Officer who discovered Harl Taylor placed on leave, PART 2



Nassau, Bahamas: The Royal Bahamas Police Force [RBPF] in their valiant efforts to fight crime in The Bahamas says, they are on a crusade of “Zero Tolerance” of criminal activity across the country. With serial rapist[s] now in Grand Bahama and possible serial murders in New Providence, residents are declaring a self imposed ‘LOCK DOWN’ in their homes in fear of the rising crime rates.

Bahamas Press in a June 26th article noted that a member of the RBPF was placed on leave following police investigations into the murder of fashion designer Harl Taylor. In less then 12 hours of our report, police took the ‘Wutless’ media on a rollercoaster ride and circulated a bulletin in the press looking for a 21 year old ‘suspect’ Troyniko McNeil.

This announcement did not move us one bit, as we then and now believe that McNeil had nothing to do with Taylor’s murder. We have now come back to the question. Why was a junior officer in the RBPF place on leave and allegedly sent out of the country, following HIS discovery of the murdered fashion designer at Mountbatten House?

Bahamas Press is appalled by the fact that the police has still not given an update to members of the media nor the public in regards to one of their own whom was sent out of the police force. WHY? Why was the officer at the scene of this crime without anyone calling or reporting an obvious MURDER? Who called him to the scene of the crime? Was there any evidence [contact numbers] in his cell phone that confirmed he was told that the body of Taylor would be discovered there? And what did the illegal workers at Mountbatten House – shipped out of the country – know? Too many questions and yet still no answers as to why the officer who discovered Harl Taylor is not a suspect. To make matters worse, the officer was allegedly SENT OUT OF THE COUNTRY whilst placed on leave. And to date he is still on leave some eight months after the murder in November in 2007.

This is one murder where police can prove there is nothing to hide, and confirm in their ‘ZERO TOLERANCE’ stance. They should call for an INQUIRY INTO THE TAYLOR DEATH!

The ‘WUTLESS’ media in this country, we note here, is waiting on the next bone to be thrown to them. However we at Bahamas Press know we are knocking at the right door where the real meat and bone to this story lies. BUT no one will open the door, and therefore we would have to do what real hounds do best, and that is, begin digging under the door to see what is on the other side. We smell a rat, dressed in the uniform of the RBPF behind this story.

Bahamas Press
knows spin when we see one. Having taken members of the ‘Wutless’ media on a wild rollercoaster ride in search of a man named Troyniko McNeil, the son of someone who was already in police custody. But when the button is pushed on another officer – relieved from the force after having discovered a dead body – Troyniko McNeil’s name is pulled out of the hat. Police are looking every place else for a suspect in the murder of Harl Taylor, except right in their own backyard.

Bahamas Press is sure the McNeil family will now sue someone, whether it is the Police or the Tribune or both, we know not. But be it assured someone is getting sued for naming that 21year old young man in something they [police] knew full well is sitting right under the protection of the Royal Bahamas Police Force. Yes, AGAIN WE SAY, an officer was placed on leave after HIS discovery of Harl Taylor’s body.

In a November 2007 edition the Bahama Journal reported the following update in the Taylor Murder:

“Assistant Superintendent of Police Ellison Greenslade told the Journal on Monday that police don’t want to say anything that would compromise their investigation, but he said he had been in touch with Superintendent Glen Miller, the officer in charge of the Central Detective Unit, and detectives were making “good progress” in the Harl Taylor murder case.”

However since then, even Superintendent Ellison Greenslade, a highly respected officer, was sent off to Canada for training, and still no good progress have yet been made in the case.

Again Bahamas Press and its 290,000 readers ask the questions, what is the status of the officer placed on leave at the Royal Bahamas Police Force following his discovery of Harl Taylor? Is he a suspect? Or do we have to do our own investigation and begin calling the name of that officer and the senior officer who mysteriously placed him on leave and shipped him out the country!


  1. I found your site on technorati and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed to my Google News Reader. Looking forward to reading more from you down the road!

  2. The officer may have been a “friend” of Taylor’s. and stricken with grief over the loss.
    Not publishing the name of the officer is only for the protection of the officer. Could you imagine the scandle that will result if it is speculated that the cop was gay. He could no longer work in law enforcement. Who would respect him.!!

  3. residents are declaring a self imposed ‘LOCK DOWN’ in their homes in fear of the rising crime rates.

    You are wrong ! We are arming ourselves !gun sales have gone sky hi in the last year !
    You will soon see a stop to crime by the people not the government !
    Isn’t that what the government asked us to do “get involved”
    As your Leader said “aint long now “ im really scared for the life’s of the rapists & murderers!
    Many Bahamians have told me they will deal with the mater themselves if there family’s are affected by a killer or rapist !
    You will have good news to report in short order !

    Please note that in 2 to 3 years our police & RBDF officers will be outnumbered by immigrants !
    Better armed immigrants !
    If this doesn’t scare you ,how about NO FOOD in the country !

    Can you see yourself as a Bahamian on a raft to Miami ? “Aint Long Now “

    Good luck bredrin!

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