The Parliamentary Commissioner wishes to remind the general public that Voter Registration continues on a daily basis in New Providence and in the Family Islands. Persons applying for registration must be BAHAMIAN CITIZENS, 18 years and older and must have resided in a particular constituency for three months or more.

Voter Registration Centres are opened in New Providence between the hours of 10:00am – 4:00pm at the following locations:

(1) The Parliamentary Registration Department, Farrington Road

(2) The Town Centre and Marathon Malls

(3) The General Post Office, East Hill Street

(4) The Sub-Post Office Carmichael Road

(5) The Sub-Post Office Elizabeth Estates

(6) The National Insurance Board – Baillou Hill Road

(7) Commonwealth Banks Mackey Street and Golden Gates Branches.

In Grand Bahama, Centres are opened between the hours of 9:30am – 4:30pm at the following locations:

  1. Parliamentary Registration Department, Freeport
  2. Administrator’s Office, Eight Mile Rock
  3. Administrator’s Office, High Rock (Tuesdays and Thursdays)

In the Family Islands, registration takes place at the Administrators’ Offices in the various Family Islands between the hours of 9:30am – 4:30pm.

The Parliamentary Commissioner also wishes to advise that the Department has commenced its mobile services with effect from 10th January 2011.

Businesses and organizations with at least twenty (20) eligible employees or members may contact the Department at telephone numbers 325-2888/9 or 397-2000 to schedule an appointment.

Applicant for registration must provide Proof of Citizenship, preferably;

(a) A Valid Bahamian Passport OR

(b) A Birth Certificate along with an official ID, AND other documents (as requested); OR

(c) A Current Voter’s Card, along with other reasonable documents (as requested).

Examples of other reasonable documents that may be considered to prove that the applicant is qualified are:

  1. A Passport;
  2. A Birth Certificate; and
  3. A Baptismal Certificate

Current Register Could Close Between June/July 2011 from FNM Restoring Your Trust on Vimeo.


  1. @ ONEDAY I agree with most of what your sayin, my thing is this is the firts time we had 3 MP’s with big position, so Laing, Grant and Russell should of worked together to make sure Grand Bahama get somewhere, but they sat there and act as PUPPETS, I say regester and VOTE they *** out. C.D.R.P.L.P lets do this. Vote’s Them RED WHITE AND BLUE SUCKERS OUT!

  2. If Mr. Laing’s arrogant behaviour is any indication of what to expect to come – good luck. They don’t care and they’re not trying to care – at least not about any of us………….

  3. Why should one in G.B register to vote when none of the 2 major parties did any thing in G.B for the last 12 years? But tell you what I would register to vote, if I was able to vote for the next Port Authority President, because the port is the only one that helps G.B.

    What even makes it worse they talk about what they are going to do and say to the powers that be in the Port when they are not in Government and when they get in government one can’t find them around, both sides that is.

    Compare the out skirts of G.B to Freeport down Town; I just wonder how we would be doing in G.B if the government ran the entire island. (What did the government do for Eight Mile Rock Lately)?

    Here is another note with the state of G.B and the government; here in G.B we have 3 ministers that can actually make a difference in G.B, Grant Liang and Russell, Works, Labor, Finance.

    To whom much is given much is required, you give nothing back to us in G.B so we will send you looking for a new job. I hope you guys are securing work in Nassau for your self and friends, because you are not doing any thing for the people in G.B.

    How can any politician say any thing to the great people of G.B by asking them to vote for them what can they begin to say, its your rights to vote so vote for me.
    I say to them I am sorry your resume looks bad and we can not give you this job, you came from a failing back ground you are looking for the wrong type of work you should pursue a different career.

  4. We The Future Of The Commonwealth Must
    Send a Unified Front Against Political Corruption
    And Spiritual Wickness!
    Go now and register to vote, everyone 18 and over.
    May The GOD MEN Win (C.D.R.P.L.P), Respectively.

  5. Why should one in G.B register to vote when none of the parties did any thing this way in the last 12 years. I would if I was able to register for the next president for the Port I would do that. Both parties cry about the Port this and the Port that and none can do any thing about it.

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