Witchcraft, Black Magic and Sorcery abounds at the highest office in the land


Yes we have a country now under a SPIRITUAL ATTACK. Blood is running into the street like never before. The innocent is being slaughter and Crime is now out of control.

And it is all happening because we put the man in charge who continues to dabble in BLACK MAGIC! You would remember we brought to you how Hubert Ingraham’s long term friend and spiritual confidant did not survive the great quake in Haiti.

82 year old Farkhondeh Dorsonvile provided The Honorable PM with much spiritual advice during the 92,97, and 2007 general elections. She gave him the instruction as she washed his back and pour a gallon of white milk over his body speaking words, “IRON MEET IRON”!

He has no shame!

Additionally, we call on all right thinking and law abiding Bahamians to request the Immediate Resignation of the Minister of National Security. He has been an abject and complete FAILURE. He has no shame! He has been most neglectful in his duties. TOMMY GATS TO GO!



  1. Kim, this lady resided in Abaco right next to the Church of God. She was only visiting Haiti when the earthquake striked.

  2. If this woman meant that much to the Prime Minister, I am surprise, he wasn’t able to persuade her to come live here in the Bahamas with him. This shouldn’t have been a difficult challenge for him, because most of them don’t seem to have any hang ups when it comes to packing up and leaving Haiti behind.

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