PLP hemorrhages as diehard supporters become disaffected with Christie Government!


Mutiny could soon hit the Christie Government and Christie could get violent and begin “Politically Beheading” insurrectionist!

PSA President Dwight Smith, Kenyatta Gibson and FNM Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis welcomes aboard hundreds of supporters to the FNM National Fair...

Nassau, Bahamas — There is nothing like having the police vote lock hard against an Administration. Police Staff Association Chairman Dwight Smith showed up live and in colours at the MASSIVE FNM MEGA FAIR on R. M Bailey Park on Saturday…

The former Cat Island GROUND General in the PLP was on the ground with the FNMs telling the hundreds gathered that there is a NEW DAY WITHIN FNM AND THE SUN IS GETTING READY TO RISE ON A NEW BAHAMAS – WHAT IN DA HELL IS DIS?!

This photo and comments of the PSA Chairman come just days before another long-serving Cabinet Minister in the Pindling Government, A. Loftus Roker, called for the resignation of Prime Minister Perry Christie….

Echoes within the PLP organization for the Prime Minister to step down have intensified, particularly after word broke that a number of party insiders want Change within the leadership of the Government!

Mr. Roker scolded Mr. Christie, arguing that the leader of the nation should have never wasted limited funds on a referendum.

Mr. Roker added, “There has to be something. You just can’t keep making mistakes, and saying ‘I’m sorry’. There has to be a price at some point with this thing…. And if you don’t pay and you’re the leader, then don’t look at the man on the street to pay because you must have more experience and more education and you should be wiser than the fellows who are following you.”

Meanwhile serious momentum is building within the FNM. This past week the Party held a national fair which attracted huge support from around the country.

Dr. Minnis told Party supporters he intends to lead his Party to Victory from the ground to Government House. In polls conducted by the Christie Government recently it revealed the shocking horror that if an election was held today Dr. Hubert Minnis would be sworn in as the New Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas…

Boy I tell ya – When it rains it pours…

We report yinner decide!

Prime Minister Perry Christie and Former PLP Cabinet Minister A. Loftus Roker.