parent company to meet its obligations in connection with the joint venture. In this regard, Baha Mar and Harrahs plan to contribute $493 million in equity financing for the Project with Harrahs contributing $212 million or 43% of such amount, with the remaining project costs being funded through borrowings by the Joint Venture;

(c) that the Joint Venture will construct a 95,000 square foot casino and Caesars branded hotel with at least 1,000 rooms to be operated by Caesars , with construction scheduled to start around April 2008 and completion of construction around April 2011.

Mr. Speaker,

The Supplemental Heads of Agreement envisages work on the Baha Mar Project starting immediately and being substantially completed by November 2011.

My Government has been able to negotiate some very notable improvements in the Supplemental Heads of Agreement, some of which I highlight:

the Government did not:
– accede to Baha Mar’s request to permit additional deductions from annual casino Licence Fee by an additional 14 years.
– grant additional special concessions on casino taxes for 3 years
– increase the co-operative marketing support by 8 years at a cost of $32 million
– provide $40 million in co-operative marketing for the re-launch of the Cable Beach resort area
– increase its contribution to public infrastructure costs
– sell 70 acres of Crown land on Gladstone Road to Baha Mar

The level of the investment in the revised and expanded Phase 1 of the Project is increased from a minimum of $1 billion to a minimum of $2.6 billion.

The Government will lease, for an initial term of 50 years, 50 acres of Crown Land on Gladstone Road to Baha Mar commencing at such time as the concrete superstructure of the 1,000-room Caesars Hotel is constructed 100 feet above grade.

The Government is zoning Baha Mar’s 71.40 acres of environmentally sensitive land, situate on the western side of Malcolm Avenue (the original Back of House Site), “no build” and designating it for use as a public park only. Baha Mar shall invest a minimum of $1 million in improving and developing the park for appropriate recreational use as a wild life and wetlands sanctuary. Baha Mar will also donate $1 million to a trust for the perpetual maintenance of the improved site. The trust will be managed by The Bahamas National Trust or by another entity agreed by the Government and Baha Mar.

The Gaming Board and the Development Bank buildings and parcels which adjoin Goodman’s Bay will no longer be sold to Baha Mar but instead, remain public properties.

The following additional lands previously agreed to be sold will be retained by the Government:

(a) the portion of West Bay Street and the median strip located between the Gaming Board and the eastern boundary of the project site on the southern side of West Bay Street.
(b) Real property, subject to a lease of approximately 140,000 square feet.

At the time when the concrete superstructure of the 1,000 room Caesar’s Hotel is constructed 100 feet above grade, the Government will, subject to Resolution of Parliament, close a portion of Skyline Drive to facilitate the expansion of the new world class Cable Beach Golf Course.

With regard to the terms of the Heads of Agreement with respect to the land to be acquired from the Water and Sewerage Corporation to facilitate the new Cable Beach Golf Course and golf-side guests units, the Supplemental Heads of Agreement provides for (i) the lease of the land to the JV entity, and (ii) for any portions of the Water & Sewerage Corporation lands on which may be constructed golf-side units to be exchanged for an equal amount of contiguous acreage owned by Baha Mar.

In this way, Water and Sewerage Corporation will always retain fee simple interest in its 99.78 acres of land.

The Government prefers for Baha Mar to compensate it for the Cecil Wallace Whitfield Centre. The Supplemental Heads of Agreement makes provision for Baha Mar and the JV Company to (i) pay the Government the sum of $17.686 million for the building; and (ii) convey to the Government 2.259 acres of replacement land along the new West Bay Street.

The Heads of Agreement provided for Baha Mar to bear the reasonable costs of relocating and replacing the Cable Beach Police Station. The quality and size of the station is to be upgraded and expanded. The Government undertakes to pay 50% of the increased costs of the expanded facility.

Only those condominium units within Starwood operated hotels that are in their hotel rental pool for a minimum of nine months of any calendar year will now qualify for real property tax concessions under the Hotels Encouragement Act.

The Supplemental Heads of Agreement provides inter alia for Baha Mar to pay the costs associated with construction of a new BEC substation within the project area and of decommissioning the Leisure Time Substation. When the new substation is completed, the Hotel Corporation will convey, at no cost, Way-leave Parcel to Baha Mar.

The Supplemental Heads of Agreement now provides for the Government to reimburse Baha Mar for the applicable costs once the concrete superstructure of the 1,000 room Caesars Hotel is constructed 100 feet above grade.

Baha Mar and its Joint Venture partner, and not the Government, will bear the cost of burying all the utility lines on the JFK Connector Road.

The Supplemental Heads of Agreement provides for Baha Mar to assume responsibility from the Hotel Corporation for the balance of the Oil Spill clean up at the former Radisson Laundry facility site. Oil spillage occurred both prior to and since the sale of the property. It is reasonable for both the Hotel Corporation and Baha Mar to share in the costs of remediation.

The Government, by way of Contingency Warrant, allocated $5.16 million in 2006 for the remediation exercise. To date over $3 million have been spent on Phase 1 and the costs to the Government of completing the exercise are likely to significantly exceed $5 million.

With Baha Mar taking over immediate responsibility to complete the remediation in a revised plan to be approved by the Department of Environmental Health Services, the Hotel Corporation is terminating its contract for this work. The Government will only pay $500,000 of the expenditure going forward and Baha Mar and or its Joint Venture Partner will pay the remainder.

The section of the Heads of Agreement relating to the construction of suitable sewerage and water supply systems has been modified by the parties in the Supplemental Heads of Agreement.

Baha Mar will, in collaboration with the Water & Sewerage Corporation, contract for a turnkey construction on land owned by the Corporation, of a centralized sewerage collection and treatment system, and a reverse osmosis plant of sufficient size to meet the needs of the Project and the wider community.

Baha Mar commits to the turnkey contractor to purchase services and water and the Water & Sewerage Corporation shall do likewise to purchase services and water for wider community use, in each case on the same terms and conditions.

Mr. Speaker,

The Joint Venture Agreement between Baha Mar and Harrahs contemplates a closing conditioned upon the execution and delivery of the Supplemental Heads of Agreement, and the contribution of the site for the joint venture project at the closing.

My Government will be seeking the appropriate Parliamentary resolutions relating to the disposition of any Government owned lands within the Project area, which are vested in The Treasurer.

Most critically, the Government extended to March 2009 the deadline for Baha Mar and its Joint Venture Partners to meet the Conditions Precedent with regard to the funding for the project and visible evidence of the project going forward – one year from now.

Mr. Speaker,

My Government regards Harrahs and Starwood as very desirable partners of Baha Mar.

I believe that they are capable of making an invaluable contribution to the expansion of our vital tourism industry, and of bringing great benefit to our national economy.

In moving forward with this massive project at this time they are manifesting great confidence in The Bahamas and in the future of our tourism industry.


  1. I have travelled all over the world. In my travels I discovered most people do not even know where Nassau Bahamas is. And those who do confuse it with Bermuda-even those who reside in the U.S. As was said to Mr. Pindling “the Bahamas is but a pimple on the backside of the world.” And you missed Eve’s point completely.
    If you have so many readers from the U.S. don’t you find it strange that none from the U.S. responded to comments made about the U.S. elections? Wishful thinking again?

  2. Kim, I aint saying that the Anna Nicole issue had nothing to do with the PLP’s lost. What I am saying though is that it was the media who made it into a big issue by pushing it…

    The media does not do the same for the PLP not even if the PLPs are right when they bring up an issue!!

    The media PROTECTS this govt….

  3. Eve, we so thank you for OPENING our eyes here in the Bahamas! Please do return to our shores.

    And for VERY SHALLOW persons like JOE, who wonder how we have more than 790,000 readers,EVE has answered you for us.

    But just in case you still don’t get it, Bahamas Press is a GLOBAL ONLINE BLOG! We have readers in NORTH AMERICA (WHICH HAS over 300 MILLION PERSONS ALONE) Asia, Africa, Europe, The Caribbean, Australia and South America!

    Sound like you have never traveled out of Nassau JOE?

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  4. My husband and I have been coming to the Nassau Beach Hotel every year for 2 to 3 weeks, for years. This year is the first in 28 years we are not there. Why? Because Bahamar bought the Nassau Beach and now has closed it. They bought the Radisson and refurbished it, now it is $350 a night, a bit much for 3 weeks.
    Is there any wonder there is no one there?

  5. Bennie you sure J. Barrie Farrington still works for Atlantis? Think Sands job safe? These dudes been making big bucks from long time man.

  6. Objective thought: The Anna Nicole saga played a major role in the PLP being defeated in the last general election. It is time for Perry to realize that some people in his party are doing more damage than good. It’s no coincident that every time something does down, you have the same people names popping up. You shuffled them here, you shuffle there, every where you shuffle them there is a problem. Do you need a baby to tell you that these people are crooks?

  7. I thought Sands only made $100,000. And, I thought J Barrie Farrington was retired?

    I know one thing…I dont think ANYBODY is safe at Baha Mar right now. So everyone better watch around the axe man’s corner with their peripheral vision.

    Times are serious !!

  8. It,s good to be Sandy Sands and J Barrie Farrighton in these times. One thing for sure, them white people will keep them two with their $200.000 plus salary per year working while other black bahamians are been send home daily. No one to fight for the small hotel worker. We call it the uncle tom thing.

  9. I thought Manny Alexiou was known as the axe man. These people from Bah Mar would run circle around him any day and time, they would make Manny look like a joke. Everyday, I am hearing more and more people getting laid off from this place, that aint everybody yet? How much more people do they have? If anybody is still left, they might as well go sit down in HR and wait on their package and be done away with it. I don’t know how they could focus on any work right now; knowing any minute the axe could drop on them. That has to be nerve wrecking; it is almost the same thing as playing Russian roulette.

  10. This is serious times in our nation and yet nobody in our Parliamnet same to have address this situation. I have said before and I will say again the reason being that the Prime Minister does not know how to handle our current siuation first lets look at BEC the revenue that was collected from BEC over the past year and a half had to have gone somewhere …what the government will not tell you is what happend to it and remember that the Minister for BEC stood up in the House and stated that BEC was bankrupt and thus he was not questioned to how this could have been since the high prices for electricity that was forced on the Bahamian public for the last year or so .

    Folkes we have here in our country a government with no vision and a parliament with no guts to speak up on behalf of the Bahamian people…Lets take a look at this the Prime Minister was the reason that the Bahamar deal went south and it was the Prime Minister beacause of his Kingpin attitude decided to put so much projects on hold that we have the rut that we are in today…..If when coming to office the Prime Minister had said to the investors that you can start up, then by simple maths most of the funds that was needed to start up those projects would have been secured in our banks and we would have been in the second full year of those projects so it would be feesiable to state that yes there may have been a slow down but there would not have been a full stop and our economy would have been able to sustain itself even if the bottom may have felled out of the U.S financial markets .

    So what we have now is this a country that is headed down a downward path and to offset the mistakes of his past doing’s Mr Prime Minister has decided to pay peoples mortgages , give them a check once per week for 200 – 400 dollars and pay some peoples light bills well for those who qualify anyhow ….lets see how long can the Government of the Bahamas afford such a thing we are already behind on revenue and we are currently in a defacit and not to mentioned our reserves are at or less than 200 million at this time and also that the Prime Minister has just came back from Washington with a big 150Million dollar check….so I ask the question again where are we getting the Money from.

    Folkes we have to look towards the future what means that we need to look at energy and we need to look at health care and immigration control and eduacation and to do this we need to stop looking and living in a false sense of reality the truth is that we need a change here in our country we need people that live in the real world not lawyers that live in their own world ….and this is what we have today is the 22nd of October 2008 and all of our institutions are crumbling before our eyes we have a health care problem a crime problem our students come out of school not knowing how to fill out a job application our roads are sink holds just filled with dirt until it rains for about and hour…we have an energy crisis on our hands and as well as a job crisis . we do not even feed and cloth ourselves and every day I hear the same B.S. on the radio and in Parliamnet we need a progressive and Liberial government in our halls of Parliament people who can see 25-30 years down the road as well as see 5 years down that same road this is what we need at this tme….it is time to stop the talk and stop the back and forth it is time for action Bahamas.

  11. Joe, I raised a governance issue. It appears that the government is using a public institution to smear its political opponents; this is abuse of power. If the government truly believes that there is sufficient evidence or irregularities to warrant a police investigation into a sitting PLP MP, then there is sufficient credible evidence that huge irregularities, slackness, and process corruption took place under their watch; I gave three examples. Why isn’t the PM investigating his own ministers? Maybe it’s a witch hunt to smear the PLP. Certainly the PM cannot be motivated by the principles of accountability and ethics in government, because if he was, the police would have just cause to question several sitting FNM MP’s.

    You, on the other hand, raised a political issue (the behavior of party members). We are focusing on two entirely different issues. Whenever there is a power struggle with ANY political party, there is sure to be some level of cannibalism (usually backstabbing); this is not unique to the PLP eventhough some members of the FNM seem to think so. I saw cannibalism in the FNM in August 2001 during the leader-elect convention and again in November 2006 when Ingraham won the leadership race.

    The campaign that the Bush contingent ran against John McCain in 2000 led McCain to say that there is a special place in hell for those who smeared his name during the 2000 Republican primary. They aligned McCain with Gordon Liddy and branded him a terrorist by association. We saw the same tactics between Hillary and Barack during the recent Democratic primary.

    My point is, this type of behavior in a power struggle is not unique to the PLP… happens in EVERY political party. NO PARTY ESCAPES IT.

  12. Ahhhhh JOE I am happy you mentioned that. The party is raising the issues with the papers, but would not equally deal with the RAT inside the party, carrying the bone to the WUTLESS MEDIA.

    AS WE SAID BEFORE, PINDLING fired the first Cabinet Minister Arthur Foulkes for being a SNITCH! Check the record!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  13. Mr. Coleby,
    Whilst I agree with much of what you say, I think the biggest problem for the PLP in particular comes from your very own members. In their quest for power they will do anything including spreading rumors and leaking stories to the press on the very own colleagues. Check the papers and the people that write the stories, you should have an idea what is going on. It is most unfortunate!

  14. Police Should Question Sitting FNM MP

    Published: Monday October 20th, 2008

    Dear Editor

    I refer to a front page headline in the Tribune indicating that the Police had questioned a sitting PLP MP. In the body of the article a contractor was interviewed on procedural issues surrounding contract administration. This struck me as odd because the Auditor General is constitutionally mandated to conduct such investigations under the Financial Administration and Audit Act. You know Editor, this investigation has the feel of a politically motivated witch hunt. The FNM government would probably argue that the investigation is in the interest of accountability, transparency, and public trust; I agree with such an argument. Since the reputation of all sixteen members of the PLP’s Parliamentary Caucus was called into question in the Tribune article, here is my view on how the organization should respond.

    Firstly, it is important for the PLP to file a writ in the Supreme Court for an injunction against this apparent abuse of government power. This government has demonstrated glaring deficiencies, weak supervisory oversight, and continues to bypass established regulations in the administration of contracts involving huge amounts of tax payers’ money with little or no accountability or transparency. They (the FNM) vigorously pursue their political opponents under the themes of accountability, transparency, and public trust. The PLP must vigorously challenge this pattern of behavior by the executive branch of government.

    Secondly, the PLP must request that the Attorney General conduct an investigation into the behavior of the executive branch of government to remove any suspicion of abuse of government power in the use of a government institution (RBPF) for purely political purposes. Further, the PLP should request an investigation into the findings of the audit report from the Auditor General, dated December 6, 2000. This audit report outlined glaring weaknesses in the way the contract was administered in the construction of the Garvin Tynes Primary School.

    The findings on that occasion included the following: The contract was awarded for the sum on $3,697,166. The MOW ordered an investigation following the discovery of many structural defects, some of which presented serious safety problems, which included defective beams, corrosion of reinforcement beams and complementary deterioration of the concrete.

    The amount spent at the time of the audit had reached $5,234,342 A certificate of final completion was never issued to the contractor. The contractor failed to complete the outstanding works. The MOW had to negotiate contracts with a second contractor for completion of the building including electrical works and modification to the beams to the sum of over $269,000

    The Ministry’s file on the school contract had gone “missing”. There were no written guidelines for selecting a contractor. There was no assurance that the contractor had complied with the provision in the contract to purchase insurance.

    There should be a third request. In light of the requirements of the Financial Regulations 1975, all negotiated contracts totaling some $49 million ($23 million in 2007 and $26 million in 2008) that were award for the repairs of public schools should be investigated.

    These regulations were put in place to safeguard against process corruption and to inspire public confidence and trust. The regulations stipulate that all contracts awarded for supplies, works and services required by the Government for amounts in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars up Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars must be referred to The Tenders Board for its recommendations to the Minister of Finance and for amounts in excess of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand to the Cabinet for approval. Contracts for Fifty Thousand or less require Ministerial approval.

    No payments would be made by the Pubic Treasury if the above procedure is not complied with. The record shows that these regulations were ignored by the government in the above cases.

    These investigations should determine whether corrupt practices on the part of the government were involved in the administration of these contracts and would involve questioning a sitting FNM MP. These investigations are necessary as they are in the interest of accountability, transparency, and the public trust. It gives the appearance of balance, fairness, and freedom from political partisanship. Failure to do so will only deepen cynicism and suspicion about the government’s intent in its current investigation.

    Truth be told editor, if the government is truly serious about restoring public trust in government, then the police should have cause to question several sitting FNM MP’s.

    Yours etc.; Elcott Coleby

  15. More job losses at Baha mar properties when they bragged and bragged on all those announcements on tv that interrupted the news a few times that no one was to loose their job. These people are liars. We need the government to take our prperties back from they people who dont care about bahamians only about the dollars because they still living it up in our country

  16. ZNS announced today how Sheraton Baha Mar property dismissed 20 workers from the Resort. Here is where Bahamas Press gets HIGHLY CRITICAL of the WUTLESS MEDIA in The Bahamas.

    The story by ZNS never mentioned when BAH MAR terminated the workers NOR did they interview a single worker or the employer (Baha Mar).

    Bahamas Press gets angered by this level of WUTLESS JOURNALISM! ZNS only read the Guardian this morning and lifted (TIEF) the comments written by the Guardian reporter.

    This bludgeoned IGNORANCE AND Careless presentation of news in this country is beyond WUTLESS. It is UNACCEPTABLE! And the modules practised today in this modern Bahamas by members of the MEDIA are Asinine.

    We therefore ask ZNS, WHEN DID THE PEOPLE AT THE BAHA MAR PROPERTY received their TERMINATION LETTERS? WHEN, because we knew that on last week 28 and not 20 were dismissed at BAHA MAR!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  17. I am just realizing who this legal eagle woman is who you all are talking about. I thought if anyone’s job was safe, it was hers. Who’s next at that place, Sandy Sands? He better watch his back.

    The legal eagle should have taken the “Justice” job offered to her earlier this year. She can always replace Ruby Nottage on the bench.

  18. I agree 100% Kim. If Hubbigety couldno save this particular legal he cant save none. What Hubbigety need to do is get that ad off of our tv Bahanar cant stop playing because it is not true

  19. aintlongnah Hubert can not save any of his supporters, who work for Baha Mar. This is a private entity. When these governments sign these papers they can not promise anybody job security. If the company isn’t making any monies, they can not force the company to get you employed. The government was really wrong to give these people false hope and make them feel like their jobs were safe. Bahamian people need to learn to see empty promises for what they are.

  20. a HUGE Huge legal eagel woman dead to Hubbigety suppoerter was tossed out by dead beat Bahamar late last week

  21. Drama you surprise me!! I admit that Christie is my favourite for leader of the PLP and you admit that you think that Ingraham is the best leader for this time so what’s the problem??

    Aren’t you being partisan towards HI so why can’t I be partisan to PC??? Are you better than I am or is it that because I don’t agree with you I am the one not being OBJECTIVE???

    It does not matter what both of them said. The point is whose word are we listening to today?? That of Ingraham….

    Besides that, if the FNM had left the agreement as they had met it then you could have blamed Christie but the modified it which is the reason for the large amount of job loss!!

  22. I am dead serious. While I take nothing that any politician says at face value I am pretty good at assessing the true character of people. You are right. I have no bias toward either party or indeed leader of such. However in a time of crisis I recognize one needs decisive leadership and Mr. C., nice as he is, cannot deliver. I wish it were in my power to take the best traits of each of these gentlemen and roll them into one person. Just then we might have the kind of leader we want and need.
    Sad tosay I see no one on the horizon who has the potential to take us where we waant to go.

  23. Oh no, Joe Blow !! Now see I had you as an intelligent, non-biased individual. What is your ranting and accolades of the PM all about? All I am saying is that BOTH men said there would be no job loss and now there IS job loss.

    This is 2008!!

  24. No one can promise that there would be no job loss for any private enterprise project. No matter who said what, the Baha Mar deal was flawed from the beginning. If you read the info made public you should be able to read between the lines and know that even Christie was having second thoughts and knew he was giving too much away. Mr. Ingrham continues to protect Mr.Christie from his (Christie’s) mistakes. When Baha Mar recognized Mr. C. lack of skills they wanted to re-negotiate in order to get more concessions. The remark made in the H.O.A. by the P.M. was more of a warning to the public that something was amiss than a detriment to a flawed negotiaton. It’s all old news now and the wisest thing this government could have done was to have stopped, reviewed and cancelled this particular project. No matter what your party affiliation Mr. Ingrham is the best person for this country at this time.

  25. Look, CHRISTIE SAID THERE WOULD BE NO JOB LOSS !!! That is what I am talking about !! Objective Thought you NEED to have an objective thought. Yall need to stop idolizing these politicians. BOTH men said there would be no job loss.

  26. who stopped, who reviewed, who cancelled, who took back ceceil wallace-whitfield building and bragged about what they told the investors when asked about building a new road

    harrah’s letter contained these words
    “coupled with the prime minister’s remarks which prime minister was he talking about? it sure was not the former prime minister

  27. Media here is a mission for you. When Allyson was the MP for Pinewood a new park was constructed
    and was well kept but ever since Pinewood has
    gotten a new MP the park looks FILTY!!

    Just travel south of the round a bout
    just past BTC on the right and
    you will be shocked!!

  28. I agree with you Insane Jane…That’s what you get for consulting with VOODOO worshipers to win an election!!

    The EVIL is showing even when he is just having a casual conversation these days…He suppose to wear something red everyday but he is doing his own thing….and it’s showing…LOL…

  29. So Drama why should Christie be ashamed?? You are not making any sense at all!!

    The FNM made it clear that something was wrong with that deal and that they would review it and fix it if given a chance!!

    Well, just in case you didn’t realize, they were given that chance and they reviewed it!! If something seems to be wrong, it’s TOTALLY their fault. Christie has NOTHING to do with that…

    It’s quite amazing to me that when Christie was PM and he did something that seemed to be wrong, everyone would point their finger at him as though there was no opposition but now that Ingraham is the PM everything that goes wrong it’s Christie’s and Ingraham’s fault!!

  30. Its him, Kim !! This face of our PM doesnt scare me but it shows up his wicked, conniving, ruthless side.

  31. Breaking NEWS>>>> Just after announcing CITY MARKETS lost $10 million in its fiscal period, City Market’s General Manager noted to the press jobs are secured and safe at the food store.

    Bahamas Press asks, WHO ASKED HIM ABOUT STAFF LEVELS??? Bahamas Press has learned senior management of City Markets have received their walking papers last week.

    Therefore when City Market’s General Manager said NO ONE would be fired, who was he referring to as MASS FIRINGS ARE UNDERWAY!


    Respected Republican General Colin Powell has endorsed Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama!!!!!!!!!



  32. BP this is another ugly picture with our PM, this one is so terrifying. I know it is the Halloween season, is that a mask someone is wearing or is that really him? (lol).

  33. BP both men ESPECIALLY Christie should be shame cause they were on about how no one will lose their job because of the Baha Mar deal.

    Puppet man Sandy Sands was on the air SEVERAL times as well saying NO ONE will lose their job.

    Shame !!

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