Da 'Red Machine' getting ready for battle. Get ready for retirement Christie



  1. Well Joe my friend you may have a true point but I must defend the PLP here I can see a win for us in the next election if you take a poll right now the FNM has about a 45% Job approval rate and that is very sad …now my advise to the PLP is that there is a 50/45 chance right now to gain the confidence of the Bahamian people.

    But there must be some drastic moves and makeovers if this is to happen .

  2. Please use “lose” in this instance. Loose means slack, relaxed. We already know that there are too many loose people in that organization.
    AH! The devil made me say that!!!!

  3. Come On ,

    I too find your statements a little confuseing, But you have to look at the facts when you make certain statements it was the FNM stop and review program that put a wrench in our direct foreign investment…..so therefore we have what we have today when HAI first came back to office he cut the tourisim ad budget and installed N.Grant as minister which was a disastorus move.

    I can see the PLP winning the next election ….it will be there’s to loose.

  4. Laing Vernae and Neko will be gone in grand bahama in 2012. Trust me when I say G-O-N-E. There’s a young, vibrant group working silently here in grand bahama along with Dr. Darville. There will be some suprises come 2012. Laing is too arrogant, Vernae done pissed the haitian community off & has NO RESPECT for us yutz, and Neko simply put. too “wutless”. Obie & Quasi remains to be seen, even though from what appears to be a good frt rom Quasi, he already ready to jump ship on dem FNm’s. If he goes up against Dr. Darville he a sure gonna. The yutz here have far too much respect for the Dr. The way I see it, the PLP and the FNM will have to come correct next time around. If they ain’t dealing with yutz issues, education reform, free tertiary ed at COB, National Youth development with an emphasis on sports development and culture ect, then to hell with them both. From now on five years is the max for bullskate.

  5. Kim Sands :
    This country would have been ready for a third party if CDR did hold on a little bit longer, knowing how I feel today, I could visualize myself voting for them if they were still around for the next election. CDR is the only other political party that ever existed in this country that I would have taking seriously beside the FNM and PLP, but unfortunately Bernard Nottage got discouraged and returned to the PLP. A lot of people had already respected BJ Nottage and I believe it would have been easy for them to consider CDR as the next government.

    I totally agree with you Kim!

    The CDR lacked patience and they tried to hit a home run in 2002. Small parties cant contest a bunch of constituencies. The CDR didnt have the money or man power. Thats why it boggles my mind when 3rd parties want to contest more than 5 constituencies. Campaigning anit cheap and good loyal soldiers hard to come by.

    I have told former CDR members that they should have used their limited money and man power to protect Bernard in Kennedy and focus on 2-3 of those swing constituencies in New Providence or in the Family Islands. But they contested to many seats, ran out of money and their foot soldiers got frustrated and gave up.

    In the end all of the CDR’s standard bearers lost their deposit, the party fold up shop, Bernard gone back to the PLP while Phenton and Charles gone over to the gal they despised.

    Had the CDR been more patient, they may have had 2-3 seats in parliament today! They had the ideas but no patience!

  6. ronica7 :
    You are saying: ‘The fnm’s position is not as secure’ but yet you still think they are going to pick up 15 seats.

    Ronica those 14 seats you are referring to are the FNM’s stronghold seats. The PLP has its 14 stronghold constituencies as well. you need a minimum of 21 seats to form a government.

    Presently the FNM has 23 seats and if you count Kenyatta, thats 24. Of those 24 seats 14 are sure seats. The other 10 are constituencies that flip flop between parties. I guess you can call them the “swing constituencies.”
    The PLP presently has 17 seats in the house and of the 17, 3 of them can be picked off by the FNM not because they normally swing between parties, rather because 2 of the individual members have “issues” (Obie court case and Malcolm in the middle) and HI have the hots for Fred (Fox Hill’s boundaries will get cut up again).

    The question is, is it easier to hold on to seats or loose them? The FNM will have the more difficult task because they have to defend more ground represented by candidates who isnt exactly lighting the world on fire.

    His plan, Mr.Ingraham’s, is to wait on Obama to ride coat-tails again, then get on R.M.Bailey park, and tell an un-informed electorate again, coupled with the monies from the ‘Great Whites’, and say how he has delivered again

    If thats is his plan, then i hope he follows through. That strategy may have worked in the early 90’s but this Bahamian electorate is much more sophisticated than that. They removed the PLP not because of the economy, which was doing well, but because of PC internal problems.

    This blog will play a role because everyone and they dog does read this site. Other blogs like “Bahamas Issues” been stale a lil while na!

    We are not giving the Bahamian electorate enough credit!

  7. I am assessing the members of Parliament from both sides and when they come asking for my vote next time they have many questions to answer.Glennys Hanna Martin is in a class by herself as she has really irritated FNMs with her dogged style.That is how an opposition operates and no half truths will or should deter anyone from seeing that the Govt just does not have it.Not sufficient talent to prevent HAI from going off track.Gutless Cabinet who should read about members of the first FNM Cabinet who were willing to challenge HAI on matters they felt were important.This Cabinet is young and just happy to have cabinet plates and willing to follow the pied piper.The notion that only HAI could carry the country through this difficult period is ludricous based on the many missteps made even b4 we reached this stage.A man should be judged on how he fares in good times b4 we can see how he conducts the affairs of the country in bad times.HAI has not shown that he is capable but who knows he might get lucky in having to call General Elections soon then he can escape further damage to his fragile character.

  8. @Two Hype

    This country would have been ready for a third party if CDR did hold on a little bit longer, knowing how I feel today, I could visualize myself voting for them if they were still around for the next election. CDR is the only other political party that ever existed in this country that I would have taking seriously beside the FNM and PLP, but unfortunately Bernard Nottage got discouraged and returned to the PLP. A lot of people had already respected BJ Nottage and I believe it would have been easy for them to consider CDR as the next government. When politicians jump from party to party, it makes you very comfortable with them. It makes me feel like either they don’t know their own minds or they were never committed to begin with or something serious went down within the party for them to up and leave. This situation creates a problem with trust, you don’t know if to continue to support the politician or the party.

  9. Altec, you know you are one of my favoite bloggers, but you mixed up today.

    You are saying: ‘The fnm’s position is not as secure’ but yet you still think they are going to pick up 15 seats.The bahamian people has already seen Mr. Ingraham, is mostly hot air, who was simply riding president Clintons coat-tails 93-2000. If he really had the smarts that people claim he has , bahamians would not be catching so much hell!

    His plan, Mr.Ingraham’s, is to wait on Obama to ride coat-tails again, then get on R.M.Bailey park, and tell an un-informed electorate again, coupled with the monies from the ‘Great Whites’, and say how he has delivered again

  10. Correction to post #1

    Media i realized i missed two names out of my analysis. Alfred Sears (Ft Charlotte) and Kenneth Russell (High Rock). Both are safe seats for there respective parties.

    That brings the numbers to: PLP: 14 safe, 2 vulnerable, 1 toss up
    FNM: 14 safe, 5 vulnerable, 5 toss up

    How come you miss that Media? lol.

    Ronica i done tell you what the deal is. The FNM has to defend 10 seats that can be picked off and must keep 7 of them to remain the government. What the the PLP has to figure out is out of these 10 seats which 7 can be picked off easiest.

    The only seats the PLP has to worry about is Fred’s (Fox Hill), Malcolm’s (Elisabeth) and Obie’s (West End). Fred is the only one who can get beat out right. the other 2 seats can be lost because of stupidity of the 2 candidates.

    The FNM’s position isnt as secure as they want you to believe. Its all about distractions with them.

  11. Altec :@Objective thought

    Why preach CHANGE while the FNM is in power if you are supporting them to return as the govt in the next election… I just don’t get it (scratching my head). Can you explain exactly where you expect this change to take place???


    But what you’re not doing OT is being “OPEN” and “OBJECTIVE” whilst reading. We are “fair and balanced” in our reporting, NOT “BIAS”. Learn those words, and understand the difference between the two. For it is our fair and balance commentary, which has landed us over 200,000 daily readers.

    BP i do think you need to define what is your definition of change! Do you want a change in personalities or a change in government policy? Being an avid reader of this blog i think you want more of personalty change than policy.
    I for one want a change in policy and i see PC more of an agent of policy than HI. During PC’s one term he had already begun to implement policy change, ie, immigration policy, housing, foreign policy with Cuba and CARCOM, financial services, etc. He may not have gotten it right sometimes but at least he and his cbinet were willing to do some things different.
    Two years into HI administrtion and the only new policy implemented was the unemployment benefit scheme that wasnt even in their 2007 manifesto but was hurridly rushed together to make it seem as if they were on top of the financial crisis. This after the Min of Sate for Financne said there was no recession in the Bahamas, lol.
    I sense BP that you want personality changes. You just want PC and HI gone. But what difference will it make if they are gone and their successors continue their policies? No difference what so ever. We will be right back at square one.
    Thats why the CDR was so intriguing. They had some ideas that would have fundamentally changed this country, but Bernard gave up too quickly imo.
    Look at Pres Obama. He is the rear exception in that his change is not only in personality but policy also. Guantanamo Bay is on its way out, universal health coverage coming, climate change legislation passed, immigration reform on the way. Those are some shifts that will alter the American way of life. He has already said he wants to be one for America’s greatest presidents when he is done and he realizes that in order for that to happen, it cant be done with speeches, but with SUBSTANTIVE POLICY CHANGES!
    We need leaders who are ideas oriented that are good for ALL bahamians and will let those ideas shape policy. We are still living of off L.O. Pindling’s policies implemented 20 yrs ago. Its ashamed that we havent moved on since his death.

    Altec I was once a CDR and must disagree with you that any of our former leaders gave up. Thruth be told:The Bahamas was not and will never be ready for a third party.However if the mind set is in the PLP and FNM’Then and only then can thoese persons push for that change that is needed.Our hope is that The same changes we pushed for whiles being a CDR will be the same that both Doc,Charles and Neymore push for in their parties today. As Bahamains we talk a good talk. but Two parties is all we will ever have that makes an impact.

  12. @ come on

    You writings are a little confusing but as a young person i encourage you to continue to write, and take an intrest in your country, and it’s developement.

    The next election will see the exponential return of the middle class, who would have been treated in such an invidious manner by this government, running back to the plp. The ‘grass-root’ support,will continue to be strong.

    The fnm will have mainly the haitian vote to rely on, they are seemingly the only ones left wearing fnm paaraphernalia!

    The tribune, punch, and guardian will have to work over-time next election, because facebook, and the other blogs will attract most voters, who will be in the under 40 bracket.

  13. Media,

    Tell me one name, just ONE PERSON’S NAME who was hired for just six months and then TERMINATED BY THE FNM OR THE PLP. Persons have been appointed by BOTH PARTIES during elections and were regularized when the FNM became the government in 1992 and again in 2002 when the PLP became the government. However, 2007 was a shocker. in my forty years of public service I have NEVER seen such MASS termination like 2007. CHECK THE TREASURY PAYROLL. VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY.

  14. @Objective thought

    Why preach CHANGE while the FNM is in power if you are supporting them to return as the govt in the next election… I just don’t get it (scratching my head). Can you explain exactly where you expect this change to take place???


    But what you’re not doing OT is being “OPEN” and “OBJECTIVE” whilst reading. We are “fair and balanced” in our reporting, NOT “BIAS”. Learn those words, and understand the difference between the two. For it is our fair and balance commentary, which has landed us over 200,000 daily readers.

    BP i do think you need to define what is your definition of change! Do you want a change in personalities or a change in government policy? Being an avid reader of this blog i think you want more of personalty change than policy.

    I for one want a change in policy and i see PC more of an agent of policy than HI. During PC’s one term he had already begun to implement policy change, ie, immigration policy, housing, foreign policy with Cuba and CARCOM, financial services, etc. He may not have gotten it right sometimes but at least he and his cbinet were willing to do some things different.

    Two years into HI administrtion and the only new policy implemented was the unemployment benefit scheme that wasnt even in their 2007 manifesto but was hurridly rushed together to make it seem as if they were on top of the financial crisis. This after the Min of Sate for Financne said there was no recession in the Bahamas, lol.

    I sense BP that you want personality changes. You just want PC and HI gone. But what difference will it make if they are gone and their successors continue their policies? No difference what so ever. We will be right back at square one.

    Thats why the CDR was so intriguing. They had some ideas that would have fundamentally changed this country, but Bernard gave up too quickly imo.

    Look at Pres Obama. He is the rear exception in that his change is not only in personality but policy also. Guantanamo Bay is on its way out, universal health coverage coming, climate change legislation passed, immigration reform on the way. Those are some shifts that will alter the American way of life. He has already said he wants to be one for America’s greatest presidents when he is done and he realizes that in order for that to happen, it cant be done with speeches, but with SUBSTANTIVE POLICY CHANGES!

    We need leaders who are ideas oriented that are good for ALL bahamians and will let those ideas shape policy. We are still living of off L.O. Pindling’s policies implemented 20 yrs ago. Its ashamed that we havent moved on since his death.


    The whole entire world is in a financial crisis due to USA economy. Countries like The Bahamas which depends on TOURISM are hurting the most. The Bahamas second Industry “FINANCIAL INDUSTRY” soon will be hurting as well due to Pres. Obama stimulus plan to stop tax haven countries like The Bahamas. Lets take note of our neighbours in The CAYAMAN islands which is the King of tax haven countries. That country bread and butter is in the FINICIAL industry. Yal say “OBAMA for BAHAMA”… I still say “Pindling-Ingraham-Christie is for THE BAHAMAS”.

    As a young person… I am confident in FNM’s decisions thus far. Prime minister Ingraham who is known to be a GO-GETTA or PITBULL will fight hard to keep Americans from our second industry records. Thank God… We Have a leader who might get on our nerves most days but at The end of the day HE WILL KEEP OBAMA OUT OF HIS COUNTRY BUSINESS. That was a major issue I have with Christie… He dont know how to stand on his own and fight.

    As for the Government contracts etc…. Have yal notice what is happening around the world? THE FNM bring out a national insurance scheme for the unfortunate people who got laid off. The Bahamas have not so good deficit but they still tried too work things out for people.


    Former President of Commerce D’arguliar stated recently that he knows The government have a task DUE TO THE FINICIAL CRISIS. He stated that the government have to let go some government workers or borrow more funds. D’arguliar later on stated that his last resort would be firing government workers.

    WE ARE IN A ISSUE… ALL the PLP is doing is campaigning for 2012 elections. They are not bring forth NO IDEA’s to government. COMPLAINING ABOUT THIS and THAT. I’m really starting to get piss off with FNM and PLP actions. The FNM is acting IGNORANT just like the PLP when its the Bahamian people who are at stake.

    Im sorry for FNM decision for not renewing some government contracts but I am 100% for that because of this time.

    The most MEMORABLE occasion of Hubert Ingraham is when he said point blank THE GOVERMENT ENN HAVE NO MONEY… We ga try to do the best we can… We cant hire no more people cuz we hardly cud pay current workers. He also said to he ministers “If ya catch n e one stealin… LET EM GO..” Yal dont understand how powerful… how honest Ingraham was to STATE THAT. I could never see Christie being so honest like that all he used to is SWEETIN’s tings up or preach.

  16. On the ground the FNM is in serious difficulty bcos of their ludricous policy of stop review cancel.HAI rightly said that his former law partner Christie had a good economic policy and as a result this FNM Govt.is uising money accrued during Christies term to payout money to those in need.Next General Elections I see the FNM getting one seat in Nassau ,one in GB and hardly any in other Family Islands.Yes folks its over for the FNm and they will be replaced by a new political party..The people will show them that it is stupid to treat them horribly then expect to come back and beg for votes.By a landslide the FNM loses and they better take their appointees with them.Can you imagine an incumbent party being unable to get supporters to take part in steakpots or Labour Day march?I am laughing bcos Bahamians are so pissed they are saying nothing and just playing along with the program.lolo lolo.

  17. Thomas Finley :For the 10th time Media, those workers were not ‘temporary’, they were contract workers. Contracts have fixed terms. The PLP hired and fired them after 6 months. The FNM had nothing to do with it. Stop telling lies! You know better! Dion Foulkes had to smack that whiny voice woman down in the Senate for talking the same foolishness. I cannot stand to hear her voice when she speaks in Parliament. She needs a voice coach, bad bad….

    Thomas, even though the PLP gave them six months contracts as you have rightly stated, the FNM had the choice, as the new govt, to renew their contracts (like they did with the school in GB) or just let their contracts run out.. Well, we all know that the FNM chose the latter!!

    Just to refresh your memory, the PLP found themselves in the same position after winning the govt back in 2002… The former govt at that time, the FNM, had also hired hundreds of contract workers just prior to the elections of 2002 but when their contracts were nearing the end, we all know that the PLP govt made the decision to keep them on.

    So in essence, the PLP did not fire those contracted workers, the FNM did!!! Get it right because I know that you know better but prefer to spread propaganda!!! Like Fred likes to say, “To FNMs, a good story is always better than the TRUTH!!!”

    You need to stop spreading LIES by making it sound as if there was nothing the FNM could do about their contracts!! The PLP did not let them go, the FNM did!!

  18. @john
    So true John.. Right now all they are doing is cleaning up the mess that they have created for the most part…. Remember how HI gave PC props for how well he ran the govt. during their first budget in 2007???

    So how did we get in this mess???? Mainly because of their mishandling and mismanagement of this economy!!!

  19. @Joe Blow
    @Joe Blow
    If HAI stays on, his party will take the election again. (quote Joe Blow)

    Are you serious??? HI Has destroyed our economy mainly by his STOP, CANCEL and REVIEW programme and has terminated hundreds if not thousands which carried over to the private sector but you say “If he stays on, his party will take the election again..????

    HI now finds his govt. doing a hell of a lot of house cleaning because of the MESS he has made… If HI hadn’t been so nasty to the Bahamian people, there would have been no need for most of the programmes that they have started like the UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT programme, the MILLIONS that his govt has to now pump into Social Services etc..

    These are the programmes that they are bragging about but I don’t see anything for them to brag about especially because they are the ones who have put hundreds on the unemployment list during these tough times.. What else did they expect to happen???

    Now this govt finds itself paying out millions to many of the persons whom they terminated.. And they want those persons to jump for joy because of the programmes that they have implemented? Come on people…

    Remember how HI used to be the main person calling the PLP’s govt especially under LOP’s rule, a socialist govt.??? Well, my, my how the times have changed….. Not that I have a problem with it though because I believe that it’s a caring govt’s responsibility to take care of its poor and hurting people!!!

  20. For the 10th time Media, those workers were not ‘temporary’, they were contract workers. Contracts have fixed terms. The PLP hired and fired them after 6 months. The FNM had nothing to do with it. Stop telling lies! You know better! Dion Foulkes had to smack that whiny voice woman down in the Senate for talking the same foolishness. I cannot stand to hear her voice when she speaks in Parliament. She needs a voice coach, bad bad….

  21. I have to laugh when I hear these FNMs talk about putting politics aside after the election. The FNM never stops campaigning and begins every debate talking about “the previous administration”. HAI is the main one talking nonsense about what the growth rate of government debt was is 1982! I loved the Senate debate! I think it showed very clearly that this FNM government is absolutely CLUELESS! The sooner we see the back of these clowns the better. NEWS FLASH Joe, the economy will not magically get better just by the passage of time, we need a plan and so far I do not see one.

  22. @media
    Media I know the saying which says, “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything!!!

    Do you know why the Oreily Factor dominates the shows in the US??? Because Oreily makes it clear who he supports but he has no problem calling a spade a spade!! He calls it as he sees it and very rarely he is bias!!! That’s why I love his show!!!

    People like him can get the most respect from me but there is hardly anything else that I hate more than a person who claims to be neutral or fair but anyone can clearly see their biasness!!!

    Simply put, I like to know where persons are coming from and that’s how you can tell if they are fair and balanced!!

    BP’s bias towards HI is very clear to me just like the other medias are!!

    I won’t be surprised if HI gave you those letters himself to put on this site!!

  23. @Joe Blow
    Boy you sure wrote a lot of words just to make one statement!!

    Oppositions do exactly that, OPPOSE!!!! Now, I agree with you that whenever they oppose, they should offer suggestions that they think maybe better….

    But if the opposition felt as though the programmes that they implemented while in govt were better than what this govt now has then it is their duty to say it over and over to remind the people of what they had… So what if you are tired of hearing about the STOP, CANCEL and REVIEW programme by this govt… The TRUTH hurts, doesn’t it????

  24. @Objective thought
    Don’t be confused by our writings OT. There’s a thing called being “FAIR AND BALANCED”. I know I know the phrase is not too common in the PLP nor the FNM. We know its new to you guys. And this is where BP is beginning to “CHANGE” this country.

    Yes we praise Hubert when he does something good; Like launching the “Unemployment Benefit Programme” and yes we CUSS him down when he started terminating government temporary workers in 2007.

    Yes we praise Christie when we analyze his record of low unemployment and his attraction of foreign investments. And yes we CUSS him when we see him sitting quiet in the HOA and allowing Hubert to get away with murder.

    But what you’re not doing OT is being “OPEN” and “OBJECTIVE” whilst reading. We are “fair and balanced” in our reporting, NOT “BIAS”. Learn those words, and understand the difference between the two. For it is our fair and balance commentary, which has landed us over 200,000 daily readers.

    But when you want BIAS reporting there are two website we can refer you to; http://www.myplp.com and the other is http://www.freenationalmovement.org/ . And when you tired a them, pickup your morning daily, the words “BIAS” is written on every page.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  25. media :@Objective thoughtWell OT this is my point exactly. ALL this mess; the COP being called out by a judge, the nurses debacle, all this violence and crime, children dying in police cells and had it not been for a blog like Bahamas Press so you can speak your voice you would think the Bahamas is a Disney theme park somewhere in the Atlantic.
    You in the PLP stay right there thinking the party have it carrying on, when you hear John Marquis in town just for the election, the PLP will see just what we been warning you all about.

    Media you sound confusing and mixup to me.. Everyday you are talking about “CHANGE” but I am wondering what change are you talking about… You say HI can’t be trusted one day then the next day you talking as if he can’t do NO wrong…

    Then one day you say that PC is “WUTLESS” and the next day you write about all the changes that PC was making in this country… I am totally confused about what change you are talking about but one thing is for certain and that is you don’t want to see PC back as the leader of this country!!!!

    Why preach CHANGE while the FNM is in power if you are supporting them to return as the govt in the next election… I just don’t get it (scratching my head). Can you explain exactly where you expect this change to take place???

  26. I don’t want to hear constant whining from either side. I had to turn off the Senate debate this week because I have heard both sides castigate each other over and over and over again and it is beyond nauseating. If one is debating a bill then talk about what is good or bad in the bill. Talk about how you think it could be corrected or changed to the benefit of the people. We have had two years of listening to how only the PLP care about the people and how much better they ran the country and then we have to listen to the FNM defend their position. In the meantime a bill or ammendment that could have been debated and passed takes four days instead of 4 hours. I have observed how much clearer the air is on the Opposition side whichever party is in opposition. Since May 02, I have heard how the FNM must have rigged the election, imported people from other countries to vote, stopped, reviewed and cancelled projects, rob the treasury to line their pockets, have no solutions to anything, the speaker doesn’t allow the opposition to state their opiniond, the government side are constantly interrupting from their seats etc.etc.etc. But I also observe that the Opposition get their little “jabs: in too. They disobey the speaker and keep on talking over him again and again. I observe that the courts did not overturn the election results. I observed that the PLP changed the boundaries 2 weeks before the election and it caused all kinds of problems. I observed that the chairman of the PLP had thousands of “fake??” ballots on his person. I expect all the “hype” a few weeks before elections. I do not expect it to continue. I do not expect either party to be contesting the 2012 election instead of doing their work. You might not like Mr. Ingraham or his style of governing. That is your right but he is the Prime Minister and that office deserves respect. He is not an evil person who is out to bedevil the people of the country. If he does not do the job as expected by the voters, they will vote him out! That’s what they did to the PLP. The voters obviously did not wholeheartedly approve of the governance of the Party of your choice Mr. Coleby. I think I have made my position very clear many times . I want the MPs and the Leaders to do their job which is to govern to the best of their abilities, to respect one another and to put the voters interest first and foremost. Once an election is over to put their party politics on the backburner until the next election is called. This country is in deep trouble and it did not start on May 02,2007, nor 5 years earlier nor ten years before that. It started the day the “die-hards” of both Party had to win the election at any cost. WE, WE WE ARE SICK OF IT!!!We are all brothers who love our country. It and each other is all we have. So lets all give our all to it and each other. If you have noticed, this site became much more tolerable when those of us who “blog” often stopped using derogatory terms and learned to tolerate each other’s opinions even when they were directly opposed to our own. Many of us even have a deep respect for each other. Join the group if you dare!

  27. “What has the PLP done to ensure “TRANSPARENCY in the ELECTIONS PROCESS?” Errol Bethel is still in charge. There has been no reforms to the process of registration.” Quote Media…

    There you go again talking about the PLP… The people have already dealt with the PLP in 2007!! The FNM is now in charge, why do you keep focusing on the PLP?? What has the FNM done within the past 2 years to ensure TRANSPARENCY in the election process??????? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!

  28. @Objective thought
    Well OT this is my point exactly. ALL this mess; the COP being called out by a judge, the nurses debacle, all this violence and crime, children dying in police cells and had it not been for a blog like Bahamas Press so you can speak your voice you would think the Bahamas is a Disney theme park somewhere in the Atlantic.

    You in the PLP stay right there thinking the party have it carrying on, when you hear John Marquis in town just for the election, the PLP will see just what we been warning you all about.


  29. media :Taking this VERY VERY balanced assessment into account. Altec, do you really think the PLP will ride the wave of VICTORY with a Christie? I DON’T think so. Why?
    1) Christie cannot beat Hubert
    2) Christie has no media on his side
    3) Their is no BRADLEY “IN YA FACE” personality to CUSS INGRAHAM as needed.
    4) The branches in the PLP are weak and are not strong enough to fight a ground war, mind you the FNM owns the air campaign (THEY OWN ALL THE MEDIA)
    5)The PLP has lost it youth base within the party. Say what ya like, they ain’t ga follow NO CHRISTIE!
    Bahamas Press/EditorPS: And with that, watch the edge the FNM will have over the PLP!

    Media, sorry to say but simply put you are talking garbage!!! You and HI must have the same advisers!!

    This election will NOT be about PC and HI like the last one was. (your statement shows that you are out of touch with the public and that you really think that every Bahamian is STUPID!!)

    This election will be about the records of both parties.(HI has proven this term that he was just playing the public when he was first in office just to win a second term) That will not happen again!!

    You are right about the media including this blog!!!

    Every PLP event that I go to, I see lots of young people. ( I don’t know why you keep spreading that LIE).

    The Speaker protects HI with his life.. NO one can attack HI and get away with it!!

    With all the CRAP that is going on in this country today with the economy and the scandals that are being swept under the rug, compared to when the PLP was in power, you can still honestly say that PC can’t beat HI??? Well all I could say to that is that HI and the FNM must be paying you good too!!!

  30. Altec :@Joe BlowJoe, you is my boy, but i have to disagree with you on this point:

    Whether you want to believe it or not, at this point, the FNM has better up front players and a stronger bench.

    Not!!!!!!!!Soca Forbes, Frank Smith, Sears, Jerome Fitzgerald, Glennis, Melanie, Pleasant, Paul Moss = the futureFred, Bernard, Obie, Alfred, Mother Pratt = the sun is setting
    Laing, Carl Bethel, Brent Symonette and Tommy HAVE ALREADY BEEN REJECTED!. Branville and Dr Minnis are the only 2 FNM’s who saying something. The FNM has no bench. If they did then why did HAI had to come from his undisclosed location to lead the party? and why is there a move afoot to get him to stay on for another term?

    You mean Pleasant Bridgewater?

  31. Joe Blow :Bahamas Press/Editor: Great assessment! #4 critical. As is #5. The rest of you stop looking for the old boys to pull off a miracle- they just ain’t got it in them. Develop a youth candidate. Get him some community experience and good honest press and publicity. Keep him/her honest and clean. Forget 2012. Continue your dull, tired old negative rhetoric and you will turn the under 40 PLP crowd completely off. If the present PLP MPs continue their whinning many won’t be re-elected. More to the point would be to pick a couple of current issues and realistically demonstrate how the problems can be solved. Keeping on with the present strategy guarantees no votes from the youth. They might not cross over but they will probably just not support with their votes. If Christie and Hubert stay on look for Laing to move into the Deputy role. Whether you want to believe it or not, at this point, the FNM has better up front players and a stronger bench. Couple that with all of the above points made by Press , the FNM are, even now, way out front. One man’s opinion!

    Joe Blow, a quick question for you. How is it that a negative campaign rhetoric, full of whinning by the FNM is acceptable, but a negative campaign by the PLP will turn everybody off. The FNM has a legacy of running negative campaigns, filled with mud slinging and smear. Why is that brand of politics acceptable and exciting to you by the FNM? From May 2, 2007, the FNM has failed to point the way to the future, but has sought to smear and blame the PLP at every opportunity. None of their policy decisions have proved fruitful, but you continue to say that they have this tremendous edge. What is this based on? Performance? What platform will they run on? I am curious.

  32. I am watching Forbes carefully. I detect he has something. Frank Smith? Number 1 turnoff. supercilious attitude and in love with himself. Sears- I am ambivelant about. Did a poor job in both his portfolios. I will concede it would have taken a super-human to do both. What was Christie thinking? Fitzgerald- makes me uncomfortable and I don’t know why. Glennis- let those she has aligned herself with put her in a position where she made a fool of herself. She lost all my respect. Melanie- now I like that woman. She will never be a leader but she has”guts” and was very good in her position. Pleasant??? she should never show her face again! Paul Moss- he’ll have to prove to me that he has what it takes and is not the “flash in a pan” I think he is. Not showing “political smarts”. Your “sun is setting” picks are right on. But will they take your hint?
    Laing has learned his lesson, I believe, and he does his homework. If HAI stays on, his party will take the election again. Laing will become DPM (Brent’s heart isn’t in it) get a little more experience. Economy will become more robust and HAI will call an early election or just take an early retirement. Carl Bethel is a better politician than you may believe. He is very smart and speaks well on his feet. The question will be his health. Tommy is well positioned where he is despite the rise in crime. He grows more poltically astute every day. He just has to harden his psyche a little. Look out for Charles Maynard- there is a lot more to him than his humour. Earl Deveaux is excellent where he is. Dr. Minnis will do a good job in his position. Branville, I predict. with more experiences will be a good PM but not for 15 more years. Timing is everything. Actually, if he stays on after this term, Cartwright will continue to do a good job in his ministry. He just needs the rest to support him if we are to diversify into agriculture. Loretta Turner needs to say good-bye. Bryan Woodside will grow into whatever portfolio he is given. All in all given where things stand today, 2012 is a foregone conclusion. I pray that there will be a strong Opposition though, because it always bodes better for a country if there is one. I just wish that opposition is not in the forefront of the Oppositions’ psyche. Sober second thought, co=operation and respect, while keeping the government’s “feet to the fire” should be the rule of the day, whoever is the Opposition. No Altec I am not “your boy” but I would be privileged to be your Father!

  33. @Joe Blow
    Joe, you is my boy, but i have to disagree with you on this point:

    Whether you want to believe it or not, at this point, the FNM has better up front players and a stronger bench.

    Soca Forbes, Frank Smith, Sears, Jerome Fitzgerald, Glennis, Melanie, Pleasant, Paul Moss = the future
    Fred, Bernard, Obie, Alfred, Mother Pratt = the sun is setting

    Laing, Carl Bethel, Brent Symonette and Tommy HAVE ALREADY BEEN REJECTED!. Branville and Dr Minnis are the only 2 FNM’s who saying something. The FNM has no bench. If they did then why did HAI had to come from his undisclosed location to lead the party? and why is there a move afoot to get him to stay on for another term?

  34. bp i agree with you on two of your points,

    1)PC hasnt beat HI yet
    2) The PLP has never historically had the media on its side. it certainly didnt have it in 2007. But i think the media’s influence is overstated considering the fact that most Bahamians dont read the newspapers and go to the web more and more for news and discussions.
    This blog will play a huge role in the next election.
    3. No Big Bad Brad – i agree
    4. The PLP branches still have time to get together
    5. The PLP’s youth will be there come 2012.

    Both PLP and FNM have built in strongholds with 13 sure sets. The hands of government rest in the hands of the 9 seats (the toss up and vulnerable seats combine). These 9 seats is where the fight will be at.

    If the PLP holds on to its toss up and 2 vulnerable seat, which they probably will, thats already 16 seats. The qustion is can the FNM hold on to 5 of its 9 toss up and vulnerable seats?

    The FNM will not hold on to Pinewood, Kennedy and Blue Hills if Lesile Miller runs again. Leaving the PLP 2 seats shy of the magic 21 needed to form a government. Carl Bethel, Phenton and Laing can be beaten. The PLP only need 2 of the 3.

    Like you said, its about ground game. The PLP’s ground game was superb in 2002. They got lazy in 2007 and paid for it. If they can get back to the organization they had in 2002, its over for the FNM.

    • But let’s also ask this question Altec, What has the PLP done to ensure “TRANSPARENCY in the ELECTIONS PROCESS?” Errol Bethel is still in charge. There has been no reforms to the process of registration. The FNM is the government now. And, the courts have ruled that the process showed signs of flaws [In 2007]; Illegals and foreign people still voting in constituencies they do not reside in and registering with drivers licenses!

      What has the PLP done to make the process more transparent? I could see 100 votes getting thrown out again!

      Who moved the process of publishing the names of each voter? Why was it done. If I live in polling division 10 and don’t know see James Brown on my list and I know he lives in FOX HILL, I can protest his casting a vote, or Mananny Taylor the Jamaican who Ingraham them kicked out before the court could summons him. Remember he got his voters cards [TWO] for $1,000 and had no status to be in the country! And to this day, NO ONE IN THE DEPARTMENT, WHO SIGNED THAT CARD, has answered to a criminal trail.


      Bahamas Press/Editor

  35. Bahamas Press/Editor: Great assessment! #4 critical. As is #5. The rest of you stop looking for the old boys to pull off a miracle- they just ain’t got it in them. Develop a youth candidate. Get him some community experience and good honest press and publicity. Keep him/her honest and clean. Forget 2012. Continue your dull, tired old negative rhetoric and you will turn the under 40 PLP crowd completely off. If the present PLP MPs continue their whinning many won’t be re-elected. More to the point would be to pick a couple of current issues and realistically demonstrate how the problems can be solved. Keeping on with the present strategy guarantees no votes from the youth. They might not cross over but they will probably just not support with their votes. If Christie and Hubert stay on look for Laing to move into the Deputy role. Whether you want to believe it or not, at this point, the FNM has better up front players and a stronger bench. Couple that with all of the above points made by Press , the FNM are, even now, way out front. One man’s opinion!

  36. Taking this VERY VERY balanced assessment into account. Altec, do you really think the PLP will ride the wave of VICTORY with a Christie? I DON’T think so. Why?

    1) Christie cannot beat Hubert

    2) Christie has no media on his side

    3) Their is no BRADLEY “IN YA FACE” personality to CUSS INGRAHAM as needed.

    4) The branches in the PLP are weak and are not strong enough to fight a ground war, mind you the FNM owns the air campaign (THEY OWN ALL THE MEDIA)

    5)The PLP has lost it youth base within the party. Say what ya like, they ain’t ga follow NO CHRISTIE!

    Bahamas Press/Editor
    PS: And with that, watch the edge the FNM will have over the PLP!

  37. HI on his last legs! lol…BP after watching that clip, I ready to go get something yellow! Lol!

    This my list of FNM and PLP MPs whose seats are safe, vulnerable or toss up (too hot to call) as of right now!
    What you think?

    PLP: 13 safe, 2 vulnerable, 1 toss up
    FNM: 13 safe, 5 vulnerable, 1 toss up

    PLP MPs:
    Safe seats: better than 50/50
    1.Perry Christie (Fram Road)
    2.Brave Davis (Cat Island Rum key)
    3.P Forbes (South Andros)
    4.S Gibson (Golden Gates)
    5.Alfred Grey (MICAL)
    6.M Griffin (Yamacraw)
    7.Glennis Martin (Englerston)
    8.Olswald Ingraham (South Eleu)
    9.Anthony Moss (Exuma)
    10.Bernard Nottage (Bain Town)
    11.Vincent Pete (North Andros)
    12.Mother Pratt (St Cecilla)
    13.Frank Smith (St Thomas Moore)

    Vulnerable seats: less than 50/50
    1.Malcolm Adderly (Elizabeth) (he maybe on his way out of politics)
    2.Obie Wilchcombe (West End)(his court case may do him in)

    Toss up: dont place no bets
    1.Fred Mitchell (he won by the skin of he teeth in 2007)

    FNM MPs:
    Safe seats: better than 50/50
    1.Lotetta Turner (Montagu)
    2.Larry Cartwright (Long & Ragged Island)
    3.Neko Grant (Lucaya)
    4.H. Ingraham (North Abaco)
    5.Edison Key (South Abaco) (Rumor is he may retire come 2012)
    6.Charles Maynard (Golden Isles)
    7.Branville McCartney (Bamboo town)
    8.Hubert Minnis (Kiliarney)
    9.Alvin Smith (North Eleu)
    10.Brent Symonette (St Anne’s)
    11.Kawasi Tompson (Pineridge)
    12.Tommy Tunrnquest (Mt Moriah)
    13.Kendell Right (Clifton)

    Vulnerable seats: dont place no bets
    1.Sindy Collie (Blue Hill) (If Leslie run again this ga be hot)
    2.Carl Bethel (Sea Breeze)(Pleseant almost beat him last time)
    3.Kenyatta Gibson (Kennedy) (this seat will return to the PLP)
    4.Phenton Neymour (South Beach) (was told he hasent been seen since May 2002)
    5.Brian Woodside (Pinewood)(This seat will return PLP)

    Toss up: 50/50
    1.Desmond Banister (Carmichael)
    2.Earl Deveaux (Marathon)
    3.Z Laing (Marco City)
    3.Vera Grant (Eight Mile Rock)
    4. Brensil Rolle (Garden Hills)

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