Worker at local funeral company dumped murdered victim’s body

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Worker of funeral home dumped the body!

Nassau, Bahamas — Information leaked to the public by the Tribune through the president of the Bahamas Morticians Association a few weeks ago raised an alarm about how loved ones were being treated in some untidy funeral home companies.

The president told the papers that the revelations would be shocking and spoke about how, in many cases, the remains of loved ones were eaten away by rats which infest some funeral companies.

This is not good and it poses a serious health risk to the wider society.

But just last week, eyewitnesses saw a white van pull up to a graveyard and dump the body of 32-year-old murder victim Noel “Noey” Roker into an open grave in the Southwest.

UNBELIEVABLE! They kill the man twice!

Loretta Butler-Turner

Bahamas Press has been following this breaking story and we have the details that will shock the living daylights out of every Bahamian.

We know for a fact that Roker’s body was released, according to official documents, to Curtis Funeral Home! And what happened after that is still unclear.

We also know that an employee of that same funeral home company drove the white van driven to the Spikenard Cemetery when the incident occurred. This  must be criminal. And why has Loretta Butler Turner – A MORTICIAN HERSELF – fail to speak to this?

Could one imagine what would have been the outcome of a body left in an open grave with all this rain and mosquitoes having a feast in the midst of a residential community?

Why is there no outcry by even one official in authority in this country? What kind of a country are we running here?

And not a damn soul arrested or prosecuted for this ‘vicked’ crime!

How could people just wake up one evening and throw people in an open grave and call that professional?

This is sacrilegious and should be rebuked by all.


We ga report and yinner decide!