Two Armed Robbers on the run – A reward for their capture…


Nassau, BahamasBahamas Press is monitoring a robbery which took place on Nov. 2nd, at the Texaco Service Station on Prince Charles Drive. These two men shown here in this CCTV footage held the store up with 9mm hand guns.

Both mean fled the scene of the crime with an undisclosed amount of cash from the area. If you can identify any of the men please contact your nearest police tip line.

There is a reward for their capture or anyone anyone that knows the whereabouts of, or anyone who can identify these two men entering the store. You can contact Tel: 364-6024 for more details…


  1. It is a well known FACT, that CRIMINALS look for EASY TARGETS.Do you hear or read about gas stations which have BULLET PROOF GLASSES BEING ROBBED ???? Very seldom!!And those employees dont go to work fearing for their lives.C’mon Mr. gas station Owner,CRIME is on the rise, these are serious times, therefore, show some concern and protect your employees. (BULLET PROOF GLASS!!!)

    A faithful customer.

  2. Sorry for posting again on the same topic, but it also looks as if the young man on the right has a smirk or a grin on his face, so as to say to his accomplice, “let’s do this, piece of cake…”

    • Ouch, a little harsh there James. If you have information, turn it in to the 919 boyz and let them deal with it.

      As for the guy on the right who decided to rob the joint in such a decorative red hat, red jacket he should be easy to find. It’s sad how these dudes go about taking what they want by force. I mean a gas station?

      Doesn’t Shell at Prince Charles have bullet proof window?

      • I am the one that the robbers rob my life will never be the same all I kept saying is don’t hurt me I have a son life is a gift from GOD it is very hard for me to work comfortably when a customer put there hand in there pocket all I see it guns we need to do something about these criminals and get Nassau back to what Nassau was a lovable country God Bless.

    • All the police need to do is go right in Elizabeth Estates for those two, they are right from that area. We need action from the police in the Bahamas its ridiculous.

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