One More murder rocks the capital –


Bahamas Press is reporting Murder #508 since 2007. We can report the victim was in the Key West Street area when he met his fate. From reports, the victim was shot multiple times by a lone gunman.

Police has no suspects or leads in this investigation.

A 70 year old Florida man was taken into custody after he was found in possession of a large quantity of ammunition. Officers of the Airport Police Station arrested the man shortly after 8:00 pm on Thursday 10th May, 2012 in the Customs Lounge at LPIA. Active police investigations continue.

A 21 year old female of Johnson Alley off Wulff Road is being questioned by police reference to a stabbing incident. The incident reportedly occurred around 10:30 pm on Thursday 10th May, 2012 at Mackey Street and Twynum Avenue. The victim, a 25 year old female of Woods Alley was taken to hospital where she is detained in stable condition. Active police investigations continue.

Police are investigating the circumstances into the death of a woman after her body was found in bushes at the rear of a new housing development at Poinciana Drive, Pinewood Gardens. Police received reports of the discovery around 6:30 pm on Thursday 10th May, 2012. Foul play is suspected in this incident. Active police investigations continue.


  1. BP owned by the Perry Laggin Party… Dey Still wan blame da FNm so dey ain wan count over.. in 5 yrs itll be 1198 murders.. 498 under the FNM and 700 undeer dem other guys… Report Rite or go Home.. BP cud stand for more than jus Bahamas Press.. but we’ll make yu Imagine!!

  2. I agree the murder count ticker should reset for the new government. Since two murders occured on the night of election we should split it and give one to the FNM and one to the PLP so BJ and the PLP government should be up to six (6) murders now.

  3. Give the PLP a chance to heal the country and fix crime. God will dam anyone who gets in the PLP way. Sweet Savior pilot this nation to the the land of milk and honey. Shut every mouth and close every eye that dares get in the way of your anointed. Amen, Hallelujay, the country is whole again. Satan has fled.

  4. BP has got to be funded by the PLP, the bahamas is under new government so the story should read since may 7th there was 7 murders, i thought news papers should be unbiased in delivering the news, and now that the PLP is in can they now account for the 8 million that went missing. both parties are guilty for robbing the bahamian people.

  5. Too many mothers have their children ripped away by crime and violence already.It is the worst thing to believe is taking place in a subtle way and means few can think of or conceive. Yet Genocides and politicides are the promotion, execution, and/or implied consent of sustained policies by governing elites or their agents–or, in the case of civil war, either of the contending authorities–that are intended to destroy, in whole or part, a communal, political, or politicized ethnic group. In genocides the victimized groups are defined by their perpetrators primarily in terms of their communal characteristics. In politicides, in contrast, groups are defined primarily in terms of their political opposition to the regime and dominant groups. In genocides and politicides killings are never accidental, nor are they the acts of individuals. The key is that they are carried out at the explicit or tacit direction of state authorities, or those who claim state authority. For purposes of comparative research these five guidelines were used to help distinguish cases of genocide and politicide from other kinds of killings that occur during civil conflicts. (1) Is there complicity by the state (or, in the case of civil war, either of the contending authorities) in actions undertaken that endanger human life? (2) Is there evidence, even if circumstantial, of intent on the part of authorities to isolate or single out group members for mistreatment? (3) Are victims members of an identifiable group? (4) Are there policies and practices that cause prolonged mass suffering?(5) Do the actions committed pose a threat to the survival of the group? Democide is the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder. Democide is not necessarily the elimination of entire cultural groups but rather groups within the country that the government feels need to be eradicated for political reasons and due to claimed future threats.A generalized meaning of genocide is similar to the ordinary meaning but also includes government killings of political opponents or otherwise intentional murder. In order to avoid confusion over which meaning is intended, Rummel created the term democide for the third meaning.The objectives of such a plan of democide include the disintegration of the political and social institutions of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups; the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity; and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.For example, government-sponsored killings for political reasons would be considered democide. Democide can also include deaths arising from “intentionally or knowingly reckless and depraved disregard for life”;Policide is a neologism used in political science to describe the intentional destruction of a city or nation. Law enforcement credibilty now comes into question. Do we have criminals policing the country or do we have people in uniform who simply could care less about the destruction of a nation. IT IS TIME TO VALUE HUMAN LIFE IN THIS NATION IRREGARDLESS OF WHICH PARTY ONE BELONGS TO. The count before the election was simply to not hide what was happening. For it to be seven within a week paints a picture of persons in authority retaliating.

  6. why did the clock not restart after elections? aren’t we like murder number 7 under the new govt? Let’s be fair man. The FNM had record murders and its because of this they were voted out, but they way this news is being reported it seems as if the present govt is not to be held accountable and that the FNM should still be blamed.

    Give us news on the progress of urban renewal 2.0 when will it be launched? what challenges are they facing? will there really be zero murders?

  7. why did the clock not restart after elections? aren’t we like murder number 7 under the new govt? Let’s be fair man. The FNM had record murders and its because of this they were voted out, but they way this news is being reported it seems as if the present govt is not to be held accountable and that the FNM should still be blamed.

    Give us news on the progress of urban renewal 2.0 when will it be launched? what challenges are they facing? will there really be zero murders?

    • The new government just came in, The former Government should of put something in place a few years ago so give them the time they need to get it under control. The Government can’t put a full stop to crime but they can put things in place to slow it down, thats what papa them should of done but, NO they wait until election time to say if u give them another chance what they would do to stop the crime. Thank God nobody with sense fall for that.

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