Who is fighting for Bahamians? Atlantis Harborside workers still in fight!


319151215_0331872d07<<< Harborside Resort property on Paradise Island.

Paradise Island, Bahamas — Since November last year the former employees of Harborside Resort at Atlantis are still not been paid their correct package after being terminated.

Employees of Harborside Resort, have been locked in a labor dispute, from last year after been terminated by Harborside Resort at Atlantis. The resort is a joint venture, between Sun Int.l (Atlantis) and Starwood Hotels, owners of the Westin, Sheraton, W, La Meridian, etc.

In November 2008, after Atlantis terminated over 1,200 of his employees. Days later Atlantis and Starwood Hotels terminated 150 of its employees, with out any thanks or gratitude. And the Wutless Minister of Labour and Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition have yet to speak a word on behalf of these people.

Since the 1800s hundred, the slave trade has been abolished in the country, yet the PLANTATION ECONOMY on Paradise Island has treated the hard working people of this country without any dignity. Dismissed them like slaves, sent them home without the proper due. WHAT A DAMN SHAME IN THIS COUNTRY! After 36 years since Independence Bahamians are still being dismissed and FIRED without dignity. And again, NOT a single word from the government on behalf of its people.

Employees took the matter to the Labour Board in January 2009 [A WASTE OF TIME!]. At the end of the dispute, Harborside Resort promised to pay, and asked for a two-week extension to have the funds in order.dion-foulkes.jpg

When the two weeks came, representatives of the property appeared and stated they were not ready, to pay. They requested the need for an additional month to correct the matter. The employees all stormed out, realizing that Harborside was not going to pay but trying to frustrate them.

The amount of employees making a complaint was to big, therefore the Board divided in two groups.

The second group of employees, met at The Labour Board with Harborside in May 2009. The results were the same, NO PAYMENT WAS READY. Harborside Resort agreed to pay once again and requested an additional extension.

Upon the time of payment, they sent another letter, expressing the unwillingness to pay.

hubert_aBahamians are to be treated as first class citizens, but why are they being treated as second and third class citizens? Big operations like Atlantis are allowed to ABUSE Bahamians like plantation slaves, whilst breaking laws of the country left right and center. THIEFIN BEACHES and denying Bahamians access.

We need a voice that will fight for the people of this country! THE PRIME MINISTER PLAYING DEAF, THE LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION PLAYING ‘DA FOOL’ AND THE WUTLESS MEDIA ACTING STUPID, WE NEED CHANGE BAHAMAS! The former employees of Harborside are suffering, literally CATCHING HELL!, whilst our leaders say not a DAMN WORD on their behalf.



  1. In the Bahamas a third political party has always failed bcos Bahamians have always been afraid pf change.However for the first time in our history a margihnal party that would start from the groundup can have a voice in Parliament.2012 will be the start of the revolution but in 2017 a new Govt will be chosen by the people to look out for their affairs.We should not be paying anyone to just carry a title but is ineffective.Where is the Hotel Union?People power will get the politician to recognise what is going on and take action for which they are being paid.All of these organizations that claim they represent people must be made to account.I cry shame on all those who have failed to protect Bahamian workers and forget the talk of a recession bcos am certain that when some lose their jobs a replacement is ready to take over.

  2. @bp

    hell i probably visit your site more than 10 times a day.
    just cause i’m skeptical about your credibility on atlantis after the ed fields thing, doesn’t mean i’m not a big fan.

  3. @truthhurts
    Well to you “Truthhurts” we may not be credible, but ask the other 200,000 plus daily readers what they think. Also, if something is not credible to you, why in the HELL 10 times a day, you find yourself peeping in here?

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  4. @bp

    i’m sorry but since you said ed fields got the boot and didn’t and you never corrected yourself, i don’t see you as being credible on atlantis issues.

  5. Most bahamians dont know that the Labor Board is not a court. They cant force no company to comply with their findings and requests and the foreigners and bahamian employers know it.

    The Labor Board is another example of HAI & PC not building on Pindling’s foundation.

    Think about this, when a company owes NIB, NIB doesnt take them to the Labor Board, they does cary them straight to court to force the employer to pay his employees contributions by agreeing to a payment plan or face jail time. Mose employer’s choose the former. The Labor Board cant do that.

    The Labor Board needs to be abolished and a labor court needs to be established thats the only way these jokers will treat their employees right.

  6. The country continues to burn and the government does nothing or does not offer any kind of hope to the Bahamian people…meanwhile the latest economic reports have the Bahamas economy contracting instead of expanding this FNM administration have bankrupt our country they have decimated our infrastructure and they have let loose a living hell on our people .

    As I sit at my desk today and think that a few years ago we where all a bit more happier and the country was on a strong economic footing and there was jobs everywhere …I really do shed tears , unfortunately for those workers they do not have a voice the voice that they had has been silenced.

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