The Three Stooges Moe, Larry and Curly



Click on the video below and you will see just where Perry Christie got his Shuffle from, and where Hubert Ingraham his bullying behaviour from. The tree stooges are back with us AGAIN!

It is just shocking to see The Bahamas relive, in high political drama, the characters of the Three Stooges. Moe (Hubert Ingraham), Larry (Arthur Foulkes) and Curly (Perry Christie) must be having a ball seeing that their game of politics here in the country has high ratings. Bahamas Press believes however, The Stooges soon will find their act trumped by a rising political star.

Sunday on the Parliament Street radio talk show, Larry was the guest and in his usual ‘VICKED’ fashion sought to cash his deception on listeners. He told the radio audience that the WUTLESS newspapers appears to be independent (LIE #1). He suggested that the Wutless newspapers – who many people refuse to read these days – are NOT UNDER ONE UMBERLLA (LIE #2). Larry further told listeners that the legacy of a REAL BAHAMIAN THE HONOURABLE A. Loftus Roker is a spoken myth (LIE #3), as he [LARRY] offered a solution to deal with the country’s immigration problem .

But when you digest all what Larry had to say, one comes to the conclusion that he is so caught up in his act of playing politics, that he is NOT in touch with the real world. Margaret Thatcher calls it ‘LIVING IN CO CO LAND!” We at Bahamas Press call it a ‘VICKED DECEPTION OF THE TRUTH’ mixed and served by a man who we classify as part of that ‘COCKEYED bunch today practising journalism in The Bahamas.


  1. The PM of this country should insist that these MPs make the recreational areas in the consitutencies be maintained property and constantly.

  2. The residents in the area of the park in question should insist their represnatve organize the residents on an ongoing basis for a clean-up project. Some of the $100,000.00 allocation could pay for a truck to hall away the weeds etc. that are removed. That money is for what the residents think is important. Also the children and adults who use the park should feel some obligation to keep it in an acceptable state. Truly it only takes a little organizing and lots of hands to get something like this going. Have some PRIDE.

  3. He should be shame of himself. It reminded me of the EXPOSE in the Guardian years ago when Koed “Mike Tyson” Smith was MP for the Millennium Gardens area and the park looked like a war zone….graffitti, weeds that humans disappeared in and broken playground equipment.

  4. Objective thought you keep talking about this park in Pinewood Gardens, I was really hoping the Minister who is in charge of that area would of taken shame and have it clean up. Allyson Maynard-Gibson used to keep that park well kept, I remember thinking it was something good for the children in that area. I have not been though the area in a while, it a shame to hear that this park is looking deteriorated since Allyson is no longer in charge. If the minister in charge still has not cleaned it up, may the residents in that area need to send him petition to have it clean up on a regular basis.

  5. The new park has turned into a forest since Woodside took over!!

    Just south of the round-a-bout by the old park, on the right just south of that BTC building you will find it..

    It doesn’t look so good right now compared to how it used too 2 years ago..

    You could put up a tent in the lawn and I am not sure people would be able to see it unless they saw my first post last week and went there to mow the lawn..

  6. Anyone noticed in that YouTube video that the Curly Shuffle looks a whole lot like the Perry Shuffle. I wonder what other traits he picked up Curly.

  7. Media mustbe mean 6pm tomorrow or his clock stopped….He had me checking in for the past 2 and a half hours…

    Don’t make promises that you can’t keep Media!!

    By the way, did you check out that park in Pinewood Media???

  8. Joe Blow this is a neat plan you have thought of, but I don’t see the government implementing it. I think they would probably charge us more tax to cover these expenses first, before they charge the foreigners.

  9. Here’s a thought! Why not institute an income tax just for foreign workers. The deductions should be made at the source. It could be a % of one’s gross income. If one earns $26,000.00 a year and has a weekly salary their deducton would be $50.00. (10% tax). No renewal work permit would be issued unless the tax payments were current.This will keep at least some of the money in the country. The money collected could be used to send illegals back home.If there are 30,000.00 foreigners working in the country this would realize $1,500,000.00 a week. $78,000,000.00 a year. After paying administration staff and expenses there should be enough money to begin to provide for some more free health services.

  10. Larry should be shame of himself and is called one of the fathers of journalism in this country….SHAME!!

  11. Besides crime, I think immigration is a very pressing situation in the Bahamas. We have too many foreigners in our country that exercise rights that we don’t even have in our own country. I am so tired of the situation and yes they are getting bolder and bolder. I can’t think of anywhere else in the world that allows squatting and all these electrical hoopkups that I have seen. Our government, police and immigration officers know where these people reside and they act as if those people are untouchable. We as Bahamians need to stop selling our rights. The problem began with us. We have too many crooked policemen and immigration officers. They give out work permits like they “goin outta style” and in the end we suffer. They are taking our jobs now. We’ve allowed this to happen and now we can’t control. Shame on us Bahamas!!! What will the future hold for us and our loved ones? If we aren’t selling the land to foreigners, they are being taken over by squatters. These people in the political arena, they don’t care. They’re already made. The average Bahamian is struggling, and I feel like they don’t care. We put these people in office to make a change, and the only thing that changes is the clock. When will we learn that it is our time to stand up and take back what is ours before they’re is nothing left?

  12. Media if Branville McCartney keeps up the good work he is doing, they might move him too. I really don’t believe Perry or Hubert want to see this immigration crisis solved. Everybody knows what areas these people are be hiding in and they know just where to go to catch them, but yet they avoid those areas. They catch some immigrants here and there to fool the general public like they trying to doing something about the problem. If they were serious about this, they would have already called Loftus Roker back for his expertise, because his plans were working. He and Branville would of being a force to reckon with. That right there shows they don’t want to get to the root of this problem.

  13. Media I never understood why he was move in the first place, he was doing a remarkable job. That might of been the problem right there.

  14. Kim what is also interesting is this, when we call the name Loftus Roker we wonder, how is it NO GOVERNMENT CHRISTIE nor INGRAHAM would invite the former minister of immigration back in the Cabinet to assist in dealing with this national problem?

    Roker has spoken several time to the public on this CRISIS. ALL Bahamians respect him, but WHY IS THERE NOT A PUSH TO GET ROKER BACK IN THE POSITION? I say If the man is cutting a road and had the right plan, he should be called back on behalf of the people to do the job.

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  15. LIE #2- was the biggest of all lies, there was no other minister in immigration that did with Loftus Roker did, until Branville McCartney came on the scene. Loftus Roker had immigration under control and these illegal immigrants were not as bold as they are today. When he was around you never heard about them fighting with our police officers and breaking up their cars. Right now, there are still some areas that I am fearful to go in because of them.

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