Why yinner think Cable Bahamas on the eve of Independence Don’t BELIEVE IN BAHAMIANS?


Why Cable Bahamas has no decoration to celebrate Independence? Perhaps they just are not a real company servicing the Bahamian people 100%

Cable Bahamas' head office right now on the eve of Independence! Don't believe in Bahamians?
Cable Bahamas’ head office right now on the eve of Independence! Don’t believe in Bahamians?

Cable Bahamas would not even cover Independence Events on their Cable 12 channel? WHY?

Nassau, Bahamas — All around Bahamaland there is the spirit of Independence in the air. The spirit of ONE PEOPLE united in love and service.

But at Cable Bahamas, the place that boasts of having a Bahamaland phone package and is now vying for a cellular license, something else taking place. We went to Cable Bahamas’ main office on Prince Charles Drive today in Marathon. On the eve of Independence and look what we saw? A business where you had to look hard to find a Bahamian flag.

David Burrows on Morning Blend, the Guardian Radio show, on February 23rd, 2015 said, “Even though we are a not a foreign company people still call us a foreign company.”

Perhaps Cable Bahamas executives should just look outside and see why Bahamians feel that way. We at BP will tell you why we feel as if they are not Bahamian, and why that feeling lingers to this day. It is time to tell the story of how Cable Bahamas came to the Bahamas and, for that, this weekend BP will go back 20 years and start our report in Canada.

Stay tuned and keep reading!

Here is the scene outside the BTC HEAD OFFICES! Filled with the colours of INDEPENDENCE!

This is the scene right now outside BTC Corporate Offices...
This is the scene right now outside BTC Corporate Offices…
