Please enjoy these highlights from Thursday’s Voter Registration Drive. Before the march to the Parliamentary Registrar’s office, PLP Deputy Leader Philip “Brave” Davis explained why it is important for people to register early.
PLP Leader Perry Christie also responded to the comments from the Prime Minister, branding Mr. Ingraham’s comments asinine.
BP I am just wondering if the PLP is elected would you be critical to them if they are not on track like you do the FNM. You guys started out with a big bang putting both feet to the fire but now somehow it feels like you have turned biased(PLP), just a thought.
Go to the records of BP. Type “Christie Bahamas Press” and or “PLP Bahamas Press” and there are clear examples of our commentary. Bahamas Press reports, you could decide.
Bahamas Press/Editor
perry yea ,brave yea,bradley?he will never sit in that house of assembly again slime ball.perry and brave two good guys they just need to get rid of the freeloaders i see around them who dont mean the party no good only what they could get….
Do you really think that the political parties in this country have the welfare of the Bahamians at heart? Are we going to hear more about corruption that none of them want to touch when they are able to? Is this going to be just another big showoff full of promises and no action? It’s time that we say enough is enough but Bahamians never learn
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