Senator Maynard-Gibson Meets up with Women Leadership Around the World

Senator Allyson Maynard Gibson (President of the International Women’s Forum) pictured with Mrs. Ana Palacio the first female Foreign Minister of Spain and the former World Bank President on the occasion of Mrs. Palacio’s induction into the IWF Hall of Fame in October, 2010.
Senator Allyson Maynard Gibson (President of the International Women’s Forum) pictured with Mrs. Ana Palacio the first female Foreign Minister of Spain and the former World Bank President on the occasion of Mrs. Palacio’s induction into the IWF Hall of Fame in October, 2010.
Senator Allyson Gibson together with members of IWF Jamaica greeting Her Excellency Michaelle Jean the former Governor General of Canada and the UN Special Envoy for Haiti, at the IWF’s Gala held in Montreal in October 2010.