The Minister of Housing and the Environment has issued a Prohibition to Build Order for The Mudd, Pigeon Pea, Sand Bank and Farm Road community areas located on the island of Abaco, with immediate effect.
According to the Order, “no person shall erect any new building or development for the
purposes of residing or carrying out any commercial activity” in the identified community areas.
The purpose of the Order is to allow for recovery efforts and the removal of storm debrisrelated to Hurricane Dorian.
This Order is made in accordance with Section 24 (1)(b) of the Planning and Subdivision Act,
2010 and the Planning and Subdivision (Prohibition to Build) (Abaco) Order, 2019.
As previously indicated by Prime Minister the Most Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis, the Government intends to provide initial temporary accommodation for all affected residents in safe alternative locations on Abaco.
The Order is valid for six months but may be extended for further periods of up to six months as required.
15 September 2019
Ministry of Housing and the Environment
Commonwealth of The Bahamas