A 'Snitch' or Hitch? Shell Saxons Superstars Declared Winners of Boxing Day Parade!


rat-pNassau, Bahamas: Super Stars have been declared the official winners of the BOXING DAY 2008 parade. The announcement came following a meeting held by the JCNP last evening.

Our ‘deep throat’ in the JCNP told Bahamas Press that members of the Valley Boys has not taken well to the announcement and stormed out of the meeting. Members of the JCNP are headed out of town to attend Carnival 2009, a source close to the organization said. Whilst an angry of the Valley Boys SLAMMED his telephone down on BP.

The Valley Boys were celebrating their 50th year on Bay Street last year and were declared the unofficial winners of the 2008 Boxing Day Parade, beating out the Shell Saxons Superstars by 9 points.


  1. Ahhh Dibbles see we at Bahamas Press have a nack for NEWS. It took the JCNP two months to make official the Boxing Day Parade results.

    Now when we slam their heads against the wall in a SPECIAL tonight, which would reveal the DIRT committed by its Chairman, many of you will see why Junkanoo is the way it it.

    Stay Tuned to Bahamas Press for the details of CORRUPTION IN THE JCNP TONIGHT!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  2. The winner is still the Valley by 9 point, 2 points it does not matter how many point it was we are winners.

  3. Ever year the saxson in battle with another group over who win. It same like they are the problem because they can’t except there lost.From what i understand for the parade to be over turn someone had to protest. that exactly what the saxsons did.I listen to people about leave it alone that could of been done long time. when ONE FAMILY rob out of a prade on new day 2007 and the saxson won that did get over turn.All i can say is see why this country wont never get better ” to much double standards”.

  4. Like I said earlier, Francis is my “cuz” but when it comes to “soul”, the Valley Boys ain’t never gonna die! The legacy will live on, and on, and on ! They may stray from the path, but they will….come back ! The legend will never die…

  5. I gatta stand up for my Valley Boys, who bring it every New Year’s, every Boxing day, when you eat lunch, when you lay your head down, when you get up in the morning….do you get it? Valley ALL DAY EVERY DAY!!! Valley in ya backyard, Valley on ya street corner, Valley in ya neighborhoods, Valley in those streets runnin those streets. Tell those Saxons to stay in Mason’s, cuz we hittin hard this year!!!

  6. Ronica where you came from,you have since broken the tie and Saxons are now leading.Help! HELP! Valley please stand up,please stand up.

  7. It’s tie,Lou, Kim Sands,Tristan,Sincere and yours truly Dibbles are VALLEY.Grapevine,Drama king,Omar Archer,Wisdom and Wow SAXONS.Let’s see who would break the tie.The race is on.

  8. The Valley Boys is….the BEST Group ! Francis is my cousin, but Valley Boys or “nuttin’ fer me and my household. I bleed Valley boys !

  9. I knew that there were more VALLEY boy and girls.I meant men and ladies, thank you Kim Sands for agreeing that the best group in junkanoo is the Valley.

  10. Dibbles :It appears as if I have won this one Drama King.I had the last say.VALLEY

    Drama I have to forgive you for being a Saxon. I have to say Dibbles has it right, its either valley or nothing.

  11. Drama King my official Saxon friend I’ll try to see if I could top that one VALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY all the way. I hope when the “official” I said official result comes out I’LL be able to find you on this site.VALLEY 4 LIFE.Like THUG LIFE.VALLEY LIFE.

  12. Junkanoo winners use to be announced by 9 am every parade morning. I understand now that we have lots more groups, but still I dont see why it has to take so long.

  13. This is BS. All results should be final and certified the day of the parade. Junkanoo used to be settled on Bay Street, not in the board room.

  14. I agreed with both Omar and Grapevine,it’s not right to give this win to Saxon at this late in the game.Boxing Day is not far,so be ready Saxon cause Valley would be coming again,in your belly.If it’s GOD will I would be a part of VALLEY line up on Boxing Day.

  15. Drama King, I though I had won this one.I thought you had forgotten this page.VALLEY or nothing.VALLEY,VALLEY VALLEY.

  16. grapevine :Whoever said this is ‘just a parade’ has just royally insulted all the masses who toil hard all year making this parade what it is. This person has no regard for the uniqueness of this culture and has no idea all the blood, sweat and tears that is put in this production. It involves alot of passion, creativity and personal money. Not to speak of the time away from family and work.I had the pleasure of watching Boxing Day Junkanoo live. It was a fierce competition and I enjoyed every minute. The Saxons Chinese theme was the best I have ever seen(and I have seen alot of depictions of same)I truly believe the Saxons deserved this win. Sorry Valley. Next time. It was close, but the Saxons clearly won. My only problem with the win, it was too late. Junkanoo ‘officialnardoes’ need to get it together. I think something like this should of been settled a long time ago. Its February after all. I would be angry if I was the Valleys about the timing. Saxons..YOU DUN KNOW ALREADY!!!

    Grapevine the person who made the assinine statement about it being ONLY a parade is Joe Blow. Pay no attention to him. He is culturally unsound like his MASTER, Hubert Ingraham, who doesnt think culture is important.

    I am in full agreement with you.

  17. Whoever said this is ‘just a parade’ has just royally insulted all the masses who toil hard all year making this parade what it is. This person has no regard for the uniqueness of this culture and has no idea all the blood, sweat and tears that is put in this production. It involves alot of passion, creativity and personal money. Not to speak of the time away from family and work.
    I had the pleasure of watching Boxing Day Junkanoo live. It was a fierce competition and I enjoyed every minute. The Saxons Chinese theme was the best I have ever seen(and I have seen alot of depictions of same)I truly believe the Saxons deserved this win. Sorry Valley. Next time. It was close, but the Saxons clearly won. My only problem with the win, it was too late. Junkanoo ‘officialnardoes’ need to get it together. I think something like this should of been settled a long time ago. Its February after all. I would be angry if I was the Valleys about the timing. Saxons..YOU DUN KNOW ALREADY!!!

  18. Dibbles….lol….Saxons for life!!

    Wisdom, please dont waste your breath on Joe Blow as he obviously “Time Travels” and is messed up in the head. He is another one of those Ingraham brain washed people.

    I feel once the NEW results are called there will be some REAL DRAMA in this down.

    Saxons rally up!!!

  19. To all you Valley haters,Junkanoo is won on Bay street and not in a office.So with that said let the result stay how it is. Valley or nothing.This goes out to WOW and DRAMA KING.

  20. Tell that to all the hard working people who toil all year round to make Junkanoo the tourist attraction it is that it is “just a parade”.

    We have multi-million dollar tourism campaigns that revolve around this “just a parade”. If it is just a parade, think what other cultural attract we would have if we discontinued this very same “just a parade”? What about the tourists that come here just to watch Junkanoo, who might even have a favourite group, and left thinking so-and-so won, only to find out that was a sham? Since it’s “just a parade” that makes it acceptable to have it run incompetently and dishonestly? If this government can’t even get “just a parade” right, which is run by a Minister who don’t know much about anything but Junkanoo, no wonder why the country is in such a mess. Heaven help us!

    Boy Joe Blow your ignorance shinning in its full glory today.

  21. If it was just a parade Joe Blow, we wouldn’t not be hearing about changes in the initial ruling. Junkanoo is a business buddy! Wise up!
    No matter what, VALLEY BOYS know we carry Boxing Day. Those Saxons just can’t take their losses.

  22. Gambling is illegal and we should worry about who may have lost or gained some money? Let those who are on the inside deal with it and lets get on with the more important things that affect us. Crime! Corruption! Immigration! Environmental Issues! Education! Health Care! Fraud! The Economy! …….

  23. Joe Blow, NO! it is not just a parade. You will have some fighting in this town, some people will want their $5,000 bet they lost on that poor decision made by the NJC or the JCN or the Minister. Junkanoo is BIG and DANGEROUS business to those who place bets.

  24. No matter what Minister Mayanard says about having nothing to do with this and laying all the blame with NJC, he should still shoulder some of the blame because he sure took all the praise about how quick the results were released. That’s the FNM for you, all they care about is quick decisions, they don’t worry about good or right decisions.

  25. Drama King :
    .lol…Dibbles I holding the fort for the Saxons…lol…..I can see I am totally outnumbered but thats how strong I am.
    ….Help!! Saxons rescue me!!…lol

    Drama I with you.

  26. I love it!! I love it! I love it!! Thats just it!!! The Chinese came here and opened the eyes of the Junkanoo judges who now realize how good the Mighty Shell Saxon Superstars are!!

  27. BOY WISDOM you gat me thinking. You’re RIGHT! Once Chinese Visit and Saxons WIN! WELL MURDER! LOL!

    Geeeeeeeee! Boy we really in the tourism business nah.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  28. Drama King,…Didnt you guys see the spectacular theme executed by the Saxons on Boxing Day? It was the best depiction of Chinese culture ever!! Saxons run it!!
    MAYBE, JUST MAYBE! This week’s visitation of the Chinese deligation was to award the true winner.

  29. .lol…Dibbles I holding the fort for the Saxons…lol…..I can see I am totally outnumbered but thats how strong I am.
    ….Help!! Saxons rescue me!!…lol

  30. For every 10 Saxons ther are like 20 valleys.As you can see on this blog Drama King you are out numbered.So it’s Valley all the way.

  31. It’s true!! Saxons for life!! Saxons run it!!

    Didnt you guys see the spectacular theme executed by the Saxons on Boxing Day? It was the best depiction of Chinese culture ever!! Saxons run it!!

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