ministers-2-copy-copy.jpgClick And Listen to PTA President Mr. Garvey tell ZNS how Bethel’s Ministry did nothing to STOP THE SEXUAL SLAUGHTER at the EMR School

Love 97 Report Tonight!

Bahamas Press again stresses that the problems at the Eight Mile Rock High School are getting stressful by the day and calls for the Minister of Education to resign is taking on greater steam.

At a press conference on Monday,  Bethel went further and suggested that students find themselves in these circumstances [Referring to molestations at the school] because some are undernourished.

But how could this be? How can students at the EMR school be undernourished, when the ministry of education once had a successful feeding program for underprivileged in government schools? Does this mean Bethel’s  ministry of education stopped feeding the children of this country? And if so WHY?

Armed with the knowledge that more than 700 students have moved out of the private school in January alone, wouldn’t Bethel know by now that this would mean that more families are strained in their commitments? Shouldn’t he consider keeping that feeding program to assist increasing numbers of undernourished children? What a SHAME! CARL BETHEL SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF HIS ACTIONS! STARVING THE POOR STUDENTS OF EMR! Bethel should now resign for allowing this to happen. Students at the school are now experiencing SEXUAL SLAUGHTER by pedophile teachers in FNM country! Yet the Prime Minister is satisfied with the actions od “DO NOTHING” by his appointed minister.

Andre Birbal the pedophile was paid, housed and supported by Bethel’s ministry. The man had setup an after school program in the name of the MOE, where he and his pedophile friends had unnatural SEXUAL INTERCOURSE with underage boys for more than 8 years. Bethel’s ministry knew of the incidents since 2007 but nothing was done to stop it. And where are people like Sandra Dean-Patterson in all this? Does she not also care for those undernourished raped victims by these heartless teachers? Where is Berlinda Wilson on this? Why is there no applied comments coming from these faces of the Bahamian community? WHAT A DISGRACE!

The Ministry of Education Acting Director Lionel Sands was the first to suggest that, “THERE WAS NO CASE OF SEXUAL MISCONDUCT AT THE SCHOOL”. Even after the menistry knew of the complains since 2007. The MOE aided the escape of ANDRE BIRBAL, and attempted to stall criminal actions by police against that art teacher at the school.birbal

Another teacher is now under investigations for the same crimes of Birbal, but this one is a Bahamian. And watch how these JOKERS will deal with this. Resign Bethel, RESIGN! THIS MATTER WILL HUNT YOU UNTIL ELECTION DAY!

NO FLIMSY excuse for the SEXUAL SLAUGHTER AT EMR HIGH School will be accepted! This matter is as serious as SUICIDE! Resign Bethel, RESIGN!



  1. One thing is becoming more and more evident, Bahamians are becoming more and more afraid to protest and act out because they know deep in their hearts an Ingraham led administration is not a free practicing democratic administration… You cross Ingraham’s path,”ya ga get knock down” The Ministers are afraid to speak out so who will be the voice of God and sound the alarm of shame in this Country…
    The Christian Council led by The Most Right Reverend Patrick Paul is in the business of economic growth and sustainable development… Please leave Agriculture to Edison Key and Larry Cartwright between the two they’ll figure out how to feed the Bahamas by sun set…

    The country needs the Ministers of the Gospel now more than ever. Even if you must be ostracized or if it causes your life like real men of God of old…. Stop sukin up and speak out!!!!! ” young chillin dyin”

    I wish to commend the president of the PTA of the Eight Mile Rock School for his bravery and willingness to expose this issue… The Bahamas cannot become a Bangledesh where our minors become fair game.

    I must also state that the discontinuation of the lunch programme is very suspect in such economically challenging times… Could the cancellation of the food programme placed the children in a more vulnerable position to be more dependent on those nasty hunters who considered our little darlings their prey???

    International Human Rights group when learning of this is going raise some very serious questions for the Bahamas to answer….

    Why My Bethel is still a current member of the Cabinet only raises more serious suspicion…..
    I hear the bells of the International Criminal Court ringing with a deafening sound……..

  2. At a rally in Pine Wood Gardens in early 2007, the then Prime Minister alarmed the country in exposing The now Prime Minister fettishes for condoning pedophiles… Remember, Mr Ingraham also provided safe haven for a Businessman who was wanted by international law enforcement…
    In the midst of all this shameful, wiked, and abomonable action I have but one question, Where in the hell is the Minister(church) and the Christian Council. Young boys have been infected with HIV due to being taken advantage of by male teachers….

    My God the Bahamas seem to be “WUSSA” than Mugabe and the Zimbabwe administration… SHAME!!! SHAME!!!! SHAME!!!!

  3. Kim Sands, your last line sound familiar, “…have you heard a word from him (the PM) on this?”
    That was the line we always throw in Mr. Christie’s face when he was PM. “Christie aren’t doing nothing.” I hope the FNM realize, the Bahamian people would judge Mr. Ingraham in that same light.

  4. Wisdom :Mr. Bethel’’s statement.“…how undernourished these children are… (Mr. Bethel’s excuse for “SISSIZIM”) .I could not believe my ear, what poor excuse coming from a minister who oversees our children safety. (It is a good thing the Police is now not at the Schools, because the MOE minister would have blamed them for not doing their job).In China someone was going against the Firing Squad.In 2007 you can remember how serious the China Government acted, when toys were found contaminated, a top official was executed, as well as the “TOYS.”
    BEIJING—In an attempt to assure the world’s children that the millions of Chinese-made toys currently being recalled for containing toxic lead paint and tiny choking hazards can no longer hurt them, high-level Chinese officials announced Tuesday that millions of playthings are being rounded up and immediately put to death.“…We are committed to the well-being of children and putting the consumer’s mind at ease,” said Chinese president Hu Jintao at a press conference. “Boys and girls of the world, you need not worry. Your toys will be executed swiftly and harshly. When we are through, there will be nothing left to play with….”
    Bahamas, this is how serious the Chinese president act when it comes to their children well being. It is up the Prime Minister to take action, for results to happen. Nothing will happen unless the PM takes charge.@Kim Sands

    Wisdom: I am starting to see more and more each day that there is no justice in this country. People of position are allowed to do whatever they want and there is no accountability. I don’t expect the Prime Minister to do anything with Carl Bethel. At least the PM could of expressed some concern for what is happening to those children at EMR. Have you heard a word from him on this?

  5. Thomas Finley :Those young men obviously gave it their tings voluntarily; there is something very peculiar about EMRH school. That school seems to have a lot of gay young men there, and it has been that way for as long as I can remember.One young man that graduated in my year was dead in less than a year of graduation from aids back in the day, and I recall at the time being shocked, having been raised in a sheltered environment myself.The environment at that school needs to be investigated.

    Thomas Finley: whether those undernourished young men begged Berbal to be raped, that is no excuse! He was put in a position of authority and he should not have used his position to take advantage of them. If this school is a breathing ground for homosexuals it is clear something is not right on that campus. The Prime Minister needs to send Sandra Dean-Patterson on the next flight heading to Freeport to interview those male students along with the police being present.

  6. Mr. Bethel”s statement.
    “…how undernourished these children are… (Mr. Bethel’s excuse for “SISSIZIM”) .I could not believe my ear, what poor excuse coming from a minister who oversees our children safety. (It is a good thing the Police is now not at the Schools, because the MOE minister would have blamed them for not doing their job).
    In China someone was going against the Firing Squad.
    In 2007 you can remember how serious the China Government acted, when toys were found contaminated, a top official was executed, as well as the “TOYS.”

    BEIJING—In an attempt to assure the world’s children that the millions of Chinese-made toys currently being recalled for containing toxic lead paint and tiny choking hazards can no longer hurt them, high-level Chinese officials announced Tuesday that millions of playthings are being rounded up and immediately put to death.
    “…We are committed to the well-being of children and putting the consumer’s mind at ease,” said Chinese president Hu Jintao at a press conference. “Boys and girls of the world, you need not worry. Your toys will be executed swiftly and harshly. When we are through, there will be nothing left to play with….”

    Bahamas, this is how serious the Chinese president act when it comes to their children well being. It is up the Prime Minister to take action, for results to happen. Nothing will happen unless the PM takes charge.
    @Kim Sands

  7. Those young men obviously gave it their tings voluntarily; there is something very peculiar about EMRH school. That school seems to have a lot of gay young men there, and it has been that way for as long as I can remember.One young man that graduated in my year was dead in less than a year of graduation from aids back in the day, and I recall at the time being shocked, having been raised in a sheltered environment myself.The environment at that school needs to be investigated.

  8. We as citzens, parents, should be outrage at whats going on, but where is the outrage, we continue to bury our heads in the sand and pretend that we don’t have a problem. if we go to social services and see the the amount of abuses that are fostered on our children daily , this is just a tip of the iceburg. We need to contine to wirte and talk about these things, the major news media is not concern, however, we in this blog should write,document, and expose the wrong doers, Bahamians wake up this is our country, if we don’t care , who will…

  9. They allowed these children to be raped and they have stop feeding the children. I wander how this wicked Minister of Education sleeps at night. He even had the gall to get on the news and talk about how undernourished these children are, how heartless could one person be? These children are not his kids, so he don’t have to care about them, but I say this, “you don’t do wrong to other people children when you have your own.” I know God is looking down and he is not pleased with this situation.

  10. Carl Bethel and Lionel Sands are just as guilty as or even guiltier than Andre Birbal, they have allowed this man to come into our country and raped our children and did nothing and I mean absolutely nothing! Their lack of actions has even helped that horny sick bastard to escape. If they are Bahamians and they don’t care about our children, how is Birbal suppose to feel? Those two men are a disgrace to our country and they both need to escape this country, just like Birbal did. This country would be better of without them.

  11. @Morehands
    We at Bahamas Press are getting word that the school boy who hung himself in the room in Grand Bahamas has serious questions surfacing on the island. Another Child was admitted into the Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre. Both boys attended the Eight Mile Rock High School.

    Why watch innocent young men be ruined in this way, at the hands of BIG GROWN MEN. The Ministry of Education then must be GUILTY OF aiding a CHILD SEX RING HERE IN THE BAHAMAS! Where the ministry has went out of its way in aiding the escape of a now wanted CRIMINAL!

    THE PRIME MINISTER INGRAHAM, Sandra DEAN-Patterson, Berlinda WILSON and others cannot be allowing this to fester without dealing with this matter. This IS SERIOUS AS SUICIDE!


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  12. @kevin mckenzie
    Finally someone gets it. If Birbal went down, too many other “important” people would go with him. It was better to try hush the situation than face the embarrassment and no fall out from failing to act can compare to the national ramifications if the real truth came out. Government officials, religious figures and community leaders would all be named.

    The Fraternity of Bahamian Sissies DOES NOT act in isolation. Any new “virgin” butt hole is passed around to all the Big Boys so they can get their turn. You will be surprise to see how deep sissihood runs in this country.

    Birbal would end up dead before he ever goes before a Bahamian judge. The truth must be protected at all cost.

  13. Breaking News>>> Bahamas Press has just learned that a an emergency Cabinet Meeting has been called for tonight. Members of the Ingraham Cabinet team can now be seen gathering at the Church Hill Building tonight.

    Why couldn’t Ingraham TRUST Brent Symonette to run he Cabinet why he was away.


  14. I think Ms Wilson is very frustrated with the lackluster performance of the MOE since last year. Carl Bethel hasn’t been taking responsibility for his ministry, along with the Permanent Secretary Mr Sands.

  15. I now wonder, when the FNM said Freeport was getting better under this government who were they referring to? Better for the SISSIES? Some of the people in EMR should also hang their head in shame. I thank Belinda Wilson for going down in Freeport and demanding the Minister of MOE to deal with a situation earlier this year. But guess what, Mr. Bethel was trying to run away from the heat back then. Maybe he thought Belinda Wilson was going to ask him the “BIG QUESTION” then. Ms. Wilson is a real hard woman, she don’t play with sissies. But I think they already bought her out. She has been mighty quiet lately.

  16. Pedophile teacher,Andre Birbal was allowed to escape the Bahamian justice system for one simple reason.The reason is mr.Birbal was not the only adult engaged in sodomy with these children.Officials at the Ministry Of Education are afraid that other teachers and police officers names would have been called and they would have to been charged along with mr. Birbal for child molestation and endangerment.During the election campaign the media was concerned about Anna,an adult woman seducing an adult politician however with the exception of BahamasPress no one else in the media is concerned about these children.I urge us Bahamians to please put our children’s welfare above petty politics and insist that the police and the Attorney General find mr.Birbal and charge him and all his adult accomplice in these vile acts they committed against our children.In the mean time all children at this school must be counseled and helped by mental health professionals.

  17. I have to agree with you on this one Wisdom. The PLP had their misfortune and Perry Christie was called everything in the book. Everything was “scandal this, scandal that”. Now look, those fools are fumbling the ball and this is a BIG GAME. Everyday the Bahamian people are losing out because of the economy, the unemployment rate, the crime rate, and everyday those FNM’s are coming up short.

    As far as the children go, this whole situation gets worse as time passes. The MOE dropped the ball on this one and they don’t even know how to recover. They are failing the children of the Bahamas and indeed our future. Carl Bethel should step down along with anyone that was aware of the situation and kept it under wraps just to save face. Those children were molested. MOLESTED!!! My God, and nothing was done to even detain the teacher so that a thorough investigation could run its course. What is it about this school? No lunch programme? They really need to do better for our children.

  18. When the PLP had all those scandals during their last term in office, the entire country was saying, “Perry Christie” as the leader, did “NOTHING,” he was LATE to make decisions or act in good fate for the peoples of the Bahamas. We never Blamed, Koed Smith, K. Gibson, V. Peet, A. Gray, Neville “UNWISE” Wisdom, or the “infelicitous” Sean Gibson for their actions. OH! We blamed the “shuffler,” “Cool PC” “Mr. Late Again.” The poor former PM was labeled, The laziest Prime Minister this country ever had. But who would we blame today, for the lack of action on such a critical incidents in Freeport EMR? Where are the culprits? I admire Mr. Ingraham but we must be fair, if we punished Mr. Christie for all his Ministers wrong, it is only fair to blame Ingraham for not wiping his cabinet ministers in shape.

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