Politricks in The Bahamas: 2017 Is Coming Faster Than You Think

Da player gettin’ married!!
Nassau, Bahamas — Like Kermit Da Frog, Bahamas Press is sitting back and watching so many political plots unfold but ‘dats’ none of our business. In the PLP, Obie Wilchcombe, thinks he has everyone fooled. He is running for leader of the PLP and trying to distance himself from his PLP colleagues, carrying on like he is not in agreement with governmental decisions.
This all started when Wilchcombe decided he would step out on a platform and come up against the government and announce what he thinks should be done in the case of the failing Baha Mar which was not in alignment with what the PLP government is doing. That was the launch of his bid for leadership in the PLP. He plans on going in deeper but The Bahamas will be shocked to know who is sanctioning him.
Word on the streets is that Da SNITCH collected $130,000 from a developer to say what he said; selling and prostituting the public office for his cheap personal gain! What a Jungaliss/JACKASS Behaviour!
Christie must fire DA SNITCH or watch his indecision, vacillation, and prolonged dithering backfire!
Wilchcombe’s backer is a high ranking PLP who no doubt has control over the party’s stalwart councilors. Obie plans on marrying his long time lover the former ZNS reporter and settling down all in a bid to be prime minister after he has won the leadership of the PLP. What in da hell is dis!!?? Da player gettin’ married!! Wedding song for the occasion will be “At Last” by Etta James.

Meanwhile in the RED CIRCLE, the former Prime Minister and defunct leader of the FNM, Hubert Ingraham, is plotting and ready to reveal his intention to come back as leader of the red party. The post is currently being led by Dr. Hubert Minnis Minnis, who is a dynamic Member of Parliament for the constituency of Killarney and who was the only FNM who was re-elected to his seat by an even larger majority in 2012. But today operatives of Ingraham [Frank Watson et al] would have you believe he is struggling as leader of the FNM. According to Watson, Ingraham and Co. – Minnis is losing popularity every day and is too stubborn to get help or give it up to someone who can handle it.
From what BP has learned though, Minnis is also receptive to VERY WRONG advice from a drunk, red skinned FNM man who nobody respects. We believe that is the main problem right there!
Unlike Minnis, Ingraham has the big White Knight money men behind him. He has kissed up committing all kinds of “Toss Salad Exercises” to sellout Bahamians to these men! And he has been doing that long enough for them to feel loyal to him and for them to know he is loyal to them and open to be their KING puppet once he regains leadership. They are not that into Minnis because he refuses to accept their advice and bend down to gain their loyalty. Additionally, they see his leadership as a hand off to the PLP to win the 2017 election. They are wrong!
Meanwhile, the ailing PAPA is still struggling on to hold his Sunday morning political training meetings with the country’s young politician’s in a popular coffee house out West. Many Sunday mornings while BP is mixing the morning coffee for the crew, therein comes one of the the National Review writers to collect her weekly column. We see them, and watch them closely! WHAT A JOKE!
Come 2017 those young politicians will try to be Ingraham’s candidates for the general elections, but that would mean war and a deadly political bloodbath inside the party! This ga be fun!
The best bet for the Opposition, if Minnis won’t step down as leader, is for the DNA to join forces with the red party and be a force to reckon with. But we not giving them any ideas. Each party for themselves and God for them all. And Besides, we have not yet given up yet on the PLP!