Bamboo Shack workers plea for help and comes to BP


Dear Editor,

We write on behalf of the hardworking employees of Bamboo Shack, who have been enduring unfear work practices by this company. Cashiers of this company are suffering because of ill practices; namely, at the end of the shift the cashier puts all the money in a bag, and this bag is given to the manager and counted later outside of the cashiers presence.

Constanly cashiers have been told that they are short and these monies are taken out of their pay. We are grieved because a dishonest manager could take money out the bag and put the blame on the cashier. This is not fair and has been happening in this company.

Employees have also been threaten that if they seek to be unionized, they would just shut the company down before that is allowed to happen. It is the same when invetory misteriously goes missing and every employee at a particular store is made to share the bill.

This is a modern society and these practices can not continue. We would like your help in fighting for the cause to get justice and fear play for these workers.


  1. Today, I decided to give Bamboo Shack on Blue Hill Road the benefit of a doubt, so I called my brother and asked him if he could bring me and some of the girls who work along with me some lunch from there. I must admit we were really impressed. It tasted very clean and nobody felt sick afterwards. I don’t know if the comments I made earlier on this blog had anything to do with it, but I now notice the improvement since the last time I tried it. He even informed me that the staff was very professional and courteous, telling everyone to enjoy their day. I just want to encourage them to keep up the good work.

  2. I rember many years ago I worked at a gas station. I was before you were required to pay before you pump. Every day the attendants were short by huge amounts. We were all locked in the station and was severly questioned by the manager as to the large amounts of shortages. We were always threatened that the Police was going to be called in. We were intimadeted by the manager and was made to sign a deduction from our next paycheck to cover the amount. we were horrified. It was not until a few months later the owners had uncovered large amounts of stealing (bulks of gasoline, products,equiptment etc.)from the company by the manager. It was later discovered that we the pump attendants were financing the manager’s Cocaine and alcoholic problem. Oh by the was the manager was charged for stealing by reason of employment and receiving. He did a couple of years at Fox Hill Prison.

  3. freeport :wat eva ya name is (MS BAMBOO SHACK HATER) you need ta go ta da doctor an tell him wat u give den two couples da mak da husband dead but da leave da wife living u knw wat u do ta him first off da cravin you have fa bamboo is because your out of ya job you really need ta sit dwn an stp hatin cause ya opinoin dnt matter dnt hate them players hate da game an das one you wud neva play da owner is a gud person god sen in those young men an women life’s an i knw fa sure those employees are happy wit their job so kiss bamboo shack employees(ASS)

    I hope ya see how nasty some of those people are who work for Bamboo Shack.

  4. @ Pattycake

    I believe it happens, I worked at a Fast Food Franchise before back in 1998 and I had a supervisor that did this to me lots of times.This shortage only occured when she handled my money, it never happened with the other supervisors. The only reason I stayed was because I needed the job and prayed about the situation. I spoke to the head supervisor and asked her why this happened to me so much.

    Come to find out I was not the only person coming up short with this supervisor. Later down it was evident that she was stealing because the shortage was happening to me and other cashiers to often. She later got fired and the issue was gone.
    I believe that it is not really to get at the company itself but maybe their might be a manager with sticky fingers causing the company look bad. Remember people need their jobs nowadays and they will take a whole lot of crap to keep it. When you stand up for your rights on these jobs today you are out the door.

  5. I deal with cash everyday. Here is how we work at my office.
    1. Check the float with a superior every morning.
    2. Have drops throughout the shift to ensure that too much money isn’t in the till. Get signature of amount dropped by superior and self.
    3. Always keep receipts or an account for daily transactions. (Mine is recorded on the computer and also I print out my daily transactions at the end of the day. 1 for me, 1 for management and 1 to file). In a case like Bamboo they would write a receipt which should have a carbon copy.
    4. End of the day, all transaction is counted and the float is seperated from the amount made. This is done by myself and also my superior. Then signed.
    5. The float is signed for the next day by myself and superior.

    Trust me if my superior comes up with this crap you are facing I would
    try it for a while and the minute they talk fool then I would know what to do next. No I won’t steal from them but I would quit. Because ain’t no way you will count the money I make and then tell me I short. Hell NO!

  6. Information posted on this website regarding Bamboo Shack was totally ridiculous. What a “COWARDLY MOVE” on behalf of that disgruntle employee. Why hide behind a screen? Because you know there are no consequences to what is wrtitten on this website. if it is true, why not confront the company or person concerned? Does this website “fact check” before information is posted? It’s totally unfair and down right dishonest to a company or person if this website does not investigate accusations or information posted!!!

  7. Bamboo Shack is one of the cleanest fast food eatery on this island. The service is A-1 and quality of the food is simply delicious. The owner belives in cleanliness and I know that for a FACT!!!! So you player haters go to HELL!!!!!!

  8. *Information posted on this website regarding Bamboo Shack was totally ridiculous. What a “COWARDLY MOVE” on behalf of that disgruntle employee. Why hide behind a screen? Because you know there are no consequences to what is written on this website. If it is true, why not confront the company or person concerned. Does this website “fact check” before information is posted? It’s totally unfair and down right dishonest to a company or person if this website does not investigate accusations or information posted!!!!!!

  9. Information posted on this website regarding Bamboo Shack was totally ridculous. What a “COWARDLY MOVE” on behalf of that disgruntle employee. Why hide behind a screen? Because you know there are consequences to what is written on this website. If it is true, why not confront the company or person concerned. Does this website “fact check” before information is posted? It’s totally unfair and down right dishonest to a company or person if this website does not investigate accusations or information posted!!!!!!

  10. wat eva ya name is (MS BAMBOO SHACK HATER) you need ta go ta da doctor an tell him wat u give den two couples da mak da husband dead but da leave da wife living u knw wat u do ta him first off da cravin you have fa bamboo is because your out of ya job you really need ta sit dwn an stp hatin cause ya opinoin dnt matter dnt hate them players hate da game an das one you wud neva play da owner is a gud person god sen in those young men an women life’s an i knw fa sure those employees are happy wit their job so kiss bamboo shack employees(ASS)


  12. All I have to say right now, if those lazy health inspectors were doing their job properly, Bamboo Shack would not get away with the foolishness they have been allowed to get away with. I am not sure if person(s) coming on here trying to protect Bamboo Shack reputation are not the owner(s) or persons from their management team, but if they were truthful they would let us know how many meals are returned to them on a daily basis or how many people they have made sick on a daily basis, because they did not take the time to make sure the meals were prepared properly before giving it out to the public. Instead of taking offense and coming on here lying like everything is in order at Bamboo Shack, you should be consideration on how to be consistence and improve the quality off your food and service. Also, you should thank God that you are a Bahamian company and most Bahamians would not sue you and they would just throw the meal in the dump, because if you were in the US you would stay in court. I am sorry if you feel that I am trying to attack your business, but I am talking from past experiences. Nobody wants to see Bamboo Shack closes its door, because it provides employment for so many people, which is good. You just need to make some improvement, so whenever I have one of those Bamboo Shack craving (which is very, very, very rare these days) I don’t have to worry about getting sick.

  13. please keep doing what you are doing because your company stands above the rest dont mine the noise in the market we loved Bamboo 20yrs ago and we will love it even more because you are a inspiration to woman and single mothers all over the bahamas. I think your managers do an excellent job it shows in the amount of years, you have being open, it also shows in the amount of customers you have gain in the past years. God bless your organization.

  14. i am proud to be apart of this great organization {BAMBOO SHACK} i have worked for this company for the past 8yrs. Our CEO is a woman that every employee respects, and LOVE because of her BIIG heart that she shares with everyone and i mine everyone she is always concern about our kids and our health. Our boss is a angel that God give to us we are sooooo bless to have her in our lives. If u really want to know how the employees are being treated just go throw step street, and that is just a small portion of her appreciation to her hard working employees. If we were being treated unfairly why do we employees who have being with the company for 20,18,15,10yrs and so on. We are going throw a hard time in the country and in the world you hard about kfc, wendy,s etc laying off there employees, but BAMBOO have not stop hiring this sept, we hire some 10 persons we should be praising this company instead of trying to bring it down. I have news for you “whom God bless is well bless” also “no weapon form against Bamboo Shack will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.” We will stand together and we will pray that God bless you and forgive you we forgive and hope to see u soon.

  15. I think the problems at bamboo shack are evident in many small businesses in this country today…..for years the employees got away with many forms of slackless and was never held accountable for their actions. Then the owners recognized that if the company is to survive well in the future some dratic measures must be implimented. For some employees the transition from doing wrong for so long to now having to do it right is a scary scenorio. I feel that this is the case here with these employees.

  16. I am amaze by the tactics ’employed’ for Public sympathy for these Cashiers at Bamboo Shack.
    Its sooo ironic how conveinant proper procedures and the need to adhere to them arise especially when it can be seem to infringe on an employee’s rights.
    I wonder what measure of committment the staff have to following established procedures in the course of their daily duties? I doubt much since soo many are seen chewing Gum and talking to customers, Scratching their heads and handling Food and Money,ignoring customers to finish off that ever so important conversation with a co-worker.
    Bamboo Shack, like many other retail business have to control its assets with whatever procedure the deem necessary to protect them even if they have to employ what is called a BLIND DROP.
    Stop Complainin and start workin.

  17. Cashier’s should have a procedure in which the money is verified before they turn it over to anyone. Thay can get sued for takingmoney out of a person’s pay without authorisation.

    as far as the shared responsibility in inventory loss, i like this because it puts the accountability on everyone so those who are not stealing have a responsibility to do everything tostop the ones who are. Howeer again this must be a clear, verifiable and documented procedure. No one has the authority to take any money out of a persons salary without their authority. that is stealing.

  18. I wrong is wrong and right is right count the money in front of ALL THE STAFF .Even If u only count the money in front of the staff who collect ITS THATS STAFF TIPS REV BETHEL WHERE ARE U .GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT IS THERE IT CAUSE STAFF TO BE MORE FRIENDLY.

  19. If there are irregular business practices taking place then corrective best practices must be put in place.Hopefully someone from the Bamboo shack will respond and let us know what are their procedures as it relates to the situation as outlined.Any business must ensure that rtespoinse to any allegation is in their best interest.I eagerly await a response.

  20. I have a cousin that works at Bamboo Shack, she is quite happy there. In fact she brags about the good treatment they receive and the relation ship they have with top management. If the cashiers have a concern they should contact managemant and voice their concerns.

    I have experience the good service and food and witness the generosity to this country by this company.

    Its a shame when we as Bahamains cannot uplift but try to destroy each other in business.

  21. There are standard best practices employed by every legitmate business in retail that seeks to protect the company, its employees and the assets.

    1. The cashier’s float should be counted out and verified in the presence of the cashier.

    2. The balance of the monies from that cashier’s till should then be counted and verified.

    3. Both figures should be signed off on, dated and time logged on the deposit bag and float bag.

    Reports can be ran at a later date which determine what was earned on the cashier’s shift and checked against the actual counts.

    If this procedure is followed it minimizes any party from attempting to be dishonest and in cases where they are it’s far easier to trace who did what though no protocol is bulletproof. In the system that exists today, anything goes but only one party is being held accountable.

    Of course we are all proud when we see a Bahamian owned and operated franchise succeed at such levels but I implore them if this report is indeed true that they align themselves with standard business practices.

  22. What fuss? I was just stating my opinion. In my eyes Bamboo shack is plain and simple nasty, especially the one on Blue Hill Road. I even know of a couple who had to be rushed to the hospital after eating it, I am sorry to say the husband did not make it. They tried to say he had other medical conditions that may have contributed to his death, but tell me why the wife had to be hospitalized as well? One would think after that incident they would try to do better when it comes to preparing food for public consumption, but in my opinion it has gotten worse. I would support anything that is Bahamian, but I will not support nastiness. I really hope that management read what I have to say on here and get their act together.

  23. i don’t see what all the fuss is about. I always buy my food from Bamboo shack and i do not see a drop in the quality of the food;i know that i have seen an improvement in the quality of service. As far as cashiers are concerned, i purchased my food an did not get a receipt before at one of the locations. So if it happened to me i am sure it happened to others as well. Another thing, i have almost lost my business because of my inventory going missing. No inventory mysteriously goes missing; someone steals it. I am proud to know that Bamboo Shack is a bahamian company competing locally with muli million dollar american franchises lets stop trying to destroy it.

  24. No wonder why the quality in their food has dropped tremendously. I say, those girls seems to be working under a great deal of pressure or just don’t care anymore and I don’t only mean the cashiers, I mean the cooks as well. You would never catch me going there of my own accord, if you ever see me on a Bamboo Shack line somebody probably asked me to go there for them. I am a woman who know about cooking and I know how food suppose to taste and I don’t believe in sitting down cleaning no chicken while I eating it. The other day my brother thought he should surprise me and brought me lunch from there, I only ate the fried of the plate and when I took one bite of the chicken, I had to end up throwing the rest of the meal in the dump. That chicken didn’t taste like they cleaned it to me. What I can’t get is, whenever I pass Bamboo Shack they always have a line wrapped around the building, them people who is be out there must be can’t cook or they must be don’t have any taste buds. Bamboo Shack is still making their monies regardless to their bad tasting food. I don’t see why they have to be robbing those poor cashiers like that, who more than likely has kids to feed. It’s a disgrace. They need to realize when you have unsatisfied employees, you will receive unsatisfactory work performance. That is just the sad reality, so try and keep your employees happy, so they will be encourage to put out their best.

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