Prime Minister on the Earthquake & Tsunami in Japan

Nassau, Bahamas – Prime Minister Ingraham said this morning that the Government and people of The Bahamas join with citizens around the world in expressing profound sorrow at the terrible loss of life and the human tragedy resulting from the catastrophic earthquake and horrific tsunami impacting Japan beginning yesterday afternoon.

He had no doubt that the thoughts and prayers of all Bahamians are with the victims and their families as they endure the pain of the dreadful natural disasters that continue to impact Japan this morning.

Prime Minister Ingraham recalled that Japan is always amongst the first of the developed countries to respond to international disasters with help and assistance.  He said that The Bahamas was happy to learn that the world community at the level of the United Nations and indeed in capital cities of the developed countries with the ability to respond have signaled a readiness to lend whatever assistance is required by Japan to recover from this terrible disaster.

The Prime Minister recalled that The Bahamas had only this past January concluded a Tax Information Exchange Agreement with Japan.   On that occasion he had the opportunity to meet with the Japanese Ambassador accredited to The Bahamas, H.E. Ambassador Hiroshi Yamaguchi to discuss the mutual interest of both governments to broaden and enhance relations.

The Prime Minister said that he would extend condolences to the Government and people of Japan from the Government and people of The Bahamas over the tremendous loss of life and destruction from the disaster.


  1. Hubert Ingraham is only profiling; he doesn’t give a damn about Bahamians so do you think he gives a damn about the Japanese? On second thought Japan is foreign so he may care a little about them. Look at the economic disaster we have right here in our country and he doesn’t give a hoot whether our people live or die.

  2. I want the Prime Minister to see the FINANCIAL EARTHQUAKE he is causing in the Bahamas by selling BTC to our former COLONIAL MASTERS.I am sure everyone is aware of the IPO for the COMMONWEALTH BREWERY-BURNS HOUSE share offer.I think this is AN EXCELLENT INVESTMENT offer!!!However,if 25% of this operation is worth 62.5 MILLION then we know that 51% of this business is worth 127 MILLION DOLLARS!!!We also see that the share price is $8.33 each.Well if BTC IS 100 TIMES BIGGER THAN THIS BUSINESS AND IS MAKING TWICE THE NET PROFIT AND PAYING FULL CUSTOMS DUTIES ON ALL ITS IMPORTS,PLUS PAYING AN ASSORTMENT OF OTHER TAXES AND GIVING THE GOVERNMENT A YEARLY DIVIDEND AVERAGING 30 MILLION DOLLARS!!!How come 51% of BTC is only worth 210 million dollars? How come C&W IS BUYING BTC SHARES FOR $1.70 EACH?Mr.Prime Minister Please get out your calculator and start asking some questions because EVERYTHING IS WRONG WITH THIS ACQUISITION!!!

  3. The Bahamas need to have a telethon, to collect funds to help the tsunami/earthquake in Japan survivors, it is far worst than the Haitian earthquake!! I also give my condolences to the people of Japan, in a time of uncertainty and hopelessness…

    • You think it’s worst? Or do you think that the magnitude was worst? It wasn’t a Haitian Earthquake you ignorant fuck, it was earthquake that had hit Haiti… The infrastructure in Haiti plus the poverty made Haiti’s earthquake far worst than the one that had hit Japan. So shut your ugly free thinking ass up… And yea, my girl is Japanese and she’s over there, and she’s okay by the way so thank God for that. I wouldn’t be surprised if you looked like the prime minister, you ugly ass Bahamian..SMH!

      • You need to take a break from posting. You have issues that are so deep, that you wreak of hopelessness. You are a pathetic individual. I know that it is wrong to wish bad things on people, but I wish that as you suffer, you remember all of the filth you spewed at the Bahamian people. While you suffer, may you remember every word, that proceeded from your heart to your fingers. We don’t know who you are, but the God above knows.

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