Nassau – A sinkhole inside a government office almost swallowed a whole person recently and many persons inside believe they are operating and working in a trap!
Recently a government employee fell through the floor of a Ministry of Health facility, injuring herself during the ordeal, and having to be rescued by staff.
The incident, we believe, is a recorded first for the Health Department which this week announced a $10 million upgrade for the Emergency Room and some satellite clinics and facilities.
With workers falling through the floor and into the ground the incident speaks volumes of the state of healthcare in the country and the degrading structural conditions faced by professionals every day coupled with poor wages and unsanitary environments. What is most egregious is the fact that NOT ONE MEMBER OF THE WUTLESS MEDIA in the entire country reported on line about the sinkhole which was uncovered in a complex in the Ministry of Health.
Why ya think Duane Sands has hidden this from the public knowing that BP would find out?

Anyway – We ga report and let yinner decide!