Women diagnosed with serious mold condition…AG Vacates Mold Infested Post Office


Mold surrounding a vent at an office. File Photo

Nassau, Bahamas — An employee is suffering from serious internal injuries following chemical tests, which confirmed a building housing the offices of a commercial bank near the Palmdale area, is infested with a deadly mold problem.

The woman’s doctors have classified her condition as “serious” in documents about to be filed in the Supreme Court against her employer for the multiple heath challenges she faces as a result.

A mold is a furry growth of minute fungal hyphae occurring typically in moist warm conditions.

Sources confirm to Bahamas Press, “The building, which was reviewed and inspected for the deadly mold problem, has been condemned by inspectors and is trafficked daily by hundreds of residents in the Mackey Street area. How is it no one in the Department of Environmental Health has shut the complex down? Are they waiting for persons to die? Many lives are at risk!”

Body samples taken by doctors in the women prove her condition  to be “serious”, as classified in her medical report submitted in the action. We are told the sick women has been exposed to mold for several years in the building, yet little has been done to correct the festering problem.

Experts examining the action have explained to BP, “The problem has to be that there is a high relative humidity content in the building, which provides food for the mold. The relative humidity in the building must be above 58 degrees F.”

While this infestation continues to rock the building in Palmdale, Bahamas Press has learnt mold conditions at the Attorney General’s office is no different and is growing.

BP investigators have scaled the walls at the AG Department housed in the Postal Building in Downtown Nassau and what we’ve uncovered there is indeed shocking.

Attorney General John Delaney. (Photo/Torrell Glinton)

Mold infestations have grown on all floors of the Attorney General Office, including along the doors of the new DPP and above the vents and cupboards of John Delaney’s office.

We can confirm the mold situation in the building is so serious; the Attorney General has refused to work out of the post office building and have requested all documents to be transported to his private home office in Lyford Cay.

We are told by officers in the department the AG does not work out of the Post Office, as he is aware of the serious mold problem and is concern for his own health.

A spokesman for workers in the department told BP, “Are we left to fight the mold by ourselves? The AG has abandoned the office, why? He wishes not expose himself to the deadly growing mold in the building, which has covered his office. This is a health risk to everyone, including some who have developed strange rashes on their skin.”

BP has learnt BPSU President, John Pinder, visited the office of the AG office to inspect the problem early summer, however, there appears to be no nerve in the Union to address or speak on behalf of the workers and to get the problem resolve.


  1. Mold can be a very serious problem when left unchecked, Terramar has already completed several projects in Freeport with the same conditions. The problem that we run into the most is people just are not aware of the conditions mold needs to grow, malfunctioning A/C systems are the most common especially when chiller systems are envolved. There are ways of solving these issues & bringing the building back to acceptable conditions for occupancy.

  2. Taking the documents home is not a solution. You are putting your; workers ,cars, home, and family at risk for mold infestation. Providing those documents are not disinfected prior to removal from their designated location(s). Think about it…… There are many sick buildings here. We need an Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)Non-Govermental Organization(NGO)who is not ‘politically driven’. Of course this is an element of a developing nation.

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