Nassau Guardian must explain how a police officer told dem the Social Services matters have not come to the police, yet more than six months ago one of the thieves has already been charged in the courts?


Who is the officer who is lying to the Nassau Guardian?

Hon. Melanie Griffin, Minister for Social Services.
Hon. Melanie Griffin, Minister for Social Services.

Nassau, Bahamas – The Guardian told another big lie this morning when it suggested that the Ministry of Social Services had not turned any of the investigations at the department over to the police.

The paper claimed that, contrary to the Minister’s comments that the matters have been forwarded to the police, some officer told them that that is not the case.

BP Press wonders who is the Nassau Guardian’s source who must not be aware that the police has many branches and divisions and that the Nassau Guardian should have been careful and responsible about its reporting.

We at BP – who they call the PLP propaganda machine – are pleased to report that there is not one but several matters involving the theft of Social Services coupons under active investigation and we can confirm that one of the reports has not only already been handled by the police, but more than six months ago it has been dealt with by the courts! So who is the police officer telling the WUTLESS MEDIA DIS LIE?!

We would also tell our readers that two of the women who stole the coupons while employed by the department were contract workers and not pensionable public officers. Both contract workers are said to be big-time PLP supporters.

We report yinner decide!
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