Police Inspector arrested with two others in that drug bust on Crooked Island!

Inspector Valentino Gay

Police Inspector arrested with two others in that drug bust on Crooked Island!

NASSAU| A police inspector stationed on Crooked Island is under heavy police interrogation this afternoon after he was caught up in a major drug bust in the southern Bahamas this week.

Inspector Inspector Valentino Gay, who was stationed on the island was at the airport when loads of drugs landed from down south.

Now little did GAY know, International Drug Agencies were tracking the aircraft into the Bahamas and monitored its stop on the island, however, officers on the island met him at the airport assistant the Colombians. WHAT IS THIS!?

Gay, who was on the United States of America “stop list” and was not to be promoted because of a charge recently. He was also to become the country’s newest Assistant Superintendent of Police this week. But the same day he was to collect his promotion letter, he was in the hands of detectives for the Crooked Island bust and placed under arrest. What will happen now?

Well, his promotion has been canceled, and from all accounts he will be charged sometime next week for his involvement in the recent incident!

We report yinner decide!