PowerSecure will remain in place at BPL until Dec. 31! Will the Americans have anything to say about this announcement of their firing by Minnis dem?


Exposing People’s Private Information is now the new business of the Minnis Administration…

Government still will hold on to PowerSecure until the end of the year! Contract cancellation not immediate!

Minister Desmand Bannister

Nassau, Bahamas – BPL’S Management Company PowerSecure will remain in remain in place until December 31 when its contract for the management of the power company shall end.

BP has learnt as much after Desmond Bannister made the announcement in Parliament today that the Minnis administration has ended the management services agreement with PowerSecure.

Minister Bannister revealed that former BPL CEO Pamela Hill was paid $25,000 a month. She also got a housing allowance of $6,000 a month and other monthly benefits of $3,833 per month.

However, there was a management fee in place between PowerSecure and BPL. Was the renumeration package for Pamela Hill a part of the $2 million per annum management fee or was her salary and benefits in addition to this management fee? That remains unclear and no one in media has asked this question.

What the Minister has failed to address for some time now is the shocking revelations about how more than $7 million has been ripped off by operatives of the accounts department. To date, only one banker has been charged and no one inside the company has yet been brought before the courts for their collusion.

The the highest levels of the American Embassy in New Providence lobbied for PowerSecure to get the management job.

Back in August 24th, 2014, it was noted in the Tribune how Barack Obama’s commerce secretary has urged the Bahamian government to select two US-led groups to reform the Bahamas Electricity Corporation (BEC) and energy sector, describing them as the “superior choice”.

In a direct lobbying effort directed at then Deputy Prime Minister, Philip Davis, Penny Pritzker touted the “cutting edge proposals” submitted by two of the five remaining BEC bidders – Caribbean Power Partners and Power Secure International.

Ms Pritzker, in her June 27, 2014 letter to Mr Davis, said: “Caribbean Power Partners and PowerSecure International are companies with years of experience in the realm of power generation and distribution, and bring to the table cutting-edge proposals to meet today’s energy needs.”

Now that the Minnis Government has announced its intent to fire PowerSecure, will the US now issue a statement?

We report yinner decide!