ZNS continues to breach URCA Broadcast Codes now that a writ of Elections has been issued!


ZNS Staffer continues to defy election rules and lands in North Abaco with former Prime Minister

Did ZNS assign the staffer with the FNM and fail to do the same for independents and the PLP?

The man who failed to believe in Bahamas or put them first is now controlling ZNS from the inside! WHAT IS THIS?!

Murphy Town, Abaco — For a second day now and early this morning the Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas has displayed bias in its report on the North Abaco bye-election and is showing favour towards the opposition candidate in the race.

Early this morning in its 7:30am report a ZNS reporter reported live across the national airwaves from the airport as she and the former Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham landed in Abaco together.

Following the report an Abaco resident noted that the story sounded as if Ingraham was still in charge as he give the reporter an exclusive interview.

The reporter proceeded to tell the listeners in the report how she met Mr. Ingraham on the flight as he gave her an overview of the North Abaco seat.


Bahamas Press stands disgusted by the fact that this is the second day a ZNS staffer has injected bias towards the FNM in their reports. In Monday morning’s report the newscast recorded a special interview with the opposition candidate presenting his ideas for the community if successful in the upcoming election. The station then proceeded to replay an old clip of the PLP candidate and never carried any interview with the two independent candidates in the race.

Bahamas Press is calling on authorities at URCA to cite ZNS for its breach of clause 6.4 of its Codes during an election. The Code reads:

6.4    Discrimination against candidates, political parties and others during election periods

In making broadcasting time available to individual candidates, political parties, or any other person or entity for political advertisements and political broadcasts, Licensees shall not discriminate against any candidate, or political party, person or entity, or make or give any preference to any candidate, or political party, person or entity, or subject any candidate, or political party, person or entity to any prejudice or bias.

It is the second day since ZNS has breached this code yet nothing is being done! How in the hell a staffer at ZNS could mysteriously show up and be seen in an aircraft with the ousted Prime Minister and having exclusive interviews with him without balancing it out with interviews with the Governing Party or candidate and Independents?


ZNS is wrong and should be cited by the regulations authority for its dastardly wicked attempts to give unfair advantage to the opposition.

We report yinner decide!