A fired former MP who got ‘juiced’ from his former female lover now running again? WELL, WAIT!


Money must be back in da closet this time from Save Da Bays!

Da axed-MP takes a strapon.

Bahamas – Some strange things are going down on a Family Island seat and, boy, we at Bahamas Press are upset.

A former politician, who many remember had more money in his closet than money in a commercial bank on Robinson Road, has decided to put his name in the race.

We don’t like this because, somehow, Save the BAYS, we believe, has the shameless politician on the payroll. We believe they paying him because the “closet man’s” ex-sweetie is on dey payroll big-time. The ex-sweetie also has relatives running for the people who want get dey hands on the cookie jar.

We at BP ga get nasty and low because we hate this move by the shoeshine boy money backers. But get this: while sitting at a bar drunk on Paradise Island the sexy former female lover told friends a story about how the axed-MP brought her home a surprise. After a night of partying she found a gift in the bedroom and, boy, guess what was inside? A strapon!

The gal, being the freak she is, quickly put it on and, before you knew it, the couple was cutting movie with the axed-MP taking back shots! Boy, these people do watch too much movie, eh?. While the sweetie told the story, she forgot she was in a public place where sources closely connected to BP frequent.

We ga advise that candidate now seeking a seat in Parliament just know dis: We have heard the audio and now we know why you still shacking from that day to this.

We report yinner decide!