Rubis Donates $50,000 Towards Hurricane Matthew Recovery Efforts


More donations poor in following Hurricane Matthew…

NASSAU, The Bahamas – Oil company Rubis Bahamas Limited donated $50,000 towards the Hurricane Matthew recovery efforts. The presentation was made Thursday, November 17, 2016 at the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) on Gladstone Road. On hand for the presentation was the Rt. Hon. Perry Christie, Prime Minister who thanked Rubis for the funds, and also acknowledged other donations it made. The Prime Minister also said while NEMA was wrapping up Hurricane Joaquin, which struck last October, it was faced with the catastrophic impact of Hurricane Matthew. He encouraged Rubis and other corporate sponsors to continue to donate as the Government moves to minimize the impact of a “terrible Christmas” for residents mostly affected by the storm. Pictured from left to right are Scott Pinder, Operations Manager, Rubis; Micah Lundy-Hepburn, Finance Manager, Rubis; Latia Duncombe, Sales & Marketing Manager, Rubis; Prime Minister Christie; Gordon Craig, Managing Director, Rubis; Gowon Bowe of the disaster relief fund committee, responsible for accounting and fund raising; the Hon. Shane Gibson, Minister responsible for Recovery and Restoration; and Captain Stephen Russell, Director, NEMA. (BIS Photo/Patrick Hanna)