Spanish beach picture borrowed from the Bahamas?

costa-brava By: Travel Weekly

Spain: OK, so what was the tourist board for Girona thinking about when it decided to use a picture of a beach in the Bahamas to promote its own beaches?

It’s not as if Spanish tourist boards aren’t able to pay to have some decent shots of their beaches, although a representative was quoted on the Telegraph site as saying . . .

When we came to make the advert we didn’t have the adequate images with sufficient quality.

Hmmm. Come on. Why try to dupe consumers when you have such an interesting area to promote.

And what of the impact on Bahamas tourism? Well, just spoken to Gary Jacobs at Fox Kalomaski  – the destination marketing company for the Bahamas.

Gary’s immediate response was what a great piece of PR for the Bahamas. he thought that other DM agencies and tourist boards could well be sweating on this is as it is not the first time images have been used in this way.

The biggest irony is that the current Bahamas campaign is all about authenticity – using real people to promote the destination.

This theme of authenticity is an emerging one, Gary said. How ironic!

TW is working on a story and Gary is penning us a piece.