Picewell Out Bastian In as another by-election is pending?


Forbes&MitchellContempt<<< Picewell ‘Soca’ Forbes

Nassau, Bahamas Picewell ‘Soca’ Forbes could be the next Chairman of URCA if he accepts the bait by the FNM but he would have to first leave his seat in South Andros.

Bahamas Press is hearing that a deal may be imminent. A source told us that Forbes has met with the Minister in charge of Broadcasting, Tommy Turnquest. We are told by FNM insiders a deal can be reached as early as Sunday and a resignation by the MP could come by the first sitting of Parliament on Wednesday.

Forbes, the man who was made famous with announcing Pleasant Bridgewater was a free woman at the PLP Convention last October could be free himself from the trappings and weight as a family island MP.

Forbes is a PLP at heart, but the pressures of the community have made it almost impossible for him to carry the endless burdens of residents in his community.

If Forbes cannot tarry any longer and hold the fort, we believe he should call for Rolly Gray boat and sail off into the sunset with his new six-figure salary. The PLP should contest the by-election but the only candidate in sight able to win South Andros is J. Whitney Bastian.


  1. No Island Boy, the special interest brought him back and they fooled the Bahamian people then, that dog ain’t gurn hunt no more, the people know that they were duked, and Bahamian people does keep their shame in silence tell election time again, time will tell dude.

  2. I agree with you ALTEC, I see no point to this story, this is only causing Hubert to look bad, if this is true, again time will tell.

  3. Well BP, forgive me for not jumping on this ship, but it doesnt make any political sense for anyone else to resign their seat to force another bye election considering what happened in Lizzy. There is still a hangover from that bye election.

    If this is a trend, then Papa might as well just call a general election one time.

    I will wait and see what happens.

  4. This is a mess.  Eight GG’s in forty years all entitled to full pension and health insurance after one day of service.  The public purse is been abused by political egomaniacs.How long before we are again delivered from Shame and Schemes?

  5. Today it seems no one cares about country ONLY the mighty dollar. I guess in these hard economic times you can’t blame them.

  6. Um Picewell shouldnt have even been in HOA. SEEMS LIKE EVERYBODY ARE STOPPING REVIEWING AND CANCELING CHRISTIE. Ingraham needs to stop orchestrating these bi elections. kEVIN couldnt say it better Ingraham priority is in the wrong place.

  7. These politicians must stop their FOOLISH actions.The Bahamas is SINKING IN DEBT,crime is through the roof,our eductional system in shambles and all our prime minister could think of is BEATING CHRISTIE IN A BY ELECTION!!! We need to FIRE all of them!!!

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