ADDERLEY’s FAKE VALLEY beat out ONE FAMILY in BOXING DAY! Yinner believes JCNP judges fair?!


NASSAU| It was a shame and disgrace to see how the JCNP biased judging delivered a 3rd place win for the FAKE VALLEY BOYS over ONE FAMILY! Now das something, eh?

At least One Family had the required numbers to perform as a Category A Group but yet still was defeated by the FAKE VALLEY who came third!

The Fake Valley Boys didn’t even have the required 201 members to be listed in the A Category. And their music was left somewhere, mussy in Brian Adderley’s backyard. The rent-a-junkanoo group (FAKE VALLEY BOYS) could not even find real Bahamian dancers to present to the people. WHAT IS THIS? Yinner saw them stiff dolls from CUBA or from somewhere from South America brought to Junkanoo?

Anyway some advice to One Family here: stop allowing these people who never showed up to one practice to join your music section. THAT MUSICAL PRESENTATION/SELECTION WAS GARBAGE!

Anyway BP is calling for a removal of the JCNP when it comes to Junkanoo! They, too, is one pile a garbage and Bahamians are sick of them – especially after BOXING DAY!

We report yinner decide!