Polls show PLP lead widening as we approach the Sept. 16th vote …

Philip Brave Davis Q.C

NASSAU| BBB Analytics shows the Progressive Liberal Party will form the next government and, with a little over two weeks to go, Philip Edward Brave Davis will be called upon to form the next government of the Bahamas.

If Election was held today, In a massive victory, the majority of voters polled suggested they will vote for a NEW DAY.  In the run-up to the campaign, which was on short notice, PLP on performance stands strong with 65% of Respondents having a very strong positive opinion of Mr. Davis and his Stewardship.

On the question of Leadership, Mr. Davis polled considerably better at 72%.  On performance, Dr. Minnis polled at a dismal 18% and on leadership, a measly 22%.

BBB Analytics, which interviewed a representative sample of some 2,100 registered voters across the country in diverse population pockets, confirmed serious weaknesses with the strategy, lack of preparations and handling of the crises (Dorian and Covid19) in the country by the Minnis Government.

A spokesman for BBB Analytics noted, “The intention of the Polling Data was designed to extract views on political performance, record and strengths in leadership from the voters.”


Surveys were collected online and via telephone. All surveys and interviews were carried out between August 15 and 20th, 2021.

One of the main recurring responses was lack of vision, direction or committment by the FNM and its Leader, Dr. Minnis. 

Respondents were asked to provide their opinion.  The mis-handling of the Pandemic and the lack of Transparency by the Minnis-led Government are key indicators of their upcoming demise at the Polls.