Young man leaps to his death in Rock Crusher this morning


Suicide recorded as young man kills himself

Nassau, Bahamas — Breaking News <<< Information reaching our news desk just minutes ago confirms a young man has committed suicide in the Rock Crusher section of Chippingham. BP is now on the scene of the country’s first suicide as the misery index climb across the country.

The aunt of the victim witnessed the young man leaped to his death and his lifeless body swung in the kitchen.

Sources close to the family tell us, the young boy was distressed over his inability to find a job and decided to stop his world and get off.

Today’s development is a fact that people are suffering miserably under the weight of the bad economy. Lights are off, water is off, the rent is due and thousands upon thousands of homeowners across the country are facing foreclosures. Taxes are at its highest in the Bahamas ever, where the cost of living has skyrocketed! Joblessness has ran in the double digits and things are bad.

The incident happened shortly after 10:15am this morning. Police have just arrived to the scene.

We report Yinner decide…


  1. I don’t care how bad it is or how bad it looks, God is STILL in control, is he not? So why take your life? That is a direct road to hell regardless to what anyone thinks. Come on, this the Bahamas… yes we all have hard times but come on. Suicide???

  2. Please don’t report this in a tone that tries to cast blame on the government.

    It’s very sad and tragic. Prayers go out for the family.

  3. if this is the actual photograph, there is little doubt that Bahamas Press should be boycotted. The picture looks staged to me…the light at the back for the perfect silhouette this does not look like a Bahamian kitchen.
    In any case the press and the general public are guilty of publishing many photographs that would be better off unseen. There needs to be sensitivity towards the victim and the victim family and friend.
    I remember the disgusting situation when Peter Knowles died in a motorbike accident and some sicko took pictures and plastered them all over the interned and other sick people forwarded the photos to people like me who did NOT open the file!
    Suicide is a very sad event. The victim must have felt he has reached the end…if only he had asked for help…I intend to remove this photo from my facebook page and I suggest you all do the same…and i would call upon Bahamas Press to explain their actions immediately, or else be judged very poorly!

  4. U know what I think…everyday you read the news papers and all that’s in it is bad news…its time that we stop thinking negative eg “bad economy. Lights are off, water is off, the rent is due and thousands upon thousands of homeowners across the country are facing foreclosures. Taxes are at its highest in the Bahamas ever, where the cost of living has skyrocketed! Joblessness has ran in the double digits and things are bad.” There is power in the tongue so Maybe as a Christian Nation we should start saying what we want and not all the bad stuff! Winston Churchill

    You create your own universe as you go along.


    All that we are is the result of what we have thought.


    It is done unto you as you believe…

    Albert Schweitzer

    Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will – his personal responsibility.

    Martin Luther King Jr

    Take the first step in faith you don’t have to see the whole staircase just take the first step.


    Be the change you wish to see in the world.

  5. Bahamas, we need listen and pay more attention to our family/friends who are hurting and losing jobs. We are not doing enough if 1st suicide has occurred for the year. In our nation, there are many who have been laid off, including me, however I say to those laid off, encourage yourselves, pray and trust in God. The thing what I am observing is that friends and family diss you when you ain’t working. Bahamians, stop being mean, when a sibling is laid off, don’t throw them out, talk bad to them, and call them lousy. This ain’t there fault. Bahamians let be you motto ” If I can help somebody, tend my living won’t be in vain”. Oh boy let’s fight for those who are not so strong, get to know a laid off worker !

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