Traffic police are investigating the country’s latest traffic fatality the third in one week…


Driver in Honda Coupe died on the scene…

The black honda coupe where the victim died.
The black honda coupe where the victim died.

Nassau, Bahamas – Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding a traffic accident that has left a man dead on Thursday 7th July 2016.

According to reports, shortly after 7:00am, a traffic accident occurred on Tonique Williams-Darling Highway involving a white Honda Accord vehicle and a black Honda Accord Coupe vehicle.

The adult male driver of the Black Honda Coupe succumbed to his injuries on the scene.

However, his adult male passenger was transported to hospital where he remains in stable condition.

The adult male driver of the other vehicle walked away from the accident.

The white honda where its driver walked away unharmed.
The white honda where its driver walked away unharmed.

EMS services and crowds outside the scene this Thursday morning.
EMS services and crowds outside the scene this Thursday morning.

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