Troy Smith is now being considered by Cabinet as the choice for NIB Chairmanship


Nassau – We are now looking into our prepared Cabinet Papers and we are learning that the Minnis Government is now considering the appointment of one Troy Smith to the Chairmanship of the National Insurance Board.

Get this: Troy is the brother of Dave Smith, the recent Deputy Chair of NIB, who left the Board a few weeks ago to take up a new post at The Bahamas Development Bank.

Troy Smith is related to a special friend of the PM for whom Munnings Road was closed, which caused the death of that young Garvinisha Anastasia Carey. She was laid to rest over the weekend in a wedding/funeral. But we disgress.

One must wonder what Troy will bring to the table at the country’s social security agency? He has not been employed for years and had retired very early in life.

He is, in fact, a newcomer to FNM politics and was nowhere – ever – during the Ingraham Regime. Could the PM’s special-on-Munnings-Road-friend have influenced this decision? Things that make ya go hmmmmm!

And what makes two brothers so special that they are getting all the perks? What is that about?

We report yinner decide!