Alvin Smith to Retire? FNMs in North Eleuthera angered by the Selection of Candidates


North Eleuthera, Bahamas – The FNM is desperate and seems unable to find good candidates in its own Party, or so it seems. This is so much so that the FNM is actively recruiting former PLPs sources on Eleuthera have confirm.

Operatives within the Party we know are considering running the past Defense Force Commandant, Butch Scavella, the current ambassador to the Republic of Haiti. Sources allege Scavella has declined the Party’s offer.

However, Brent Symonnette we are advised, is actively recruiting one of his own from Current, namely Theo Neilly. He presently works as the manager of the North Eleuthera Airport a job he got because of his relationship with former PM Christie.

Neilly, despite once being a PLP general and subsequently campaign manager for North Eleuthera in 2002 and 2007 respectively, has gone rogue. Neilly we are reliably informed is being pushed to get the nod at the FNM’s Convention in November. He is set to replace the Hon. Alvin Smith, Speaker of the House of Assembly and is beating out ‘White Knight’ Richard Lightbourne and a number of other potential candidates; all who are very strong FNMs.

Many in North Eleuthera are upset by this move as FNMs are getting tired of being over looked by others from outside of the Party. However, during the recent funeral of Speaker Smith’s sister, Theo could be seen hanging out with the PM and other senior officials including, Abner Pinder, an admitted drug peddler and close confidant and crony of the Prime Minister.

Many questions why the FNM will be so desperate to recruit Neilly, especially with his very contentious lifestyle, and how he has gone out of his way to insure that persons of like minds are employed at the North Eleuthera Airport under him.

With all the issues faced at the North Eleuthera High School, which is just a stone’s throw down the road of Neilly’s residence, with his questionable lifestyle and the message it is sending to the impressionable youth of North Eleuthera.

At a funeral, Neilly in an effort to let Christie know of his exit from the PLP avoided the former PM at the funeral of the foreign gentleman of similarly concerning lifestyle who was found dead in bushes on Harbour Island.

Theo lives clearly above the means of a civil servant, however, it is understood the DPM is spending heavily to ensure that he indeed wins the nomination. Some say that the DPM desires to make sure more people of his hue are in Parliament on the FNM side, especially since the PLP elected Ryan Pinder a good North Eleuthera man.

Many FNM’s tell the party not to send this man to run, and if they do, it will get a cut backside at the polls at the next general elections in North.


  1. Isn’t anyone better than Alvin Smith? My experience is he NEVER knows what he’s talking about when it comes to businesses and he embarrass foreigners on purpose and then run them off. My family worked for two good foreigners, one in GH and one in HI. Both run off by Alvin Smith. Alvin only listen to the troublemakers and ones who got fired for stealing without talking to us who liked working for these people and made more money and got more training than ever, only not now that alvin got rid of them. It is worse than ever and our own people beat us down. It was foreigners who gave us opportunity for promotion. Not now though because they gone. Thanks Alvin.

  2. Hey I think he has been doing a great job as a local councilman for North Eleuthera and he is well capable of being the MP for North Eleuthera… I say Theo is the right man for the Job… He will have my vote come election day… Lets Go Bring Theo to the People… And also you guys should make sure you have facts before you go posting them…

  3. You guys just stop hating and leave Theo alone let’s vote him in and help him make North Eleuthera a much better place to live in!!!!!!

  4. Go PAPA go,continue to recruit from outside your party as you have shown that you do not respect anyone associated with you.You just fired Scavella from his job so it is not surprising that you would try and recruit him.PAPa has brought in persons from outside the country to take all the plumb jobs as he does not believe in empowering BAHAMIANS.The eunuchs in the FNM dare not openly oppose PAPA as he will cut off their legs as they now only have two legs to stand on.What wimps and they shout better better.

  5. This is the reason why this country is in the mess it is in now…too many people worried about who is FNM and who is PLP we need to get over it and be concerned about who is going to help our country grow into a better place in which to live, who has our best interest at heart. Mr. Neilly is a good man and North Eleuthera would be lucky to have him. You have my vote no matter which team you are on Mr. Neilly!

    Also, people, please get your facts straight before you go writing things that only make you sound like an uneducated fool.

  6. Theo has been doing more positive things in N. Eleuthera than any nominated or even elected person that I have seen in the last 30 years or more. All of you complaning should just be quiet or step up to the plate and do something yourselves. I highly recommend him and stand behind him 100%. We should have more people willing to work as hard for the land and it would be much better for everyone….The young people could use more positive influences like him…

  7. The picture makes him look like a sissy but then again I wouldn’t swear for the current MP either.

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