Parliament should now consider passing a law to compel judges to have judgments written in a timely manner…


Magistrates And Judges Must Be Given A Time Period During Which They Must Render Their Written Judgments

 A group of male and female judges and lawyers, wearing traditional Bahamian court attire, gather outside a building. --- Image by © Kit Kittle/CORBIS
A group of male and female judges and lawyers, wearing traditional Bahamian court attire, gather outside a building. — Image by © Kit Kittle/CORBIS

By Jerry Roker
for Bahamas Press

In my view, the administration of justice in The Bahamas is in need of significant improvement, particularly on the civil side. I believe the time has come for the Government to introduce legislation to accelerate the delivery of court judgements.

The Government should bring before Parliament a Time Period For Rendering of Judicial Decisions Act. Such legislation will compel judges to deliver decisions within say six months of their cases ending.

The political directorate have to lead the way and if the judges don’t give their decisions, put some time limits on them by way of legislation.

Many judges are Incompetent Ingraham told, but guess what? He appointed every last one!
Many judges are Incompetent Ingraham told, but guess what? He appointed every last one!