WE PAYING VICTIM SAYS!!!!! Another Honda Stolen – BP get report from victim…



Live fottage of Honda being stolen.

REPORT FROM VICTIM – A Honda accord 010  black four door tan – cloth interior was stolen at the begging of July from the area of Faith Gardens between the hours of 10-3 no wrecker no glass.

Broke cameras show were the person just walk up to the car dress down in  black. Couldn’t really see the face walk to the car; he pushed the key in the car and drove off. It is a strong belief that the car was stolen from the person who I  bought it from. He sold it to me with one key but the person who he bought the car from sold it to him with 2 keys. WHAT A COUNTRY!

There is a strong belief that he came back for it! BP I had the car no more than 3 months. It was on rims 3 days after the rims was recovered off a next car from a person who is the best-friend of the guy I bought the car from. The same guy was den locked up and release on bail! He still refuse to talk and let the CDU know were the car is! Or were did he got the rims from.

The car was last seen in the East area around  Fox Hill area! ANY INFORMATION  or tips WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED !!! $1000 REWARD FOR ANY HELP IN FINDING THE CAR all information would be confidential!