School Administrators ordered to the floor and kidnapped into a room as school is robbed early Friday Morning of an undetermined amount of cash!


WHAT IN THE HELL IS THIS – They robbing schools now?

This is a file photo and is not the actually footage from the incident...

Security must beef up in the Eastern Section of the Island – School Robbed!

NASSAU, Bahamas – Here’s another story you will only catch on Bahamas Press. While the nation stood quiet over the weekend – just hours before the crime plan was to rolled us by the Christie Government, bandits sought to get a last minute hit at crime entered a school in Eastern New Providence and showing the just how completely criminals and criminality have taken over our society.

Breaking News coming into Bahamas Press confirms, the school, which shall remain nameless for the safety of the educators and students, looked into the face of terror on Friday.

We can tell you that sometime around Friday morning gunmen entered the compound of the school and shouted: “This is a F***ing robbery” get on the ground. Two males came into the office, one armed with a handgun.

The men for a brief moment held hostage the administrators as they ordered everyone into a room and demanded cash.

BP was not there to count the money, but since it was the opening registration day at the school, we can tell you an undetermined amount of cash was taken along with smart phones.

A victim of the ordeal told BP, “I am sick and tired of the crime in this country. Although no one was hurt, it was a traumatizing experience that took place very quickly but still leaves a very long lasting, dramatic impact on my life. I have not slept yet. This story is one of many but Bahamians need to be warned. These criminals do not care who you are or where you are at or what time of day it is anymore! We must keep our eyes open and be vigilant.”

When asked by BP, “ where was the security officer for the school”? The response: “MIA as usual, perhaps on a $0.99 cents breakfast run while the school was under siege.”

The Criminals have the upper hand and we believe someone big in Lyford Cay is funding the destabilization program of the Bahamas!