Another MP dumps the FNM!

NASSAU| After sitting in the Parliament yesterday and learning of the disastrous management of the hurricane Dorian preparations by the Minnis Government the Member of Parliament for Centreville Reece Chipman has tendered his resignation from the Free National Movement.
Chipman you would recall was the former Chairman of the AMMC, who PM Minnis claimed he sacked for corruption but never went into any details.
Chipman will become an Independent MP. But some speculate he will join the DNA.
The former FNM MP held a press conference at his constituency office in Centreville at 1 pm today.
Meanwhile, BP has learned a PLP potential vying for the Centreville seat held one of the biggest meetings in that constituency not seen in a long while. The meet and greet gathered PLPs and many FNMs together.
We report yinner decide!