Nassau Newest Couple & BP's Facebook Freinds – Sean & Thamara


2805_95734200311_704920311_2558016_3694517_n The first Dance! Sean & Thamara final week of singleness. Nassau’s newest couple and BP’s facebook friends spent their final mid-week of late night Karaoke at Da Tambrin Tree. Sean notes it was his first time wearing all white. The couple danced, sang, with friends many of whom drank all night. Congratulations Tammy and Sean ALL THE BEST FROM BP!!!!!!!!!!!


Da Tambrin Tree crew all joined in the party.


  1. I agreed with all four of the previous blogger in wishing these two young couples best wishes GOD speed.I don’t know any of them but,I wish them the bestfor them.

  2. I don’t know you guys but you two look good together. Keep it together!! Good luck and may your wishes come true!!