Andros OHHHHH NORTH ANDROS Desmond Bannister is not committed to NUTTIN!


Desmond Bannister

Sunday Special on Bahamas Press from North Andros

Red Bays, North AndrosHubert Ingraham and his scrap gang were in North Andros last night speaking with the people up there and shopping another bad candidate to the community.

Imagine that, Desmond Bannister was in North Andros last night boasting how he and Ingraham are breaking the treasury, issuing contracts to locals all to win an election.

Bannister, who has launched an unholy war on the PLP candidate, Dr. Perry Gomez, [in the print tabloid], has abandoned the people of Carmichael, and did not mentioned them in one line last evening.

He did not mentioned to the poor fishermen in Andros how he caused the Cabinet of the Bahamas to cancel the license to harvest sea cucumbers, and we challenge him to deny it.

Imagine that, the sitting MP for Carmichael is telling the people of North Andros he will be committed to them, but he has yet to tell the people of Carmichael he is leaving them.

Ya know, Bannister all his life has not been committed to anything or anyone. Ask the people who are close to him and they would tell you what we at BP write are true. Ask the former employees at his law practice and they too will tell you what we write is indeed true.

Ask the workers at the ministry of education how committed he was to them leaking and blaming the director of education and the permanent secretary for his dastard failures.

Ask his spouse how committed he was to her and their marriage. She would tell you what we write is absolutely true! Ask ‘I FA TANYA’ how committed he was to her. BAM BAM BAM!!!! MORE TO COME!

Ask the people who sit in the Cabinet and they too will tell you Bannister’s commitment is “QUESTIONABLE”! And ask a bank representative right here in the Bahamas about a check; handed by a bookie in the Free National Movement as payment for him to stay the Cabinet. It is alleged the amount was in the low six figures.

Ya see, only a few of us in the Bahamas knew Bannister was all set to resign from the Ingraham Cabinet after seeing that the man he now follows, was taking the country in the wrong direction. If ya don’t believe us ask Paul Moss if what we say is true.

Bannister comes off, as being pious and humble but he is no more than a sleazy hood rat and lowlife.

Bannister was to leave the Cabinet in 2009 to reestablish his crumbling law firm. But that’s a story we will save for a later date on Bahamas Press.

In short, we are telling the people of North Andros to vote for Perry Gomez and stay with the PLP. Stay with people who are “committed” to something.

Meanwhile the FNM is acting as if they are already in opposition; blaming the PLP for the condition of the roads in North Andros. We wonder who was the government for the past 5 years?

After being the BIG LEAKER in Ministry of Education against officials in a local tabloid, the man who abandoned the good people of Carmichael is now 'haulin ass' to North Andros to trick the people there. Andros check dis one out! He is committed to NO ONE!

The jobless state in the community was CREATED BY THE spiteful, vindictive FNM GOVERNMENT!

Hubert Ingraham has made peasants out of many once thriving businessmen and women. His government has delivered thousands now on welfare and is calling it a “Good Thing”.

They have produced hopelessness among the youth across the nation; and delivered bankruptcy to hundreds of small struggling businesses.

They have delivered the Bahamas as the worst performing country in the region; with high taxes, high crime, high unemployment, a record number of suicides and skyrocketing foreclosures. One former FNM supporter in Lowe Sound said to BP, “And after pissing on us for five years, they wana call it rain? I cannot wait to VOTE DEM OUT!

Desmond Bannister and the five other Cabinet Ministers from Andros should hang their heads in SHAME to see what they did during their final term in office.

Another Red Bays resident added, “Christie was right; they should be asking for forgiveness not votes.

“They have failed the people of this community, they should be hogtied and publicly flogged in Rawson Square for the sins they collectively have committed against the Bahamian people.”

And if that is not enough to convince you to reject Bannister and the FNM at the polls, then perhaps this question will. The next time you see Desmond Bannister ask him for BP this simple question: “If you were not committed to the people of Carmichael you married 5 years ago, how in the hell you ga be committed to me [ANDROS]?”

Papa and his scrap gang are so eager to hold onto power they are abusing the public purse and it limited resources like a Jungaliss with a stolen credit giving out contracts left right and centre just before an election.

In addition to this, they brought up persons who received monies under the JumpStart Program and temporary employees to speak at an FNM rally.

We at Bahamas Press want to remind the Prime Minister, his assistiant incompetent buffoon and the FNM that the money used in both programs are not FNM Party money, and therefore, it should not be used for partisan political purposes.

Shortly we at Bahamas Press will be holding an inquest into the contracts awarded to Telco Enterprises and the relationship between its principal and PAPA!



  1. U WANT TO TALK ABOUT COMMITMENT… Bannister is a bunch of s%*&. When they first started that government 6 months initiative program he promised persons that they would get full time jobs in primary care as teacher’s aides…. you know what they did… NOT ONLY ARE THOSE PEOPLE STILL WAITING TO BE HIRED BUT, THEY DISSED BAHAMIANS BY STATING THAT THE MINISTRY HIRED CUBAN TEACHERS TO WORK INSTEAD not even one of those Bahamian teachers aides were hired… and i heard Hubert Minnis stating the same thing that the other night about persons working in the health sector. If you ask me I think the two of the them read from the same BULLSHIT SPEECH. I don’t know what this government setting people up for if they know they just will do shit. They now implemented another one… i wonder how many Bahamians will be crying at the end of this government initiative… the FNM has NO LOYALTY to Bahamians so ensure you don’t put your vote to FNM… THAT IS ALL !!!!!

  2. You are dead right BP. Bannister is a liar, cheater and deceiver. The humble thing is an act, he is actually quite arrogant. And he is not committed to anything or anyone. Hopefully a word to the wise people of North Andros is sufficient.

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