Asians Working Whilst Bahamians Out-of-work?



We must be overly concern about nothing, but one must ask the question, how is it in The Bahamas whilst thousands of Bahamians are getting fired and many others are now out of work, all across this country foreign person [some smuggled into the city illegally] continue to get hired on construction sites and on government capital projects (Examples T.G. Glover School and The Milo Butler Highway)?

Your Bahamas Press came across this gang of Asian construction workers as they walked to their apartment on Farrington Road, just a stone’s throw away from the Punch [building below]. All we asked is simply this, how can foreign construction workers continue of find work in The Bahamas, when the president of the construction association Mr. Wrinkle said that things are bad for their industry, and Bahamians construction workers cannot find work? This photo was taken around 6 pm yesterday.



  1. I enjoyed reading your work! GREAT post! I looked around for this… but I found you! 🙂 Anyway, would you mind if I threw up a backlink from my site to your site?

  2. D. K. You and I are on the same page. They are all playing a game called fool the voters if you can. The question then becomes what do we do about it?.

  3. Joe Blow, I remember the telephone incident. I remember it clearly. I also remember that no one was punished for it. Understand me clearly NEITHER of these political parties are appealing in ANY way to me.

  4. Drama! Remember the phone off the hook incident
    in a certain MOW (housing) office. Another callous act eh! Nothing is ever just one-sided.
    Please accept my sympathy fedupexpat. All our civil servants need to go through some extensive training in the art of dealing with the public. They forget who pays their salary. obviously you and your husband are strong minded people. Please believe better days are coming for you! In this case LOL means lots of love.

  5. fedupexpat, my heart goes out to you, but, you are not alone. It would bring tears to your eyes to see what your average Bahamian is going through with sickness, the greedy insurance companies hiking up prices so people cannot afford health insurance. (Only certain people have access to free health care and we all know who they are.) Not to speak about the banks, they are just plain ridiculous. The lack of professionalism in the public service is because whenever a training course is offered,(and there are many being offered) the executives only attend, leaving the rest of their staff totally clueless. So we are getting shafted all around.

  6. That story was very sad indeed but I am in no way shocked at HI’s personal assistant’s lack of empathy. She, I guess, has been well trained by her boss.

  7. Fedupexpat your story is so touching and it only highlight how unprofessional and uncaring some of those person who work in these government department can be. Many of them got their jobs during elections, so they are not very educated, they are not able to relate to other people and their situations and they are very selfish individuals. There is a saying that goes, “when you are powerful, be merciful“.

  8. Fedupexpat, firstly I should say, be glad that you still have your home, some of these tiefing banks be too glad to TAKE your house. I agree they are EVIL and uncaring just like this FNM government.

    Sorry to hear that you got sick and life as you knew it changed. People are very cold and we must face that. Ingraham is one of the coldest people I’ve heard of. Stories about his coldness will crawl your skin. Be glad that his secretary never brought him on the phone. He would have royally insulted you and treated you like you were crazy.

  9. WOW, that would be the day !! To BP I say, “Heung Choo Meay”…with means absolutely NOTHING. LOL…….or should I say, “Parle Vous Francais?”

  10. You all seem to be forgetting the most important issues. There are capable local folk available who want and NEED to work and WONT be sending their cash overseas.

    I’m married to a Bahamian and have lived here for 30 years. Got 3 grown sons all born in PMH. Got cancer almost 5 years ago and had to go to the US`with my husband to save my life (4 mths at our own expense) which left us heavily in debt and unemployed in our mid fifties. Don’t get me started about greedy banks here like FINCO, and their “cherry picking” either! Watch out for them – they’re evil!

    My husband works at a local nursery outdoors now, and I am taking care of a baby and doing housekeeping for minimum wage just to survive.

    I was looking for work several months ago, and called and spoke to a woman in Public Service because I was a civil servant before arriving here in 1978. This rude woman not only laughed when she told me that Bishop Neil Elis has imported Filipinos as “domestics” for his mansion on the lake, but if I couldn’t find work, “Why don’t you go back home?” Real nice don’t you think?

    Anything goes in this country it seems, cos in the UK her counterpart after saying the same to a Bahamian or Jamaican legally entitled to work there, would have been on the carpet!Bloody double standard. By the way, it took 11 yrs to get full status under the PLP administration. Neither party seems to be worth a damn.

    The bottom line is that after 30 yrs Bahamians and permanent residents here are STILL willing to put up with all the crap these double talking politicians dish out.

    I reckon it’s time to stand up and be counted, cos I predicted this recession 10 mths ago, and have even contacted the PM but was ignored of course. I managed to get to speak to his personal secretary, who pretty much “rolled me out” and told me I needed to be “more humble”. I expect she gets a big fat salary, and since she has never seen me in her life, has no right to “judge” me.`What would SHE know about humility?

    I am a good person, and now me and my hubby ( a wonderful hardworking guy who was an entrepeuner) have been forced to extend our mortgage another 6 yrs (2021) by greedy FINCO recently,(11 and 1/2% interest to start with in 1990) and bust our behinds till we are 70!!


  11. You all seem to be forgetting the most important issues. There are capable local folk available who want and NEED to work and WONT be sending their cash overseas.

    I’m married to a Bahamian and have lived here for 30 years. Got 3 grown sons all born in PMH. Got cancer almost 5 years ago and had to go to the US`with my husband to save my life (4 mths at our own expense)which left us heavily in debt and unemployed in our mid fifties. Don’t get me started about greedy banks here like FINCO, and their “cherry picking” either! Watch out for them – they’re evil!
    My husband works at a local nursery outdoors now, and I am taking care of a baby and doing housekeeping for minimum wage just to survive.

    I was looking for work several months ago, and called and spoke to a woman in Public Service because I was a civil servant before arriving here in 1978. This rude woman not only laughed when she told me that Bishop Neil Elis has imported Filipinos as “domestics” for his mansion on the lake, but if I couldn’t find work, “Why don’t you go back home?” Real nice don’t you think?

    Anything goes in this country it seems, cos in the UK her counterpart after saying the same to a Bahamian or Jamaican legally entitled to work there, would have been on the carpet!Bloody double standard. By the way, it took 11 yrs to get full status under PLP administration. Neither party seems to be worth a damn.

    The bottom line is that after 30 yrs bahamians and permanent residents here are STILL willing to put up with all the crap these double talking politicians dish out.

    I reckon it’s time to stand up and be counted, cos I predicted this recession 10 mths ago, and have even contacted the PM but was ignored of course. I managed to get to speak to his personal secretary, who pretty much “rolled me out” and told me I needed to be “more humble”. I expect she gets a big fat salary and has never seen me in her life, so she’s got no right to “judge” me.`What would SHE know about humility? I am a good person, and now me and my hubby ( a wonderful hardworking guy who was an entrepeuner) have been forced to extend our mortgage another 6 yrs (2021) by greedy FINCO recently,(11 and 1/2% interest to start with in 1990) and bust our behinds till we are 70!!


  12. If the Bahamas gov were to charge immigration fees not on a scale but on a moveable tax we would not have this problem. The fees should be reflective on the minimum salary for a post as set by the labour dept. A minimum fee should always stand.

    Is Chinese labour much better than that of their U.S. conterpart? NO! The payment for the worker are cheaper than Bahamian or US labour. That why the $2k airline ticket is paid for these workers and the willingness to do it is there.

    The gov. needs to monitor more closely the permits they are giving! Everyone is milking us…EXCEPT FOR US. We won’t pay our own people what we deserve! This applies to Haitian to Canadians to Americans.


  13. Drama, soon BP will be replacing you, Kim, Generalcrazy, me, and everyone else who write here with Haitians and Chinese. LOL..

  14. So in other words everyone is milking our economy.

    I say, “Round em up !! Roll em out !! Raw hide !!”

  15. The chinese workers at TG Glover are not specialist. The fact is they are cheap labour and willing to work hours that Bahamians will no, including holidays. Bahamians have trained these worker to do some of the jobs that they are now doing and have introduced them to our building techniques. We would pay a Haitian (papers or not) $40 to clean our yards before we pay the BAHAMIAN lanscape company $85 to do a good job. The same priciple applys here.

    Immigrations does not do field inspection in all cases and once the fees are paid the workers can work. Its only when they perform outside of what there papers say and it is clearly not the some scope, and found out is anything done.

    Truth..A Carpenter and Mason in The Bahamas is the same in China. This is not a highrise building and absolutely no special or different type of contruction is going on here.

    ALL the subcontractors are BAHAMIAN it is just the general workers that have been replaced by the Chinese! If you can get a gut to work whenever as opposed to a BAHAMIAN who has a family and wants his liesure time and works within the labour laws of the country then the expat looks attractive.

    Haitians send there income home to Haiti and these Chinese are doing the same.

  16. Take a drive by the Albany project and see why steel workers are having their permits renewed. Steel work is a specialist job. Not that Bahamians can’t be trained to be specialists in that field. In Canada, the first nation people (Indians) work on “high rises” because they have no fear of heights and can handle the steel beams with no problems. They moved from the far,cold climate where they made a living hunting and fishing and now as contract workers they are wanted all over the world for their expertise. Extremely well paid too. Kim: Bahamian contract workers in the States left a lot of their offspring behind. It is the way of the male of the species all over the world. We must teach our daughters to be vigilant because they are always the ones left with that burden in the end. We must teach our sons what their responsibility is in the matter too. While nature will take its course we must understand that in the end it is the child of such liasons that suffers.

  17. If something else was granted on their work permit they would raid that site by now. Immigration is trying to clean up the act. They came in as construction workers that is a fact.

  18. Hemibahama all I am trying to say that Bahamian do mix up with these people in that sort of way and some of them are left with babies. I am not blaming the foreigners, because like you said it takes 2.

  19. I am not disputing that fact. My cousin is in love with this man, she really believes one day, they will get married and be parents to their child. Personally, I would not get involved with these people.

  20. HemiBahama, the project was well on the way when the workers were brought in. Immigration grants work permits not political parties. They are usually granted for one year and in some case two and you must re-apply at the end of each year. It would be interesting to see what job discription is on their permits, this is information I don’t have.

  21. What i mean Kim is that they can not possibly have a baby without having relations with Bahamians or who ever. So if it is their intentions only way possible is if a Bahamian man or woman allow that to happen. Thats what i’m saying.

  22. Hemibahama The only person I know of that made a baby without the help of another person was the virgin Mary and she had help with that, the holy spirit had to implant the seed in her womb. I know today, some women are having Artificial insemination. This is the process by which sperm is placed into the reproductive tract of a female for the purpose of impregnating the female and doctors is have to help with that. I aint never see or hear about no one make a baby by themselves.

  23. Wow how long did the Plp grant there work permits for? My point is they are here legally. TG Glover contract was sign in 2006. Yeah Kim they is come over here and make baby but guess what takes 2 to make a baby.

  24. Hemibahamas, the expose at TG Glover has already been done. These are steel, workers etc., in other words regular construction workers. At the time, if you remember, there really was a shortage of construction workers in the country because of all the projects going on including the Atlantis Phase 3. Atlantis is now finished and the industry is basically at a stand still. I don’t know how all these foreign workers can still be justified.

  25. Drama King you hit name right on the head, these people is come over here and make baby for true. I have one cousin who mixed up with one of those Lebanese and now she is six months pregnant for him. She always had a thing for light skin guys with curly hair. I don’t know why she mixed up with him, because these people works all over the world on projects and they are not stable. The good thing about it, he still is call and e-mail her to see how she is doing and he normally ask about the baby. He was transferred to Dubai to work on the Palm, which is the sister Hotel to our Atlantis. He tells her over there is beautiful like the Bahamas, but he still prefer here. He has the hope of one returning to the Bahamas for good to with her and the baby. Drama, I just don’t know.

  26. I ran into a haitian Bahamian at the gas station who jumped ahead of a lady at the pump because she didnt move quickly enough then told her he didn’t buy his license. He is a king and women must know their place. A young man with an american accent. Looks like the chickens are coming home to roost after imprisonment and deportation from the US. This is only a sign of the times.

  27. How about just calling the Minister and reporting it? As we can see he is VERY active and a man of his word. He would have them weeded out in no time. He dont play.

  28. Kim I hear what you are saying also and you are correct. We have some shabby construction workers in this country who would go out their way to cheat Bahamians. Mr Wrinkle need to get a list of these crooked constructors and expose them too.

  29. Wow I was only trying to say that these people are here legally and are said to be specialists. We can argue all day about them knowing their jobs all we want but my point was that these workers are her legally and the school is a special needs school. If you are involved in the project and know that these people are fraud why people like yourself don’t help to expose them and the construction company for what they are doing. We can continue to complain about the government and what is going on in the country. Get a camera take photos give them to Bahamas press expose them. We can talk all we want but if we let Bahamians see what is going in the country then we force the powers to be to act.

  30. Kim,

    The contractors only worrying about how much money they keeping in their pockets. They dont care about nothing else. So they will hire the cheap labour from outside of the country.

    Remember the Indians with the Crystal Palace? Pass through Bain Town now and you will see some Indian teenagers and wonder what their heritage is….LOL…..Those Indians left a few babies here. So maybe the Koreans might do the same thing….and we wonder why we so mixed up.

  31. That is another point WOW! These people are brought to our country for their cheap labour, most of the time they do shabby work and then the Bahamians are called in to make the corrections. Many construction companies imports these workers from abroad because of their abilities to get things done quickly but without quality. We still have to pay Bahamians to go over it. There is nothing wrong with bringing in foreign specialists. When it comes to work that our people can do, let them do it. I agree it might take longer, but at least it will be done with quality one time.

  32. Hemibahama, I have some involvement with the TG Glover project and i am quite familiar with Mr. Hanna. Take my word when I say this about nothing more than cheap labour. Judging the amount of mistakes that have made, they ain’t no specialist.

  33. WOW! As long as John Marquis have been working for the Tribune, they should have people in place to replace him and perform his job with their eyes closed. They would be a fool, if they did not take advantage of his expertise, while he was there.

  34. Hemibahama,

    Dont forget, plenty “illegals” walking around with “work permits”.

    So you are saying this will be a school for the mentally challenged? That would be awesome.

  35. Drama if they was illegal I would say labour is cheap. But you have to fly them in and get a work permit for them feed and rent living spaces. Check with the ministry about this new school. You guys don’t watch the news. They been talking about T G being the model school for the Government going forward. This was a contract the PLP signed. Also i know that this will be a special needs school. IF they are illegal why immigration aint raid them yet they raiding everything else. My point is Bahamians cant build everything by themselves. Check the government homes.

  36. Ive read all these posts and I, too, ask the question, “Why is TG so important that SPECIALISTS have to be brought in to build it?”

    I believe the labour is cheap and thats why the Koreans were brought in.

  37. We don’t have any problem hiring Haitian to clean yards. Hard Heel gal every specialist dont wear suits and have drivers. They are specialist in their field. I was an expat in DC for a company and i had housing and car with living allowance. It dont happen only here in The Bahamas. As Bahamian we have to get trained in certain fields so that we can get the big jobs. I do agree there are some companies that will hire foreigner despite Bahamians that are qualified. No country can move forward with only hiring there citizen to build the country.

  38. Kim, you are right, I was not even thinking about the Americans and Canadians. To make it worse, they are brought in, paid fat cat salaries with all the perks and some of them have little respect for locals. Most of them recieve a salary, car, housing, school fees for their children, an an allowance for their spouse. No wonder they don’t want to leave.

    It will be interesting to see if Marquis replacement is a Bahamian, and if he is, how does the salary and perks compare.

  39. Media foreigners are slowly taking over this country, when Bahamians catch themselves it will be too late. The other day I was driving around checking out all the clothing business on East Street, I was shocked to find out how much of them were owned by Haitians. These were some prime locations. I have been trying to get on the main road for a while; it was not until recently that I was able to spot some places that are available. I guess it is because of the recession and the owners was forced to close their doors. Another thing I notice in these businesses run by Haitians, they were only hiring their own. That is why I have a problem with Bahamians hiring the illegal immigrant for cheap labor, leaving Bahamians unemployed because they don’t want to pay the minimum wages and national insurance.

  40. WOW! Most of those people from the Middle East head aren’t too good, especially the Lebanese. Majority of them have a serious temper. A lot of them used to be soldiers in their country. These people are used to fighting amongst themselves. Only the ones who have been here for a while and have become accustomed to our way of life are friendlier (I still dont trust them) and they would tell you that the Bahamas is a Paradise.

  41. i have seen this myself guinite pools (spellcheck) has nothing but foreign workers! immigration needs to look into this.

  42. Well Kim as I said, I, me, interviewed two on Milo Butler Highway last weekend and NONE of the two men could tell me what was the name of the road they were WORKING ON, much less TELL ME who is MILO BUTLER.



  43. Oh I am so happy someone mentioned John Marquis retiring. Now this is interesting, this was announced just weeks after Marquis was given his “RESIDENCE STATUS”. And Bahamas Press has been reliably informed that JOHN MARQUIS HAS MADE APPLICATION FOR CITIZENSHIP.


    Bahamas Press
    wishes THEM ALL NO GOOD, and would forever remind them that they are WUTLESS TRADERS of this country!


    Bahamas Press /Editor

  44. WOW! I don’t know anything about the one that are working at TG Glover. I am talking about the Lebanese and the Mexicans that are working on P. I. I have personally had the opportunity to question some of these people who know a little bit of English. They told me, “this is the best they ever had it, this is far better than their country.” I feel I understand the situation, because I gotten my facts straight from the horses mouth. They told me about some of the privileges that are available to them. I know some of them are provided with cell phone free of charge and they are even giving an allowance. What ever treatment these people are receiving over here, it is far better than their own country. The ones from Canada and the US are definitely treated as royalty.

  45. Kim, I agree with you people generalize Bahamians as lazy to justify bringing in foreigners and it is wrong. To make matters worse, when there is no qualified Bahamian available, they are allowed to bring in foreigners while training a Bahamian to take over upon completion. Ever heard of this happening? The Tribune would have us believe that after so many years, nobody is still capable from taking over from John Marquis? Come on that is B.S. . Now that he is retiring, are they bringing in another foreigner or are they finally hiring a Bahamian to do the job.

    On the flip side though, I can assure you that Chinese (or Koreans) at T.G. Glover are not being treated like royalty. I am very familiar with the situation, they almost had a near riot because the were being fed only rice. Hemibahama, you may have better info than me but I have heard directly from Mr. Hanna’s that they were Chinese.

  46. Those foreigner workers are getting the red carpet treatment when they come over here to work. They are provided with living accommodation, transportation is provided to drop then back and forth to the job site, which is why they are always present and never late.
    I am not sure if they do feed them as well. These people aren’t used this royal treatment in their own country. If I was then to I would work hard too so I could stay over here and enjoy the slackness.

    The Bahamian can’t want work if there is no work for them to do, because the foreigners are doing it. That is why the Bahamians are sitting on street corner getting involved with crime and drugs.

  47. Zeno, WOW! And hardhead gal Haitians, Jamaicans, Cubans, Mexican, Asian and every other Nationality know how to stick together. I don’t know why some Bahamians believes in pulling down one another, It is disturbing to hear your own talking crap about Bahamians don’t want to work and they don’t see nothing wrong with giving away our jobs to these foreigners. It is hard for me to believe that the people who are making these statements are actually Bahamians.

  48. The migrant workers in the picture do not appear to be specialists. If they were specialists, they should have on suits, driving a car or being escorted to the training room filled with Bahamian labourers.

  49. Matter of fact Zeno that school will be the model for Bahamian schools going forward. They are bringing in a special Steel roof for the Assembly and gym area and alot of other things. Zeno it is hard to keep some Bahamian construction workers on after the first pay check. You know what is hard for Countries like the Bahamas and the USA it is call TIME and completion. That is why we can not be a manufacturing town. If it takes 20minutes to make a shoe for example in place like USA and Bahamas that shoe will take 40minutes and time is money. That is why they send factories away to place like China. Not saying that we are lazy we just don’t understand the meaning of deadlines. Just check at some of the Schools we have place in Bahamian Contractors hands aint finish crack wall, some have been condemed. We cut corners to much to make an extra dollar

  50. Zeno, maybe they are immune to the “toxic substance” that contaminated the site and “infected” numerous Bahamian workers. Carl Bethel had to collect samples and send it off to the US to find out it was monkey tamarind.

  51. What is so special about TG that so many specialists are required? Is there some state of the art building or technology being used that local talent is incapable of performing?

  52. The majority of these foreigners are not specialists. Yes, their job descriptions say that they are but on the job they are actually doing work that ordinary Bahamians can do. We trash our own men but they are no less qualified than the foreigners but the opportunities are given to the construction companies who tend to hire many foreigners. There are many Bahamian men out there looking for work and until we start building up our own, we will always be inundated with foreigners.

  53. Media: You asked the question? How can foreign constuction workers…..? I attempted to answer that question not argue with you. My opinions are my own and are not meant to be the only answer.This has been a bone of contention for a long time and will continue to be so until we formalize a plan that allows for immigration of only those people we need and want in the country.

  54. Chinese workers are not building TG. The contractor is a Bahamian who brought in Korean Specialist. Hanna Construction. Man before we talk we can get information right from the Ministry of Works. The thing is we can not do everything and we need some help. Just like we have Bahamians working overseas and in the Caribbean. The problem is not that Bahamians dont want to work, it is work ethics and we know that.

  55. About 4 months ago I saw 2 Chinese building a wall in front of a vacant building on Crawford Street. Then just last month, I saw another group building a wall on the northern side of St. Barnabas on Wulff Rd.

    I am on surprised that the FNM allowed those Chinese to continue building T.G. Glover after all the noise they made over them working there while in opposition….Double talk. That’s what I called that..

  56. You aint see nothing yet. Come take Pictures in Freeport with them. Shipyard has 600 of them easy. Bus load of them. They keep Freeport economy going on the little that it has cuz only them is buy from the straw vendors and mom and pop shops…So Interesting

  57. Listen here KIM, we in The Bahamas accept too much foolish talk, too many times!

    I went to a family Island and I saw with my own two eyes workers from South American at the Bimini Bay Resort laying tile and PAINTING WALLS.

    And to this day this writer nor the people of that community, have yet hear a single word from OBIE WILCHCOME the MP for the area on behalf of the people of this country!



  58. This is nothing new for a longtime the government has allowed these foreigners workers to come to our country and take jobs from Bahamians. These people normally come here on contracts. They are brought in for their cheap labour. I agree that some of them are specialist, but many times they have regular carpenters and construction workers that come along with the whole packages deal that are doing jobs that Bahamians are willing to do. We can not say Bahamians are not willing to work, because I know of people in these fields who are being turned down everyday, while foreigners are benefiting from our country.

  59. This is a matter of principal. I know of an ELECTRICAL ENGINEER right here in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas whose small business was denied a contract over a foreign contractor. So don’t pass your fallacious point that young Bahamians don’t want to work.

    And who ever said where those Asian workers was coming from, UNLESS both you and HemiBahama are employing them. We never said whether they had work permits or not. Nor did we argue their skill. We simply said they are here (MANY WHO INITIALLY WERE ILLEGAL) and working whilst Bahamians are OUT_OF_WORK! How did that become an argument?

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  60. Hemibahama is in the know. He was correct to inform us of the truth of the matter. Now Media you can investigate the Milo B. highway workers and if any are without work permits bring it to the attention of immigration. But there is a deeper issue here. One, that if you read the PLP website, the contributors choose to ignore as do so many in this country. We tend to think that construction jobs are for unskilled labourers. Even if this were to be true, we would still have to bring some foreighers in to work. Why? Our young people do not want to do that kind of work. They prefer working in a bank or office or for the government where their jobs are safe and their hands don’t get dirty. Not only do
    Bahamian young persons not want construction jobs, they do not want to be trained for any job. They like what they consider “easy money”. If one sits or stands on the corner one can give a little of one thing or another without any real investment or work and get some ready cash. Yes, you may end up in jail but there is no longer any shame in that. Every youngster has a right to an education, but what are we teaching them. If you interview them you will discover that they can’t read. write or add up simple sums. No one has told them you must dress appropriately for an interview and put their best foot forward.These attitudes have been years in the making and everyone is equally to blame. One thing about the “foreigners” they are ready,able and willing to get their hands dirty.

  61. Well hemibahama that’s all well and good, but did we reserve our comments to ONLY THE SCHOOL?


  62. Hey i not taking about the milo butler highway I’m talking about the school. That highway thing has so many sub contractors anyone of them can have illegal workers. I know the ones from the school have work permits.

  63. Ok so the foreigners we interviewed on Milo Butler Highway, who could not tell us the Name of the road, are training Bahamians?

    Come on, that’s just laughable HemiBahama!


  64. Come on lets be fair. They are Specialty workers and there are a handful of them working on that site and training Bahamians. The have been here for some time now. Alot of Bahamians are working on that job site. We have to be honest there are something that we need help to build.

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