American sailor murdered in Bahamas while trying to save a woman from being robbed


Victim survived Chicago Crime but died in Bahamas!  Kyle Bruner is country’s 41st murdered victim – Police have arrested suspects but Bahamians don’t believe in police brutality…sad!

Kyle Bruner was in Nassau, Bahamas working as first mate on a tall ship when he was shot in the neck and killed while trying to help a woman who was being robbed.

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  • Kyle Bruner of Chicago was working as a first mate on a private ship docked in Nassau when he was shot in the neck and killed Sunday

By Joshua Gardner/

An American man was murdered in the Bahamas over the weekend while attempting to help a woman who was being mugged.

Kyle Bruner was in Nassau, Bahamas pursuing his dream of working on tall ships, a type of sailboat.

Bruner was a private sailor serving aboard a tall ship that was docked in the island port when he reportedly witnessed a woman being mugged and tried to stop the men as they attempted to snatch her jewelry.

The family originally came from Indiana, where Bruner attended high school and college, before resettling in the Northwest side of Chicago.

Bruner also served in Indiana’s Army National Guard.

Though shocked and grieving, his family members weren’t surprised that valiant efforts preceded Kyle’s death.

‘It was very much in his character,’ Kyle’s father Rick Bruner told WGN. ‘He never liked bullies, and he never stood for people around him being bullied. So, this what he would do.  In retrospect, you say maybe he should have avoided the situation but that’s not really who he was or the person that we loved.’

Bruner had been slated to leave the island in a week.

COP Ellison Greenslade has already taken down two of the men in this latest murder.

Investigators in the Caribbean nation capital have thus far apprehended one suspect in the slaying, but say two more remain on the loose.

The U.S. Department of State characterizes the crime level on New Providence Island, where Nassau is located, as critical.

Snatch-and-grab’ crimes are common occurrences in Nassau and are on the rise along with violent crimes in the country.
The Royal Bahamian Police Force reported a 35 percent increase in murders between 2010 and 2011.

Crimes are less common in areas dense with tourists, but the State Department says it ‘has received reports of assaults, including sexual assaults, in diverse areas such as in casinos, outside hotels, or on cruise ships.’


  1. When they come attackin, its best you be packin!…go ahead, hug ya GLOCK!…more tragedy, armed thugs everywhere…be prepared!

    – Countryboy , Sandys, Bermuda, 13/5/2013 18:21
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    People of good character should avoid places where their values are not shared, or end up being a victim like this good samaritan. Very sad. – UKBluegrass , Fort Thomas, United States, 13/5/2013 17:32 Never a truer word spoken. Rest In Peace.

    – Alison , Harrow, 13/5/2013 18:18
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    They have very strict gun control laws in the Bahamas, so you libs can’t blame this one on sales in neighboring states. Gun control doesn’t work. Look no further than Norway for proof.

    – NYCER , New York, 13/5/2013 18:10
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    Don’t these idiots see their economy relies on their tourism and if violent, or even petty crime can dry that up?

    – Jon , Palmetto Fl, 13/5/2013 17:52
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    Do they have the death penalty there? Because those guys should get it. Hopefully by hanging or some other less sanitized method. Garbage. They have death penalty but hasn’t been enforced in 10 years. Hopefully their prison conditions are inhumane and worse than dying.

    – HouseMD , Vienna, United States, 13/5/2013 17:50
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    He survived Chicago and was killed in the Bahamas? Tragic.

    – KyleS , New Mexico, United States, 13/5/2013 17:36
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    People of good character should avoid places where their values are not shared, or end up being a victim like this good samaritan. Very sad.

    – UKBluegrass , Fort Thomas, United States, 13/5/2013 17:32
    Click to rate Rating 17

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    The Caribbean is becoming ever more dangerous these days.

    – PaulDavis , York UK, 13/5/2013 17:27
    Click to rate Rating 19

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    He looked like Christian Bale.

    – CecePb , LA, 13/5/2013 17:06
    Click to rate Rating 10

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    Low lives everywhere. I hope the Bahamian police get off their fat butts and find the other two.

    – Bunnie , Hutch, 13/5/2013 17:02
    Click to rate Rating 18

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