Oswald Brown removed as GM of Freeport News!



Eileen Carron (left) and Oswald ‘Why you scared of the word murder’ Brown (right).

Freeport, Grand Bahamas:
Oswald ‘why you scared of the word MURDER’ Brown has been removed as Managing Director/General Manager of the Freeport News. The shocking announcement was revealed at the Freeport daily during a staff meeting on Monday.

Reports are that staffers were celebrating for joy upon hearing the news, as Mr. Olly Ferguson of James Sarles Realty was announced to assume the top position at the morning daily. Brown will now take up the post as News Editor.

Bahamas Press learned from a credible source on the board of Colina, that Oswald ‘why you scared of the word murder’ Brown’s days are numbered at the newspaper, “…for he has lost vision and support from his staff at the paper.”

The new GM is the grandson of Sir Etienne Dupuch, founder of the Tribune. Mr. Ferguson is scheduled to begin on Monday, as it is noted he will make new decisions for a new direction at the Freeport News, the board member noted . Word around the paper was that Brown had locked heads several times with management teams in Nassau and sought to take the Freeport newspaper into an opposite downhill direction against the wishes of the Nassau operators.

Word coming to Bahamas Press confirms that Brown took the announcement with difficulty and began, as an eyewitness noted, “breaking down with crocodile tears” upon hearing the announcement of his new boss, where raced to his office and refused to see anyone.

Bahamas Press has also learned that some additional adjustment will also begin at the Nassau Guardian, the parent company of the Freeport News, where meetings are schedule to begin with staff sometime next week with Colina’s management.

Bahamas Press can now conclude that a circle on the control of media is now completed as the Dupuch/Carron’s media empire has now moved into Grand Bahama. Now with Olly Ferguson (Dupuch Grandson) at the top in Grand Bahama, Robert Carron (Dupuch adopted Grandson) at the top in the Guardian and ‘The Iron Lady’ Eileen Dupuch-Carron at the top of the Tribune all we can say is, “THE HAITAINS TAKING OVER!”


  1. Maybe Ossie ca leave hs personal views at home and not comprimising his position….wait, he has none lol…Congrats Olly

  2. I am shock to hear that the mighty Ossie Brown was in tears. Perhaps he should have shed those tears when his wife was missing and later found to be floating in waters off Saunders Beach which is directly across the road from where the couple lived.

    He wasnt too tearful then. And, shortly after (or maybe before)he started dating his current wife who I am led to believe isnt so current anymore after she almost met her demise in Jamaica alledgedly by his hand.

    Ossie is a roughian so he will bounced back. After all he once bragged in a newsroom that he marched with Stokely Carmichael and he can make “anyone disappear”…..hmmmm

  3. One thing I have learned about the working world is that your never allow yourself to get complacent on any job. Never think you are the best and they will always need you, because if it takes your employer 100 years they will always to find someone who they believe will do it better. Ossie should have been prepared for a day like this. There was no need for him break down in crocodile tears and run off to his office and refuse to see anyone. He lucky he still have a job with them after all the drama. I guess whenever they reflect back on this day it will bring them a lot of laughter, because it sure is funny.

  4. ain only Ossie brown cryin my number come today and I ain catch it for $10 only $5 my tears is JOYFUL!!

  5. congrats Ollie, don’t mind the noise in the market men you got to feed your family too!!
    LOL bp boy you is make me laugh plenty ey!!! I gat errybody reading Bahamas Press dese days

  6. Cutting them deep!?…lol….thats a joke!! BP causing them sleepless nights and many visits to the terlet….lol…

    On another note, its bout time Ossie Brown got silenced. He has been a roaring giant for too long now in the media spreading only FNM word aroung the place like he campaigning. I dont feel sorry for him and he still has a job anyway.

  7. BREAKING NEWS >>> It is AMAZING Bahamas Press is now a Political Blog according to the WUTLESS TRIBUNE!

    So now that mean when we call them the WUTLESS HAITIAN MEDIA HOUSE, that mean we are POLITICAL?

    Come on Eileen, give us a BREAK!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

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