LtR. Peter Goudie. Edison Sumner. Kendrick Knowles BTC. Sherrell Storr

Nassau, The Bahamas. June 20, 2017. BTC has teamed up with The Bahamas Chamber Institute, the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the Caribbean Employees Confederation (CEC) to provide a free “Business Continuity & Disaster Management” seminar.

The organizations designed the workshop to help corporate customers retain their information and communications systems in the aftermath of a hurricane. BTC has organized the panel of experts scheduled to speak at the seminar. The discussion will cover topics from Mobile Security to Business Continuity and Moving Forward after natural disasters.

BTC’s Business Senior Manager Kendrick Knowles said, “Hurricanes are presently travelling in our neighborhood, and The Bahamas is sometimes known as “Hurricane Alley”. Fortunately, BTC has a network that’s hurricane proof. We’ve been able to show after Hurricane Matthew that our network was able to withstand all the forces that came our way. This workshop was designed to place the necessary information you need to remain connected during this hurricane season in your hands.”

Bahamas Chamber of Commerce CEO Edison Sumner advised all business owners that are serious about the health and sustainability of their company to sacrifice a day to attend the workshop. He added, “When we came out of the last hurricane, we learned some valuable lessons. We found that many businesses had no contingency plan, and were unable to produce adequate records for their losses. You are going to be exposed to information that you otherwise would not have access to. The Chamber of Commerce along with BTC is making this information available to you.”

Chamber Institute’s Executive Director Sherrell Storr advised companies that may already have Risk Management/Disaster plans to still make an effort to attend. She asked, “Is your disaster plan strong enough to withstand any form of disaster? Will it enable you to bounce back immediately? Sometimes even having a plan is not sufficient. Get the expert advice, get the guidance, and ensure that your business is ready.”

Rebuild Bahamas Representative Peter Goudie reflected on the experience on Long Island with Hurricane Joaquin. He added, “We experienced what can happen when we get a direct hit. It was heartbreaking to see how many businesses would not be ready to open up again. It is so important to be prepared. We learned our lesson with Joaquin and Matthew late last year. This is a huge opportunity to get prepared, and save your business’ life.”

The conversation will also focus on moving forward after natural disasters like floods and fires. Business owners can register by calling the Chamber of Commerce at 322-2145, or emailing The “Business Continuity & Disaster Management” seminar will take place 9am on Friday June 23rd at the British Colonial Hilton Hotel.